The Resurgence of Traditional Martial Arts in Modern Mixed Martial Arts

I worked here right before I left Baltimore. I'm glad I only had to stay for 6 months. As bad as this is. Listen to the calm of how they speak about it.
I'm on board with this to a good extent. Personal experience has shown me I have better skills at preventing someone from beating my a$$ than beating the other person. This is fine with me at this point in life. But when you're younger it's not as good for your social standing lol.
We were all young once. When I was young, I didn't think this way.
This is one strategy that's good against a less skilled or poorly conditioned opponent.
If playing 100% defense, your opponent can still beat you up, what's the chance that your opponent won't beat you up when you don't play 100% defense?

I got this idea from my senior SC brother. My senior SC brother made a public claim that if anybody could take him down just once, he would give that person a black belt. Until he passed away, nobody could get BB from him that way.

IMO, if you concentrate 100% in defense, your defense should be strong.
I have defined "fighter" in my post. A fighter is someone who has win/lose tournament record. If you already have fun in your tournament fight, you don't need to look for fun in street fight. If nobody looks for street fight, our world will be a peaceful and lovely place to live.

You can always tell your street fight opponent, if he wants to fight you, he can meet you in the next tournament.

We seem to be talking about something different.

"Harry" Ng Yim Ming, a renowned Tibetan Hop Gar kung fu master, was tragically killed during a gang conflict in San Francisco in the 1960s or early 70s "

My family told me the man who shot my grandfather was just a child

shot by a 14yr old boy....

If one chooses or is forced to fight,,,might be wise to understand what the end point is..
There may not be an "end point" no winner or loser...only a survivor and not.
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We seem to be talking about something different.

"Harry" Ng Yim Ming, a renowned Tibetan Hop Gar kung fu master, was tragically killed during a gang conflict in San Francisco in the 1960s or early 70s "

My family told me the man who shot my grandfather was just a child

shot by a 14yr old boy....

If one chooses or is forced to fight,,,might be wise to understand what the end point is..
There may not be an "end point" no winner or loser...only a survivor and not.
Brendan Lai told me this story. The SF Chinese gang looked for a MA teacher. They stopped by Brendan Lai first. Brendan turned them down. They then went to an eagle claw instructor. The eagle claw guy also turned down that offer. Finally, someone took that offer (as you have said a Hong Gar instructor). One day a boy knocked on that MA instructor's door. The MA instructor open the door. The boy shot him. This could happen to anybody. There was no fight at all.
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I'm not sure it can be called biased when what you say is based on reality. People can be cruel and often are. Sorry you had to experience violence up close like that.

Location. is always going to be a factor. But it's good that "you made it out."
Biased, because I think I know a thing based on one persons experience, which equals exactly nothing beyond anecdote.
The old adage "the goal of the martial arts is in the not using of the martial arts".

Ego is enormously prevalent in UFC. Pride comes before the fall.
The Fall? As in, no longer a Spring chicken? The UFC prefight press thingy is not quite as good as the real housewives of wherever, but nevertheless bears a striking resemblance. My favorite wrestler of old was always Ric Flair! Style and Profile!
A few thoughts on this:

When you defeat the opponent's spirit you've won the fight.

A kick takes more energy than a block. A punch takes more energy than evading it. Of course, a timely counter is a good investment of energy whenever the opportunity presents itself. This is one strategy that's good against a less skilled or poorly conditioned opponent. Getting into a brawl with punches flying on both sides allows a door for bad luck to enter. Discipline and efficiency are potent weapons.

Matsumura is said to have told a defeated foe, "You were determined to win while I was determined not to lose." This lesson was passed on to Itosu who, in turn, passed it down to Funakoshi. For these acknowledged masters to embrace this strategy, there is perhaps some wisdom here.
As a last resort, I tickled a guy that was trying to start a fight. My absolute best fight ever. Nobody got hurt. His friends laughed, he laughed, I laughed. I even said Coochie coochie coo or some such. We had drinks after.
Biased, because I think I know a thing based on one persons experience, which equals exactly nothing beyond anecdote.
Experience still counts. Stuff adds up. The best thing about listening to life experiences is that it creates a pattern. It's that pattern that matters the most, but it can't exist without input from others.

The things you say about the street and fighting are things I've heard all my life from people with "street experience" That collection of information becomes reliable and helps me to avoid mistakes and dangers. It is what it is and experiences count. The prisons are full of people who thought others were being biased. Had they noticed that pattern, they may have been able to avoid prison.

Just keep in mind that it's not biased if other people warn of the same things even though their experiences are different.
The UFC is useful in determining who is the best at UFC fighting, under UFC rules. That's about it.
No, that's just not true, and I was forced to thumbs down that whole post.

"Pocket sand"? What is that.

UFC, being the most commercial form of MMA, is the best testing ground for empty hand martial arts in the world.

And there is no best testing ground for weapon arts nowadays, because it's 2025. I know some people will disagree with that, for instance throw up HEMA, Dog Brothers etc. but those are really hobbyists who have enough extra time to flock together in backyards etc and pretend they are in the Middle Ages.

Call me old and boring if you want, but I'll say it again, most of those people would be crying uncle in a basic Judo, BJJ, wrestling, or boxing run, let alone an MMA gym.
They're typically employed by government agencies, military, or as private contractors. And they don't talk a lot about their experiences publicly.
This is also just untrue.

There is nothing secret in martial arts. Anybody claiming they know "the real" martial arts are typically snake oil salesmen.
The old adage "the goal of the martial arts is in the not using of the martial arts".

Ego is enormously prevalent in UFC. Pride comes before the fall.
I beg to differ.

Ego is enormously prevalent everywhere in martial arts, and especially web forums.

What is your MMA background? Do you have much?
I think the fact that a lot of MMA guys get into bloody fights in public in the first place is telling. Does violence find them, or is it the other way around
This is yet another unfounded claim with no evidence.

I'm beginning to notice a trend in this thread. The people with relatively no MMA experience are pushing the agenda that TMA is actually superior, and to do that they are using a lot of unsubstantiated rhetoric, ancient history, anecdotes, etc.

It's one thing to defend the bona fides of a TMA with some sort of legacy. It's a whole other to dump on MMA or any of its commercial or amateur sporting venues.

The truth is LARPing is strong with the TMA crowd and always has been. And that really does a disservice to the TMA crowd that doesn't LARP.
How would one know if a person is untrained or not?
In the street, consider all equal...
Never know who has a CCW. "concealed carry" or not.

Why it's better not to engage with a person if possible.

Many examples of those "trained" not able to "back off" feeling they can handle it.
What does "handling it" mean ?

What does being "fighter" mean ?


"ruthlessness (残)
In eliminating the weeds, one has to do a conscientious job in fulfilling his duty. In shooting a tiger one must kill it. If weeds were not cleared (properly) they would revive. If a tiger is (only) wounded, it could bite back. Therefore, (no matter) in fighting an elephant or a hare, a lion would use its full strength."

Some CMA styles, like certain military training programs, cultivate a mindset that may not always translate well outside the ring or in civilian life. To me, "fighting" means either causing harm to someone or preventing them from harming me.

Of course, in professions where such encounters are expected, the emphasis often shifts to restraint rather than harm.
MMA involves both harming other people, and restraining them.

Are we really going down the path here that UFC/MMA isn't "real fighting"? That's ludicrous.

I'm really struggling with the TMA defenders in this thread who are dumping on ruleset based combatants, as if they are superior. That's like pretending UFC never happened.

Sorry guys, basic BJJ will smoke most of the TMA crowd and we have ample video evidence. And BJJ is heavily influenced by Japanese and other TMA, so I'm starting to recognize this ouroboros discussion for what it is.

A thread for claiming TMA > MMA. Yeah sorry, no, and if you want to keep playing that fantast, feel free. There are many local LARP groups you can join to indulge yourselves, the rest of us are rolling on mats, and around the cage and ring, and going home with bruises. And some of us also train TMA.
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MMA involves both harming other people, and restraining them.
With consenting adults, both presumably possessing matched skill sets, their goal to "win"
provides entertainment for the audience, generates revenue for event organizers.

Or is there another purpose?

There are many local LARP groups you can join to indulge yourselves, the rest of us are rolling on mats, and around the cage and ring, and going home with bruises. And some of us also train TMA.


Of course there is no guarantee, that one will be able to go home, after training.
Unfortunately, some don't make it through it.
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MMA involves both harming other people, and restraining them.

Are we really going down the path here that UFC/MMA isn't "real fighting"? That's ludicrous.

I'm really struggling with the TMA defenders in this thread who are dumping on ruleset based combatants, as if they are superior. That's like pretending UFC never happened.

Sorry guys, basic BJJ will smoke most of the TMA crowd and we have ample video evidence. And BJJ is heavily influenced by Japanese and other TMA, so I'm starting to recognize this ouroboros discussion for what it is.

A thread for claiming TMA > MMA. Yeah sorry, no, and if you want to keep playing that fantast, feel free. There are many local LARP groups you can join to indulge yourselves, the rest of us are rolling on mats, and around the cage and ring, and going home with bruises. And some of us also train TMA.
Well, you don't see a lot of evidence of TMA guys beating MMA guys cause we're like honey badgers. Like the 20lb honey badger kills a 600lb lion, TMA guys dart in real quick, rip the other guys nuts off then escape while our victim bleeds to death. Then the whole thing has to be covered up so no one knows just how deadly we really are😁

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