The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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I'm so humble that a doctor and signer of the Declaration of Independence had my namesake just to over shadow my accomplishments.. .
You guy's are making me feel like a nobody, time to hit the sack...................
My ear is killing me.

Anyone else feel like sparring? At the moment I can't wait until Judo randori tomorrow night.
I am so awesome that once, on a dare, I ate a copy of Withering Heights. That night, I crapped out the entire twilight series. I am not particularly proud of this, but it does go to show that even my crap is worth millions of dollars.

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My namesake killed George Washington, but as a saving grace was responsible for John Adams and Thomas Jefferson becoming friends again... . I CANNOT COMPETE with that.. .
My namesake was a much feared sharpshooter from the wild west who went by the name of Annie. Taught her everything she knows.

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To display my genius, I wrote a threatening letter to my great, great grandson, Bill, saying if he did not travel back in time to make sure The Simpsons went of without a hitch, I would get a vasectomy.

You are welcome.

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I'm great
I'm nobody
My ear hurts. let's spar
Have a nice day.

Okay, I'm up to speed.
Got my sparring gear on, Gemini, lets go :D
Gemini...word of advice...stay away form Carol if you own a Maglite...she WILL kill it :D

The hands of doooooooom!! Breaking the unbreakable ;)
well another day and the LPT is still going, not like the old days but still going......
Okay, what's with the mag lite and why does Carol have here sparring gear on and wants to beat me? I don't own a mag lite and whatever it was I did, I didn't do it. Terry did.
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