Last Person #5

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Nah . I mean, I like bacon and all, but if given the choice, I usually get sausage. Particularly if I think tje bacon will be greasy and not crispy .

Ruined bacon is worse than no bacon ;)
Taking an early lunch. If I don't eat now, I won't get a chance. Meetings all afternoon.
isn't here a 'bit' over 10k posts already? ;)
When this happens, we usually tell everyone to relax, go clean their offices, sort through their e-mails, etc. Because, like you said, the week after is usually hell to pay.
well, I took my chance to tidy up, had some meetings and clarified some outstanding issues, had chat with other people (sometimes it is nice to have excuse to socialize ;) )

But as said, yesterday was crazy, still some stuff does not work after system upgrade, but let's "just keep swimming, just keep swimming"...

My shoulder still gives me a bit of trouble, but at least I can move it. And after yesterday training I ended up with new violet bruise on my fist. I wonder, when I will learn to punch and not hurt myself...
one of the permanent crowns on my tooth is wrong.... can't chew well ...have to call the dentist tomorrow

My sincere sympathy.

I had to have a tooth out last week, it had split vertically from the crown (it's own, not an added one) right to the tip of the root.
I can stretch my commute like that if needed. Got 3 thrift stores - actually 4 - along the way.
For those clamoring for an end right at 10000... you might have re-read the first post...

The Last Person.....
The purpose of this thread is to be the "last person" to have the thread i.e. the last person to post.

You can make any post you like to retain possession of the thread

Past 3 editions were pretty popular. Can this one top them?

Thread locked and game reset somewhere after 10,000 posts. ;)

It does say, after all, somewhere AFTER 10,000 posts!

Been very busy, got back from Gilwell (N6-82-18-2) at 6 PM Sunday, fighting a cold and running off to work Monday morning at 0-dark-hundred...
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