The Resurgence of Traditional Martial Arts in Modern Mixed Martial Arts

I know you are trying to be funny, but there are plenty of people who compete and spar well past their 50s.

You still seem to be arguing that TMA is some route to immortality, and that more modern frameworks like MMA are some sort of limiting factor.

If you don't want to spar with "20 something hard chargers", are you really still doing TMA? Or just going through the motions. My point is that making age a factor doesn't really apply, plenty of those 70-80 year old TMA people never could fight. I'm sure some could, but those would only be the ones who competed or at least sparred a lot.

Again, the argument that sparring or competing (professionally or internally in a school) is somehow anathema to long term practice? That's a very negative viewpoint IMHO.
Nah you got me wrong. I’m generalizing, like some of the mma crowd here does. Re read my first line, sparring is important. Yes, trying to keep it light by joking. I did sparring, boxing and JJJ were my first martial arts. I did fighting, it was not even a choice for me, it was do it, or take two beatings. I bounced in a punk rock club for 3 years every weekend night. I have had too many concussions, and CTE is a real thing for me. My whole point is this; THERE IS A DIMINISHING RETURN on sparring hard long term or fighting full tilt in a ring. You can do it, you should do it, you won’t have real skills without doing it, these are truths I don’t have any arguments against. Do you need to do it after 30 years of doing it? Should you keep doing it when you know you have had several concussions or CTE already? Should kids be doing that? If I did it for 30 years will I somehow lose all my skills by not doing it anymore? Those are questions each person has to answer for themselves.
For me, it depends, if there is something specific to work on that I feel i need to try out then I might do it. Im well aware of what fighting for real is, but either way a concussion or serious injury is not something I can easily afford these days. I don’t like generalization, not all TMA, nor MMA for that matter is the same. Black and white statements don’t apply to this discussion. We can only really compare individual training practices since I’m certain that none of us train exactly the same as any other. Even then, each individual may respond to the training differently. There is no purity in the discussion, MMA is literally a mix of martial arts, that recipe varies from individual to individual. TMA is the foundation of all of it. Often, there might be the temptation to throw the baby out with the bath water because of the rush for the most expedient way to get good enough to ring fight competitively. That’s fine, we all have our reasons to train, there is room for all of us. I think it’s important to look at it holistically, it’s a long life and I’m assuming we all want to do it into old age without dribbling spit and forgetting our own names. Just my one cent, I can’t remember what I did with the other one. :rolleyes:
This is my basic point. It's the whole Pink Unicorn theory. "It's there, YOU just can't see it!"

UFC and MMA is one place you can find TMA people with at least basic fighting skills. The converse is not necessarily true; there is an imbalance.

And modern schools are often harangued by TMA schools that claim to be better or even equivalent but produce no comparable fighters.

And then the argument gets turned to "well define fighting". Fighting is pretty obvious to anyone who watches a combat sport match. Two people locking horns.
Those TMA people with at least basic fight knowledge came from where? TMA? So, at least some TMA is real?
I am a TMA guy, trained a few different styles, dabbled in some non-TMA styles, but about 30 years ago (yes I'm old) in TMA I was part of a multi-style sparing group, great learning experience. Also no protective gear (yes you got hurt from time to time). But I am of the belief that if all you do is spar within your style, you could very likely have an issue sparing outside of your style.

Also about 30 years ago my shifu was looking for ways for us to spar more outside of our styles, He set up a sparing meet between our CMA school and a TKD school. We got there and the teacher of the TKD school gave us a whole lot of rules to follow. At that point I bowed out and told him I will not be sparing, he asked me why and I told him that I come in here trained in Chinese martial arts and I have learned how to spar with Chinese martial arts, and now you want me to be a TKD guy. And half the things I would do, you just told me can't" Heck it ever limited what i could do with respect to my TKD training years before

The Wing Chun school I am currently in actually does have sparing, as far as I know, it is the only one in my area that does. It is a Wing Chun school, the teacher is in a lineage, and was given permission from his teacher to teach, but it is not 100% Wing Chun, the teacher has a very strong Hung Gar background and it appears in his Wing Chun. And he has made changes to some things, also with the aproval of his Wing Chun teacher.

Many styles that depend only on form, at least in CMA, are performance styles. Even if you go to China and train Shaolin long fist, it is very likely will only be form. But many of those schools are now training Sand/Sanshou. This is not how it use to be, but training was harder in the old days. I personally have seen a lot of changes in Traditional martial arts in the last 53 years. Heck when I started as a kid, there were no pads, no head gear, no talk of a mouth guard and no mats, and it was a Japanese Jiujitsu school. And we spared every single class. My TKD school in the mid 70s has sparing, joint locks, in close fighting and takedowns. When the olympics took TKD in students asked my teacher for protective gear....his initial response was laughing and saying there is no protective gear in a fight. There always were drills, and/or forms, and sparing. But I will admit that has changed over the years. My first CMA school had sparing, see multi-style sparing group, but much of his sparing and applications, outside of that group, was sanshou. Although, surprisingly, in his Baguazhang he taught Baguazhang applications. And lastly, one of my Xingyiquan teachers, also had sparing. I once spared my teacher in that school. While sparing he said to me, "It is not sparing unless I get hit", so I hit him, twice, which then produced one of the coolest beatings I ever took, learned a lot that day too....

But admittedly these days I do believe this is seen less and less in TMA
This jives with my experience. It’s gone from rough to soft and now is going back to rough, which I like, to, and with a point.
Your assumption is that MA skill will only work against its own style unless it is publicly tested against others. So you lump all these arts together even though you have no evidence to support this and then say there is no evidence to support that it works. This is like chasing your tail and blaming it for running away.
I took a math course "category theory" in school. There was no homework, no middle or final exam. Everybody in that class got A. Even today, I still didn't know how much I had learned in that class.

Without sparring against a boxer, one won't know where his punching skill is. Without wrestling against a wrestler, one won't know where his wrestling skill is.

Back in 1975, I test my punching skill in golden glove boxing once. In the ring, I felt I was dealing with animal and not dealing with human being. From that testing, I then understood in fighting, only a knocked down opponent is a good opponent. If my opponent is standing, he can knock me down.
Trial and error is kind of the scientific method anyway. Just with a few extra controls to make the experiment standard.

The issue is that it doesn't have to be a perfect science experiment to be better than demonstrations and stories.

And yes MMA still looks like traditional martial arts.
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What MMA doesn't look like is the much more modern systems of theoretical martial arts.
Modern martial arts has waaay better uniforms.
Trial and error is kind of the scientific method anyway. Just with a few extra controls to make the experiment standard.

The issue is that it doesn't have to be a perfect science experiment to be better than demonstrations and stories.

And yes MMA still looks like traditional martial arts.
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What MMA doesn't look like is the much more modern systems of theoretical martial arts.
Kind of like the scientific method is like kind of pregnant.

My point being, trying to use the “scientific method” to show MMA is better, is meaningless, since it is trial and error

As for looks similar, all i have to say is…. Thank God you wear clothes now and don’t do MMA naked.
If you don't want to spar with "20 something hard chargers", are you really still doing TMA?
When you are

- young, you want to knock/take your opponent down.
- old, you don't want your opponent to knock/take you down.

Today, when a

- boxer challenges me, I'll tell him, "You can throw 20 punches at me. If any of your 20 punches can land on my head, you win, if you can't land punch on me, I win."
- wrestler challenges me, I'll tell him, "You can try to take me down within 2 minutes. If you can take me down, you win, if you can't take me down, I win."

This way, spar/wrestle during old age can be done. I'll still call this "competition" even someone may say it's just a "game".
just a few techniques from TMA being borrowed ...
In TMA, there are many skills that require a long time to develop. If a certain MA skill that may take a long time to develop, MMA guys won't be interested to train it. After that MMA guy have developed that MA skill, he may be too old to compete.

Kind of like the scientific method is like kind of pregnant.

My point being, trying to use the “scientific method” to show MMA is better, is meaningless, since it is trial and error

As for looks similar, all i have to say is…. Thank God you wear clothes now and don’t do MMA naked.
It is a very simple easily grasped concept for the layman if we describe the process in that manner.
I don't believe you have to be the better fighter to just flat out maim/kill someone.
If you are going to do it hand vs hand (no weapons) then you need skill
If you are going to do it traditional weapon vs traditional weapon, then you'll need skill.
If you are going to do it modern weapon vs modern weapon, then skill won't play as big of a role.

But in your scenario hand vs hand requires skill unless luck comes along.
This is ancient fighting.

In Chinese

Shuai = wrestling
Chiao/Jiao = horn
Shuai Chiao = wrestle with horn

Man, we have goats, manhandling a mad 150-200lb goat by the horns is a trip. A headbutt from a goat is basically that goat punching you with its head. One that size can headbutt you from just a few inches away and knock you down. They have fantastic technique lol.
If you are going to do it hand vs hand (no weapons) then you need skill
If you are going to do it traditional weapon vs traditional weapon, then you'll need skill.
If you are going to do it modern weapon vs modern weapon, then skill won't play as big of a role.

But in your scenario hand vs hand requires skill unless luck comes along.
Skill yeah, but skill at what specifically? Do you have certain "go to" techniques that you know work for you and you can depend on? There's a ton of people out there could kick my a$$ in an all out fight. My answer to this is a few things that I've practiced to a point that I'm confident I can pull them off. Dirty tricks included. I don't necessarily need to be the greatest all around fighter to slip your right and hit you in the liver with enough power to drop you. There's some good, dirty ways to do it. So I don't have to try to fight it out with you. Ill never be some great fighter, so I need skill in a few things I can be confident will drop most people if needed. I'm spending a good portion of training time maintaining and improving those dependable things because they're immediately useful. Other stuff gets practiced and improved as well, but not to exclusion.
I think it’s important to look at it holistically, it’s a long life and I’m assuming we all want to do it into old age without dribbling spit and forgetting our own names. Just my one cent, I can’t remember what I did with the other one
Yep. I definitely don't want to be dribbling spit and forgetting my own name.
And you had this information on musashi who has been dead a hundred years?

Nearly 400 years, and yes. He's known to be undefeated in at least 60 duels (most to the death) with typically no time limit and allowing for environmental strategy. Also fought in at least three battles, one at the vanguard, and one as a principal strategist. We know his approximate height, strength, dexterity, accuracy, way of thinking, and attitude. These can be converted to integers from 0 - 10. Same for McGregor.

Like I said, it's a model to simulate a hypothesis. The information accounts of W:L ratio, age, weapon usage, environment, and I think some other auxiliary factors that were refactored like renown / rewards != ability. The data set was small but that's not the point - I was illustrating the fact that there are mathematical models that can simulate stuff like this scientifically. It's actually quite interesting. Not conclusive, because they're models - just interesting.

The more you factor in, the more accurate the model, but the more data bases that have factors in them, the wider the dimensionality which can cause all sorts of issues despite N = 100,000. Human intervention is required to refactor data that may be weighted significantly, but in regards to the intent of the model, should be refactored or omitted entirely.

If I used the model again to account for UFC rulesets etc., the output would be different:

Here's the badly formatted algorithm:
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It is a very simple easily grasped concept for the layman if we describe the process in that manner.
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The scientific method is effective for predictable phenomena with reliably constrained constants and variables, but struggles with complex, context-dependent systems like MMA. Quantum mechanics highlights these limitations: the "observer effect" shows that measurement influences outcomes, just as analysing fighters in controlled settings may not reflect real-world performance.

Quantum mechanics also uses probabilities, recognising unpredictability, much like MMA, where countless unquantifiable factors affect outcomes. Entanglement, for example, shows us how interconnected systems require holistic understanding, similar to fighters adapting to rules, opponents, and environments. Trial and error, used in both quantum mechanics and MMA, demonstrates that rigid methods are not always suitable for evolving and understanding dynamic systems.

The scientific method isn't sufficient in this context.

@drop bear "theoretical martial arts"

Is that what you earnestly think the T stands for?
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Skill yeah, but skill at what specifically? Do you have certain "go to" techniques that you know work for you and you can depend on? There's a ton of people out there could kick my a$$ in an all out fight. My answer to this is a few things that I've practiced to a point that I'm confident I can pull them off. Dirty tricks included. I don't necessarily need to be the greatest all around fighter to slip your right and hit you in the liver with enough power to drop you. There's some good, dirty ways to do it. So I don't have to try to fight it out with you. Ill never be some great fighter, so I need skill in a few things I can be confident will drop most people if needed. I'm spending a good portion of training time maintaining and improving those dependable things because they're immediately useful. Other stuff gets practiced and improved as well, but not to exclusion.
The skill that you need will vary. What works against one person doesn't mean it will work against all. There is a reason why there are thousands of techniques instead of one good one. If slip and hit the liver is the answer then there is no need for another technique.

This is why it's important to know yourself and know your enemy. Having that knowledge should give you some Insight on what may work and what may not work. It should help you to understand when to fight and when not to fight.

I would never assume that my most dangerous skill set is the thing that beats all. If I have to fight to the death then part of that reality is that I might die. If I'm more skilled then I may have a variety of solutions to choose from. If I'm less skilled then possible solutions is less. That's just reality.

Many street dudes had there butts handed to them because they thought they had the solutions.
The scientific method is effective for predictable phenomena with reliably constrained constants and variables, but struggles with complex, context-dependent systems like MMA. Quantum mechanics highlights these limitations: the "observer effect" shows that measurement influences outcomes, just as analysing fighters in controlled settings may not reflect real-world performance.

Quantum mechanics also uses probabilities, recognising unpredictability, much like MMA, where countless unquantifiable factors affect outcomes. Entanglement, for example, shows us how interconnected systems require holistic understanding, similar to fighters adapting to rules, opponents, and environments. Trial and error, used in both quantum mechanics and MMA, demonstrates that rigid methods are not always suitable for evolving and understanding dynamic systems.

The scientific method isn't sufficient in this context.

We can literally just watch people fight and see who wins.

The complicated part is when you try to get around that.

Theoretical martial arts a different distinction to traditional martial arts.

It is all that stuff that isn't watching people fight and seeing who wins.
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Do you have certain "go to" techniques that you know work for you and you can depend on?
"Go to" techniques - My definition of this is combos that you're good at that can deal with/counter the most common attacks, both grabs and strikes. (Much of kata was designed for this.) I think a dozen are enough. Not to say this will be enough to get you thru any particular combat (though it may), but it will provide a core skill set that can be adapted/built upon to carry you thru.

You should also have attack combos of your own that you can execute quickly with effective power that are natural for your body. I think most of us have three or four we like to throw. Again, this should not be your only tools in the bag, but there is a good chance an opportunity will present itself during the fight for you to employ one of them.

I would try to develop and drill these combos till they are instinctive responses to the given situation. That said,
I would never assume that my most dangerous skill set is the thing that beats all.
There may not be an opportunity to effectively employ your favorite/best combos, so over-reliance on them is not good. Musashi cautioned against having a favorite weapon. The best one is the one that gets the job done, so one must be competent in one's total art.

Also, techniques are just a part of the equation. A great technique thrown at the wrong time or in the wrong situation will not be successful. A fast kick and jab combo is no guarantee. To quote Haruhiko (probably out of context) but it sounds good:
interconnected systems require holistic understanding - rigid methods are not always suitable