Me and my Girlfriend has had a few discussions about the Boys Suck t-shirt, she finds them quite funny and i generaly just generaly role my eyes and come back about how much trouble i would get for having a "Girls suck so throw rocks at them" shirt compaired to her shirt, her main come back is the creator of that shirt is a guy.
And yes there are women "bashing" shirts but the majority of them seam to be sexual inuendos
A good quote about the tv is from "Will and Grace" my GF watchs it and it comes after a show i watch and on one they where looking through channels saying "Fat man skinny wife" over and over again with a few "Dumb man skinny wife" shows, and when i flip through tv thats generaly what i find as well, psssh i have allready givin up tv now i only watch Comedy Central and uh, PBS at 3am, another 'Girl Power' channel i would like to add is all 3 Disney Channels, its harder to find a male lead show eather animated or not than it is a female lead, CN is a bit more even (Few things to watch at night, but man Lilo and Stich is greatness) But i dont find them to be very "Empowering" nor male bashing
And being just out of HS '04 w007, i dont remeber much male bashing there eaither, when i wasnt alseep the majority of stuff i over heard from girls was who slept with who at what club and who over drank, sad i think, well i do remeber young male bashing, over hearing on about how highschool boys are imachure(sp) and the ones to be with are the 21+ (heard this from a lot of 15-17 year olds) in which im sure any 21+ year old who will date a 16 year old is a true keeper.
I never believed in ADD and is till dont, i think its a salution no one asked for but everyone uses, great example is from South Park where a Doctors ADD test was reading from a 700+ book and asking what someone said on page 249, of course no one remebered thus they must have ADD and be drugged, isnt there a movie made about this? It was a teen movie and i remeber its theme song was "Flagpole Sitta" by Harvy Danger, what was it called, where kids who where acting up had like surgerys and became brainwashed and suddenly became perfect
all in all i myself dont feel Emsculated but i do notice the "Women Movement"

and the generaly dumbing down of men in the media, any sitcom now a days has the generic theme, overweight husband gets into some "crazy antics" and the thin hot wife scolds him and lectures on what a bad father he his and is shown as the "good guy(girl)":
lets get a list going:
According to Jim
Complete Savages(maybe)
George Lopez
My Wife and Kids(Maybe but non fat husband)
Everyone loves Raymond
King of Queens
Two and a Half Men
Yes, Dear
UPN (A bit diffrent since they are like, you know)
All UPN shows exept: WWE and uh Star Trek, but probly them too
Same show diffrent People