not a bad blog post but not great either. he bring up some good points but his explanations and examples are lacking. ill give him a pass on this because i know myself that when i try to find examples its not always so easy to communicate what im thinking. however his examples do lead the reader into exactly what he is rallying against,,, groupthink.
Illusions of invulnerability – The belief that the group cannot fail –
Most MMA schools are isolated from the “outside world”. When a group of likeminded people train together long enough, without leaving the safe confines of their dojo, it isn’t too long before a sense of superiority falls upon these students (and the coach). We can see this with the example of the MMA fighter who was knocked out cold in a convenience store by a group of young men, by all accounts, he seemed to suffer an illusion of grandeur.
....see what i did there...
Rationalising –
the tendency to “explain away” contracting information. This is also known in psychology as confirmation bias. The behaviour of group of people to only recognise those examples that support their view point and rationalize away the data that is contradicting their belief system.
Himself and his students explained away the disastrous defeat by claiming he wasn’t properly nourished before the match.
the problem with this example is that it is not just traditional martial arts. any fighter in any discipline is known to make excuses for thier loss.