Quote:Originally Posted by
As the KCIA stepped up there efforts, the ITF was near total collapse. In 1979 Gen Choi went to north Korea where he cut a deal with that totalitarian regime in exchange for support of the ITF. The next year (1980) he introduced his Taekwon-Do there. This was treason & was viewed even by many of his most loyal supporters as being an "anti-nationalist act". This gave the south Korean dictator(s) plenty of ammunition to wipe him out.
While I agree with much of what you posted, how was it treason for Gen. Choi to go to North Korea in 1979? Wasn't he already a Canadian citizen by then? Treason deals with betraying one's sovereign nation, not the country of which one used to be a citizen. This might be a technicality but if we're interested in Taekwon-Do hostory being accurate we should be accurate. Was Gen. Choi still a South Korean citizen in 1979?
I am not sure when Gen Choi became a Canadian citizen, we could both check. I write mostly off the top of my head. However I don't think it is too important for the point I am trying to make, which is:
I have no problem with people looking at Gen Choi as a traitor. This is a highly emotional topic. People around the world should know the horrors of war. In my view, no one wins a war, but maybe one side just loses less. When it comes to the Korean Civil War, a war still not technically over, it had the greatest amount of casualties in the shortest duration of any war in history. Terrible, terrible devastation, death destruction & displacement of millions. Those of Gen Choi's generation will never forget, nor can many of them ever forgive his going to north Korea, never mind introducing his TKD there. If we are to understand how the nasty Korean politics hurt Gen Choi & others, will also must understand some of the motivation for the anger of many of his detractors.
Now I know that at least until 1988 it may have been a capital crime for a south Korean to go to the north. Open travel to the north by those from the south did not start till after the historic summit that occurred ironically 2 years to the day, prior to Gen Choi's passing, June 15, 2000.
Technically: Now I do not know how south Korean law treats those born in Korea. Some countries allow or tolerate dual citizenship. Some require you to renounce your past citizenship before granting the new citizenship. If you renounced your original citizenship, your birth nation at times will cancel your citizenship. But I honestly do not know. But it does not matter to me or many. He was after all a founding member of the ROK Army, a 2 star major general who wrote the 1st manual on military intelligence for the ROK, his countries 1st Ambassador ever to Malaysia, plus he gave them his TKD which provided them with a powerful propaganda tool & has been used to assist their KGB & intelligence services. Please understand that TKD was point #8 in the 10 points of agreement that the 2 leaders of Korea listed for their agenda to work together & help them achieve steps to reunification.
So regardless of the technical status of the law, he was viewed as a traitor for his outrageous move to the north which was an anti-nationalist act from the south Korean perspective. Now many of his most loyal Korean instructors left him, as this was way over the line for them. They could withstand some of the KCIA pressure till then, but now, they viewed his politics as no longer acceptable. Some pleaded with him to step side from the ITF then, but he refused. They asked him to do his politics, they would give him an honorary life position or something like that & leave the ITF & TKD to them. then they would have stayed & fought the dictatorship, dealt with the KCIA & worked with the WTF. They even had a signed merger agreement with the WTF, which was never implemented by Dr Kim.
This is why I use this inflammatory language to describe his "anti-nationalist" from a south Korean perspective. Now some of his followers went with him to north Korea as well. Some of his followers regard him as visionary for his actions that could have even fallen under the cause of "Pax CHRISTi". So this emotional topic is best left up to individuals to judge. I am sure that history will someday credit Gen Choi for his work on the reunification (TONG-IL) of his beloved homeland. He was even nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
It is incredible when you think of it, as he beat the south Korean president Kim Dae Jung by 21 years. President Kim did win the Nobel Prize for peace for his sunshine policy. He did beat Dr Kim there, thats for sure

Some can say Gen Choi opened some of the windows & doors a bit for that sunshine to get in & out. Some think he was on the payroll of the American CIA.
He was indeed a very complex man, involved in many complex controversies, which knowledge is most definitely needed if one is to sort out all the confusion & conflicting stories about TKD's history & development.