The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Carol knows better than that and she knows I would never say any such thing..... because she knows..... I'm affraid of her :anic:

I'm not afraid she'd hurt me.

I'm afraid she'd take my picture afterwards and post it with a rude caption.

Another day another dollar. Have a good one, all........................
Off to work, see ya later.................
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Mornings are against my religion. Waking up before the crack of noon a sin. For penance I shall say 12 Hail Pillows, and meditate on the sacred mantra ZZZZZZZZZ.
I am in absolutely no way a morning person, but I'm forced (by occupation) to at least be clear headed by 7:00 a.m. **Dreams of days passed when I could sleep in until noon**
Definitely a morning person. If I'm not up before the sun, I'm pissed I'm wasting the day.
I don't think even the post whore extreme has ever barfed on a thread this badly.
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