From what I can tell from most Aikido, emphasis is about going with the flow and as a result no one resists. Which doesn't help when they have to find the flow of a resisting opponent.
Agree in principle, though it might be more a case of incomplete training or not having access to those of true ability.
Some thoughts on "resisting opponents":
My background is in Taiji, have interacted with Aikido practitioners long ago.
Depending on the teacher, Taiji might be perceived differently by those observing from the outside. The term 'resisting opponent' is often used to describe perceived shortcomings in training, as observers might wonder why students react the way they do, rather than resisting or countering.
Something that often makes me smile, remembering my teacher's voice saying, 'use all your power.' What he really meant was to use your 'ę' Yi (intent). Until a student understands "intent" a teacher may ask them to use all their force or resist, as a way to demonstrate principles before the student can grasp the subtler aspects of "intent".
Once "intent" is understood, students tend to use less physical force, reacting to the 'intent' directly and understanding what happens when they don't.
Yes, this is not "fighting" in the sense most teachers do not want to damage a student intentully.
It is a way to decondition a person from instinctive reactions...
In most cases, teachers temper their use of ' intent' to match the student's level, allowing the student to experience the principles without getting hurt. This continues until the student develops the skill to handle stronger applications safely.
In Aikido, this is called ukemi (åćčŗ«), the ability to receive force.
In Taiji, it is Hua Jin (åå²), the ability to neutralize force.
Both arts have levels of mastery, true masters are rare.
When encountered, their profound understanding and skill set them apart.
Coming from the other spectrum, I can appreciate these observations,
sharing my own thoughts and experiences, having gone through the process myself.