CBS reporter raped and beaten by Muslim men.

What agenda do I have,Mr.yorkshirelad? Maybe you can enlighten me.I don't recall coming to this thread,agenda in hand or head,consutling it,and going:"Hmmmm..." before posting.Maybe you can enlighten me on my own thoughts and actions.

You have a leftist agenda! I'm sorry I didn't make that more clear.

A few crucial points here: The Skinheads like the KKK are a group that was formed with avowed racist philosophy as part of their core.That racist philosophy is known as White Supremacy.The (actual) Black Panther Party for Self-Defense was designed to protect the Black and Latin underpriviledged in Oakland and branched out to many areas that had ghettos and intense persecution of Black and Latin people purely do to our race and culture.

Funnily enough, the above text sounds just like the argument Hitler and his brown shirts made.

Second,as previously stated,those 3 idiots weren't Panther members.They were just stupid people doing stupid things.The fact that they threatened whomever regardless of race tends to repudiate the idea that they were racist...just stupid and perhaps violent.

Really, I've personally witnessed racist skin heads kick the crap out of white people. Using your logic, this ceases to make them racist.

As stated earlier,I am neither a member of the Left or the Right,but I'd be closer to a most U.S. citizens are.Please have accurate facts to garland your comments with when you are attempting to engage in discussion with me.

My opinion of your mentality came from all the examples you used in your diatribe about the ills of th US. They are all examples of so called right wing attrocities. It doesn't take a mindreader to deduce that your an extreme leftist.

Rachel MadDOW,not MadDUX,is indeed a champion of the Left but she got there by being a reporter of very high standard and generally extremely accurate fact-finding and reporting.She is indeed biased toward her perspectives,as most of us are,but her journalistic integrity prevents her from making the stupidly racist fulminating excesses typical of national Right wing figures like Rush Limbaugh and others

The piece you chose to quote was indeed by Maddow, and unless you are an uber leftist you will agree that she has all the journalistic integrity of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.

By the way, just because slavery mas been banned in many African countries, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Niger banned slavery in 2003 and yet it is estimated that approximately 8% of the populace are still slaves. Think about it, if we were comparing that to the US populace that would be 24 million people. Africans are still enslaving Africans. It's a fact!!
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You have a leftist agenda! I'm sorry I didn't make that more clear.

I am not amazed that you are not keen enough to realize that I know my mind far better than you ever will.I am not a Leftist,I am much more of a Centrist than apparently you are.However,if it gives you a warm fuzzy to feel that I'm rockin a Leftist agenda? Have at it.

Funnily enough, the above text sounds just like the argument Hitler and his brown shirts made.

If you are referring to the Skinheads and the KKK I referenced in my post? You are correct.If you are referring to The Black Panthers? You are merely demonstrating that your grasp on recent American history is Bachmannesque in its rampant inaccuracy and untruth.The Black Panther Party was formed because Black people and people of color were factually being terrorized,colonized and occupied in our own section of our own city...and they did so with impunity.Hughey P.Newton and Bobby Seale hit upon the idea of patrolling the police and--strictly following the letter of California law--made it a point to inform each and every person that they saw racist police officers violating of their rights,oftenitmes in the midst of the OPD attempting to violate said rights.This resulted in the precipitous drop of rapings,murders,pimpings,drug dealing,and every type of horror and excess that you can and probably can't imagine.

Hitler was simply looking for a scapegoat as he ascended to power...and first he blamed Black people,then he blamed European Jews.Just as first he gassed and incinerated Black people,and then European Jews.There is NO correlation between Hitler and The Black Panther Party.Only the deluded such as yourself would make such a fantasticlly,wildly false and absolutely historically unsupportable conclusion.

Really, I've personally witnessed racist skin heads kick the crap out of white people. Using your logic, this ceases to make them racist.

Actually,if you used my logic...your logic would be VALID.Instead you merely point out how poor your logic,grasp of history,and deductive powers are.However,if you listen to what the Skinheads THEMSELVES say when they explain why they attacked another White person? INEVITABLY they state that they believe that the other White person is a "race traitor",and they hate "race traitors" even MORE than they hate Black people.They are specifically saying themselves that they have no race hate toward the White person or people they are violating.The only exception that they sometimes make is regarding Europeans Jews,whom they violently despise for controlling the media and "killing Christ",among other things.

So it's not MY logic that suggests that their violent attacks toward Whites aren't motivated by racism,it's THEIR logic and THEIR MANY TIMES AVOWED STATEMENT.Maybe you can use your amazing telepathic powers to peer into their minds and determine their true thoughts and motivations,the same way that you did the White version of Ms.Cleo with me and were able to tell me my TRUE political the LEFT.

The piece you chose to quote was indeed by Maddow, and unless you are an uber leftist you will agree that she has all the journalistic integrity of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.

By the way, just because slavery mas been banned in many African countries, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Niger banned slavery in 2003 and yet it is estimated that approximately 8% of the populace are still slaves. Think about it, if we were comparing that to the US populace that would be 24 million people. Africans are still enslaving Africans. It's a fact!!

By now,it's not a surprise that you are wrong on everything that you've stated here.

1.Rachel Maddow is many times more factual,balanced,and fair than Rush and Sean will ever be.And she's smarter,too.She doesn't fall into fits of catastrophic stupidity and allow it to spew from her mouth and onto nationwide airwaves.If we were to compare and contrast the maaaany stupidities of Rush and Sean and compare them to the significantly more minor and fewer in number lapses by Rachel Maddow? We'd run out of cyberspace before we could finish cataloguing the immense ludicrousness of Rush and Sean.We'd never get to the geometrically fewer in number and intensity lapses by Rachel,and unlike either Rush or Sean? When Rachel makes an error and she's made aware of it...she actually does on-air RETRACTIONS.She has and will always have infinitely more journalistic integrity than Rush and Sean who are effectively Far Right shock jocks dressed up as political commentators.

Regarding ANY fact on the African continent,I previously warned you: you are incredibly ill-equipped to do combat with me on any point.If I take issue with you on ANY area,it's because you are overwhelmingly factually incorrect.And you are abominably incorrect regarding Niger too.

I tried to tell you earlier: I have family from Nigeria,Mali,and Niger too.Ghana as well.I have family scattered throughout the continent.Your argument is that Africans enslave Africans.That is NOT the case.First,the Western definition of slavery and the African definition of slavery are sharply different.The African definition of slavery would be closer to the Western definition of indentured servant.Is it horrible,inexcusable,terrible? YES YES YES.With all my heart I would wish it to be destroyed and happily flog anyone who abuses people with this horrific system.Secondly,these matters are often confused with age old caste systems like the Taureg,which add Arabic an European flavored racism chauvinsim and classism to the mix and confound traditional structures of slavery (which should be 100% abolished whether they're "indentured servants" or not) with the newer forms of Arabic an European slavery.Essentially,the lighter skinned rule exploit and terrorize the darker skinned people,but the darker slavers never actually deny the humanity of their slaves.Never is there chattel slavery.These are ESSENTIAL to the mindset that we in the West take when we think of slavery,and these are not the case in the Motherland.Furthermore,Western slavery is race specific;African slavery is not.

Any time you see any form of slavery in Africa that is race specific,denies humanity,and equates the slave with an object like an article of clothing or a mule in the "denial of humanity" sense as European chattel slavery did? You are looking at something and almost always someone who is non-African matter what they may claim naitonally.This information isn't available to people who don't have direct bloodlinks,the historical information and context,the language facility,and more that I have and which you utterly lack.

It would behoove you to ASK me something about the Motherland before you resort to a Google search which will result in giving you insufficient data about what REALLY goes on in the Motherland...which you will then espouse here and I will then call you on and do an embarassingly thorough job of destroying your misconceptions and misperceptions about.
Rachel MadDOW,not MadDUX,is indeed a champion of the Left but she got there by being a reporter of very high standard and generally extremely accurate fact-finding and reporting.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa

(deep breath)

bwaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

and again, ANY credibility yu MIGHT have had just got flushed down the crapper.

please, keep posting, i need the laughs
I hope you guys wear speedos for this mud wrestle fest. ^_^

I think we were originally stuck on whether the remark of selfishness leveled against Ms Logan was sexist....

and not who is more guilty in the slave trade (which btw, I think it's semantics if you call it servants or slaves. And it's alive and kicking, and I think it's an illusion to call it non-race specific, especially when Sudanese kids from the black south end up in the predominately Arabic north) I think a lot of those who use the slave/race card these days would fall on their tuchus if they had the actual facts as they played out over the centuries....

But that is a Galaxy away from the original topic.
No, there is absolutely NO slavery in Africa today. None, None at all. How dare you?

1.If you're going to look to engage me in discussion about the Motherland,at least get your quotes and your facts you and yorkshirelad continually demonstrate your ineptitude at both.

Any time you see any form of slavery in Africa that is race specific,denies humanity,and equates the slave with an object like an article of clothing or a mule in the "denial of humanity" sense as European chattel slavery did? You are looking at something and almost always someone who is non-African racially.

2.Do you have distant relatives in these areas? Are you moving them elsewhere? Are you visiting them? No? I AM.So don't tell me WHAT I DARE.Got it? Good.I hope and pray and assume that you and yorkshirelad are attempting to be helpful and that we all absolutely repudiate in any way shape or form any kind of slavery...despite our different racial backgrounds,I hope that we have the HUMAN commonality of reviling any loathesome creature(s) that would do such a thing.But your approaches display more of your arrogance and ignorance than what I hope is our common revulsion at this horror.

3.What you fail to mention is this: of course for the most part the initial attempts at forced labor were practiced upon the White population of the White slavers.But White forced labor was more difficult to acquire because the Whites could escape,it was more difficult to inculcate the same lower and middle class Whites from which these slaves were culled to develope a revulsion toward (instead of a sympathy for) these White slaves,White slaves could escape and hide amongst the White populace (and foment resistance) far easier...and MOST IMPORTANTLY WHITE SLAVERY WAS NEVER AN ARTICLE OF SPECIFIC DEMAND.Slaves didn't=White people as a comprehensive and general theme.Inhuman slaves NEVER=White people.Prisoners of war back in the day regardless of race oftentimes became the slaves of the victors in war.But White folks made SLAVERY and BLACK PEOPLE and INHUMAN SUBHUMAN CHATTEL synonymous.The same Power Class that all of us--regardless of race--despise for their ineptitude and wastrelness now.Same exact Power Class that is the cause for the overwhelming majority of problems of all stripes of the USA and benefits from it.SAME EXACT CLASS THAT CAUSED SLAVERY.So you and I,Big Don and yorkshirelad,should have faaar more to be in lockstep and agreement about instead of disagreement about.Yet you seem to utterly miss this point.

And oh yeah...another reason that nobody else except the European Jews complains anywhere near as much as we Black people have? Might have something to do with the near total destruction of and near total depopulation of an entire civilization.100 million Africans taken and dead during the Slave Trade...6 million Jews and several hundred thousand Black people by Hitler...21,000 in your count for Barbados.And your count is highly SPECULATIVE.HIGHLY.It's almost 100% certain that these Whites were not CHATTEL slaves and even if they were? The policy of chattel slavery specifically singled out Black Africans.So I'm not at all surprised to note that you very specifically hedged dodged ducked and quite conveniently forgot to talk about the several MILLION Black people as slaves during the time of Barbados' slavery age. I'm sure that there were a few thousand Germans who perished during Nazi Germany too.Their struggles and pains in no way is comparable to or denigrates the geometrically worse treatment that Black people and European Jews faced; nor is the converse the case.The German citizenry who perished or who were immorally persecuted should not have their stories in any way slighted due to the massively greater suffering of others.But there is no way to say sensibly..."Well these Germans didn't complain like you did so shut up European Jews!" That's at best a demonstration of abominable stupidity and insensititivity...and that's exactly what you did,Big Don,with your links and quotes and the ludicrous assumptions you derived therefrom.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt"--Abraham Lincoln. You guys need a heavy dose of silence.
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I hope you guys wear speedos for this mud wrestle fest. ^_^

I think we were originally stuck on whether the remark of selfishness leveled against Ms Logan was sexist....

and not who is more guilty in the slave trade (which btw, I think it's semantics if you call it servants or slaves. And it's alive and kicking, and I think it's an illusion to call it non-race specific, especially when Sudanese kids from the black south end up in the predominately Arabic north) I think a lot of those who use the slave/race card these days would fall on their tuchus if they had the actual facts as they played out over the centuries....

But that is a Galaxy away from the original topic.

Hey Slick,
calling it the "motherland"?

thats classic

I have been there, have you?

Africa is the birthplace for humanity.There is no more accurate or better place to refer to as The Motherland.Not only have I been to THE MOTHERLAND,I'm going back.Slick.And I'm going into the hot zones.Slick.Where have you been? Slick? Ohhh and I'm putting it on Youtube so that there will be PROOF of this.Slick.And you?

Granfire? That speedos joint was hilarious! Lol. Your observations about the Sudanese south,the slave trade,and the "euphemism" of servants/slavery is quite accurate.If you're forced to dispose of your labor and time and you haven't committed a crime that sends you to prison,there is no hope or framework of justification for such an action.

I do think that we need to stay on topic of this thread....and I think that were I or my loved ones in Ms. Logan's position? I would first be concerned with her,contact the American Embassy and inform them of the incident (sans Ms.Logan's name) and greatly urge them to spread the news to travellers via various media outlets.Idk if Ms.Logan or her people thought of that,and Idk if doing so would have exposed Ms. Logan to the insensitivities and stupidities that some people can display sooner and worse or more often...but I would have done something like that or suggested something like that.

I don't think Ms. Logan was selfish.I think she was TRAUMATIZED...which impacts our thinking accordingly.
I am not amazed that you are not keen enough to realize that I know my mind far better than you ever will.I am not a Leftist,I am much more of a Centrist than apparently you are.However,if it gives you a warm fuzzy to feel that I'm rockin a Leftist agenda? Have at it.

If you are referring to the Skinheads and the KKK I referenced in my post? You are correct.If you are referring to The Black Panthers? You are merely demonstrating that your grasp on recent American history is Bachmannesque in its rampant inaccuracy and untruth.The Black Panther Party was formed because Black people and people of color were factually being terrorized,colonized and occupied in our own section of our own city...and they did so with impunity.Hughey P.Newton and Bobby Seale hit upon the idea of patrolling the police and--strictly following the letter of California law--made it a point to inform each and every person that they saw racist police officers violating of their rights,oftenitmes in the midst of the OPD attempting to violate said rights.This resulted in the precipitous drop of rapings,murders,pimpings,drug dealing,and every type of horror and excess that you can and probably can't imagine.

Hitler was simply looking for a scapegoat as he ascended to power...and first he blamed Black people,then he blamed European Jews.Just as first he gassed and incinerated Black people,and then European Jews.There is NO correlation between Hitler and The Black Panther Party.Only the deluded such as yourself would make such a fantasticlly,wildly false and absolutely historically unsupportable conclusion.

Actually,if you used my logic...your logic would be VALID.Instead you merely point out how poor your logic,grasp of history,and deductive powers are.However,if you listen to what the Skinheads THEMSELVES say when they explain why they attacked another White person? INEVITABLY they state that they believe that the other White person is a "race traitor",and they hate "race traitors" even MORE than they hate Black people.They are specifically saying themselves that they have no race hate toward the White person or people they are violating.The only exception that they sometimes make is regarding Europeans Jews,whom they violently despise for controlling the media and "killing Christ",among other things.

So it's not MY logic that suggests that their violent attacks toward Whites aren't motivated by racism,it's THEIR logic and THEIR MANY TIMES AVOWED STATEMENT.Maybe you can use your amazing telepathic powers to peer into their minds and determine their true thoughts and motivations,the same way that you did the White version of Ms.Cleo with me and were able to tell me my TRUE political the LEFT.

By now,it's not a surprise that you are wrong on everything that you've stated here.

1.Rachel Maddow is many times more factual,balanced,and fair than Rush and Sean will ever be.And she's smarter,too.She doesn't fall into fits of catastrophic stupidity and allow it to spew from her mouth and onto nationwide airwaves.If we were to compare and contrast the maaaany stupidities of Rush and Sean and compare them to the significantly more minor and fewer in number lapses by Rachel Maddow? We'd run out of cyberspace before we could finish cataloguing the immense ludicrousness of Rush and Sean.We'd never get to the geometrically fewer in number and intensity lapses by Rachel,and unlike either Rush or Sean? When Rachel makes an error and she's made aware of it...she actually does on-air RETRACTIONS.She has and will always have infinitely more journalistic integrity than Rush and Sean who are effectively Far Right shock jocks dressed up as political commentators.

Regarding ANY fact on the African continent,I previously warned you: you are incredibly ill-equipped to do combat with me on any point.If I take issue with you on ANY area,it's because you are overwhelmingly factually incorrect.And you are abominably incorrect regarding Niger too.

Sorry, you are mistaken!

I tried to tell you earlier: I have family from Nigeria,Mali,and Niger too.Ghana as well.I have family scattered throughout the continent.Your argument is that Africans enslave Africans.That is NOT the case.First,the Western definition of slavery and the African definition of slavery are sharply different.The African definition of slavery would be closer to the Western definition of indentured servant.Is it horrible,inexcusable,terrible? YES YES YES.With all my heart I would wish it to be destroyed and happily flog anyone who abuses people with this horrific system.

Don't you just love semantics?

This information isn't available to people who don't have direct bloodlinks,the historical information and context,the language facility,and more that I have and which you utterly lack.

Obviously it's available to me now!:rofl:

It would behoove you to ASK me something about the Motherland

Motherland? this reminds me of when the Nazis referred to Germany as the fatherland. It's quite telling.

Oh, btw, I don't put too much credence in your upcoming PhD being indicative of superior intelligence. After all Howard Dean is an MD:rofl:
Mr "african studies" has opinions, and those opinions have zero credibility, and he did it to himself.

saying Madcow is a reputable journalist

saying slavery was all becasue of white people

sayign there is no more slavery in africa

best to stop feeding the troll
Mr "african studies" has opinions, and those opinions have zero credibility, and he did it to himself.

saying Madcow is a reputable journalist

saying slavery was all becasue of white people

sayign there is no more slavery in africa

best to stop feeding the troll
But, but, he's my hero:
martial artist with experience ranging from boxing kenpo MT TKD TSD and firearms,knife and stickfighting,European fencing,iaido (seite-ryu) hapkido shaolin chuan fa combat chuan fa hung gar hwarangdo judo freestyle wrestling all the way to capoeira (the real fighting kind)
Sorry, but, that peaked my "nutcase radar"
Sorry, the first half of my last post was a quote from Atacx and it was posted in error. I was too eager to reply. Shooting fish in a barrel comes to mind.

I would first be concerned with her,contact the American Embassy and inform them of the incident (sans Ms.Logan's name) and greatly urge them to spread the news to travellers via various media outlets.Idk if Ms.Logan or her people thought of that,and Idk if doing so would have exposed Ms. Logan to the insensitivities and stupidities that some people can display sooner and worse or more often...but I would have done something like that or suggested something like that.

I would think after a well known journalist is sexually assaulted in a foreign land in public, the above would've already been done, especially considering the media coverage. You could try calling the embassy though, just in case:rofl:
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I am not amazed that you are not keen enough to realize that I know my mind far better than you ever will.I am not a Leftist,I am much more of a Centrist than apparently you are.However,if it gives you a warm fuzzy to feel that I'm rockin a Leftist agenda? Have at it.

If you are referring to the Skinheads and the KKK I referenced in my post? You are correct.If you are referring to The Black Panthers? You are merely demonstrating that your grasp on recent American history is Bachmannesque in its rampant inaccuracy and untruth.The Black Panther Party was formed because Black people and people of color were factually being terrorized,colonized and occupied in our own section of our own city...and they did so with impunity.Hughey P.Newton and Bobby Seale hit upon the idea of patrolling the police and--strictly following the letter of California law--made it a point to inform each and every person that they saw racist police officers violating of their rights,oftenitmes in the midst of the OPD attempting to violate said rights.This resulted in the precipitous drop of rapings,murders,pimpings,drug dealing,and every type of horror and excess that you can and probably can't imagine.

Hitler was simply looking for a scapegoat as he ascended to power...and first he blamed Black people,then he blamed European Jews.Just as first he gassed and incinerated Black people,and then European Jews.There is NO correlation between Hitler and The Black Panther Party.Only the deluded such as yourself would make such a fantasticlly,wildly false and absolutely historically unsupportable conclusion.

Actually,if you used my logic...your logic would be VALID.Instead you merely point out how poor your logic,grasp of history,and deductive powers are.However,if you listen to what the Skinheads THEMSELVES say when they explain why they attacked another White person? INEVITABLY they state that they believe that the other White person is a "race traitor",and they hate "race traitors" even MORE than they hate Black people.They are specifically saying themselves that they have no race hate toward the White person or people they are violating.The only exception that they sometimes make is regarding Europeans Jews,whom they violently despise for controlling the media and "killing Christ",among other things.

So it's not MY logic that suggests that their violent attacks toward Whites aren't motivated by racism,it's THEIR logic and THEIR MANY TIMES AVOWED STATEMENT.Maybe you can use your amazing telepathic powers to peer into their minds and determine their true thoughts and motivations,the same way that you did the White version of Ms.Cleo with me and were able to tell me my TRUE political the LEFT.

By now,it's not a surprise that you are wrong on everything that you've stated here.

1.Rachel Maddow is many times more factual,balanced,and fair than Rush and Sean will ever be.And she's smarter,too.She doesn't fall into fits of catastrophic stupidity and allow it to spew from her mouth and onto nationwide airwaves.If we were to compare and contrast the maaaany stupidities of Rush and Sean and compare them to the significantly more minor and fewer in number lapses by Rachel Maddow? We'd run out of cyberspace before we could finish cataloguing the immense ludicrousness of Rush and Sean.We'd never get to the geometrically fewer in number and intensity lapses by Rachel,and unlike either Rush or Sean? When Rachel makes an error and she's made aware of it...she actually does on-air RETRACTIONS.She has and will always have infinitely more journalistic integrity than Rush and Sean who are effectively Far Right shock jocks dressed up as political commentators.

Sorry, you are mistaken!

Don't you just love semantics?

Obviously it's available to me now!:rofl:

Motherland? this reminds me of when the Nazis referred to Germany as the fatherland. It's quite telling.

Oh, btw, I don't put too much credence in your upcoming PhD being indicative of superior intelligence. After all Howard Dean is an MD:rofl:


Ph.d's are not indicative of superior intelligence,they're reflective of the fulfillment of a generally very rigorous course of study in a specific discipline or disciplines.I didn't at any time indicate that I feel I have superior intelligence.You reached that (incorrect) inference on your own...based upon some MORE stuff you miscomprehend.

There is no correlation between the Nazi use of the term Fatherland and the reference to Africa as the Motherland.As I stated,my use of the term Motherland for Africa deals with the absolute fact that Africa is the continent that birthed humanity.The Nazis referred to Germany as the Fatherland for specifically ideological reasons.Again,it's not surprising that you have completely missed this commonly known salient fact too (in fact is becoming monotonously regular occurence).

We will have to agree to disagree on the Motherland.After all,I am merely the person with family there who talks to and visits and studies the Motherland AND has access to every scrap of info that you have via Google and other search engines,whereas you are merely limited by your narrow perspectives and clear ideological slant toward the opinions that you have sans any real world experience thereof.So we should be able to mutually agree to drop this portion of the discussion,recognizing that we have reached an impasse.
Sorry, the first half of my last post was a quote from Atacx and it was posted in error. I was too eager to reply. Shooting fish in a barrel comes to mind.

I would think after a well known journalist is sexually assaulted in a foreign land in public, the above would've already been done, especially considering the media coverage. You could try calling the embassy though, just in case:rofl:

One might THINK such and such was the case but none of us know for certain unless we're able to acquire some kind of objective empirical confirmation,or whatever.The call to the embassy could result in properly informing the embassy accordingly which can then provide the specifics on kinds of information about an area that a net search may not reveal..and could be very very salient to thousands of people.That's why such a move might be sensible.Of course,I'm not surprised that you're too dense to note such a possibility.

Remember Abe Lincoln's sage advice about remaining silent? He was talking about people like you.Lolol.
yeah, 14 styles and under the age of 30......

What makes you think that I'm under 30? And of course if there is any doubt about my martial ability,well...we can do a number of things.You can check the link on my sig for my Youtube Channel. We can exchange videos.If you still believe that I lack any genuine skill or ability,we can spar.I love sparring.I mean that without an ounce of rancor or bravado.I'd also like to see if any of you have videos and especially if you spar.

And keeping this thread on topic? I don't think that Ms.Logan was being selfish.Like I said,I think that she was likely traumatized.