Our World: The feminist deception

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Our World: The feminist deception

12/14/2010 10:01
The Jerusalem Post EXCERPT
Nowhere is fraud at heart of feminist movement more apparent than in silence of inhumane treatment of women who live under Islamic law.

Making the rounds on YouTube these days is a film of a group of manly looking women preparing for and conducting a “flash dance” in a Philadelphia food store. The crew of ladies, dressed in tight black clothes and sequined accessories, arrives at The Fresh Grocer supermarket, breaks into a preplanned chant ordering shoppers not to buy Sabra and Tribe hummus and telling them to oppose Israeli “apartheid” and support “Palestine.”

From their attire and attitude, it is fairly clear that the participants in the video would congratulate themselves on their commitment to the downtrodden, the wretched of the earth suffering under the jackboot of the powerful. They would likely all also describe themselves as feminists.

But if being a human rights activist means attacking the only country in the Middle East that defends human rights, then that means that at the very basic level, the term “human rights activist” is at best an empty term. And if being a feminist means attacking the only country in the Middle East where women enjoy freedom and equal rights, then feminism too, has become at best, a meaningless term. Indeed, if these anti-Israel female protesters are feminists, then feminism is dead.

IN 1995, then first lady Hillary Clinton spoke at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. There Clinton seemed to embrace the role of championing the rights of women and human rights worldwide when she proclaimed, “It is no longer acceptable to discuss women’s rights as separate from human rights…If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights, once and for all.”

Yet as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton – like her fellow self-described feminists – has chosen to single Israel out for opprobrium while keeping nearly mum on the institutionalized, structural oppression of women and girls throughout the Muslim world. In so acting, Clinton is of course, loyally representing the views of the Obama administration she serves. She is also representing the views of the ideological Left in which Clinton, US President Barack Obama, the human rights and feminist movements are all deeply rooted.

Since the height of the feminist movement in the late 1960s, non-leftist women in the West and Israel have been hard-pressed to answer the question of whether or not we are feminists. Non-leftist women are opposed to the oppression of women. Certainly, we are no less opposed to the oppression of women than leftist women are.

But at its most basic level, the feminist label has never been solely or even predominantly about preventing and ending oppression or discrimination of women. It has been about advancing the Left’s social and political agenda against Western societies. It has been about castigating societies where women enjoy legal rights and protections as “structurally” discriminatory against women in order to weaken the legal, moral and social foundations of those societies. That is, rather than being about advancing the cause of women, to a large extent, the feminist movement has used the language of women’s rights to advance a social and political agenda that has nothing to do with women.

So to a large degree, the feminist movement itself is a deception.

The deception at the heart of the feminist movement is nowhere more apparent than in the silence with which self-professed feminists and feminist movements ignore the inhumane treatment of women who live under Islamic law. If feminism werenÂ’t a hollow term, then prominent feminists should be the leaders of the anti-jihad movement.

Gloria Steinem and her sisters should be leading to call for the overthrow of the antifemale mullocracy in Iran and the end of gender apartheid in Saudi Arabia.

Instead, in 2008 Ms. Magazine, which Steinem founded and which has served as the mouthpiece of the American feminist movement, refused to run an ad featuring then foreign minister Tzipi Livni, Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch and then speaker of the Knesset Dalia Itzik that ran under the headline, “This is Israel.”

It was too partisan, the magazine claimed.

Leading feminist voices in the US and Europe remain unforgivably silent on the unspeakable oppression of women and girls in Islamic societies. And this cannot simply be attributed to a lack of interest in international affairs. Islamic subjugation and oppression of women happens in Western countries as well. Genital mutilation, forced marriage and other forms of abuse are widespread.

For instance, every year hundreds of Muslim women and girls in Western countries are brutally murdered by their male relatives in so-called “honor killings.”

Pamela Geller, the intrepid blogger at Atlas Shrugs website, has steadfastly documented every case she has found. This year she ran an ad campaign on public buses and taxis in major US cities to bring public awareness to their plight. And for her singular efforts in championing the right to life of Muslim women and girls, she has been reviled by the Left as an anti-Islamic bigot.
The same could be said for Gay Rights proponents.
Very interesting. It had occurred to me on a general level that the Feminist movement had been rather quiet when it comes to their sisters in Islamic countries.

Of course, it does have to be said that erosion of unfair treatment for a segment of a society has to really come from within that society. That and society as a whole must be at a point where change can realistically occur.

Imposition of freedom from outside, on any platform of reasons, does not have a good track record of success historically.
Mavis Leno, Jay Leno's wife was one of the first to mention the evils of the Taliban and their particularly malignant form of Islam.
I'm reminded of the joke that points out that more people protest fur than leather because it's easier to harass old women than bikers.

Face it, they're not going to take on a culture that can go from 0 to bat-**** crazy in 60 seconds.

Did any of you see the Hitchens/Blair debate the other week in Toronto?

He said it before but it worth repeating, to paraphrase, CH said that if you want to eliminate poverty, violence and promote democracy in the world, then you must free and educate women. In the countries that has happened in, their standard of living has skyrocketed, child mortality has dropped and violence has dropped.

The feminist movement might be the best tool to change the world right now. They are very decentralized, and can probably get in under the radar of some of the crazy countries and help promote change.
It had occurred to me on a general level that the Feminist movement had been rather quiet when it comes to their sisters in Islamic countries.

Much like the "quiet" of the "moderate Muslims who don't condemn terrorism", they aren't heard because they aren't being listened to. A simple Google search reveals a multitude of press releases, speeches, articles and campaigns by organizations such as NOW (the preeminent political feminist group in the US) and individual well-known feminists targeting violence and other human rights violations in Islamic societies.

Just another nasty lie in a long progression of nasty lies to make it easier to pretend that the search for equality and fairness is a fraud.
Ah, so opinons are being voiced, just not very widely publicised?
Ah, so opinons are being voiced, just not very widely publicised?

How would such opinions even be publicized so that everyone hears them? The organizations have done their part, ran their campaigns, and so on. Unless they spend billions on constant advertising (billions they don't have) or CNN becomes FNN, people are going to have to spend a little effort to find those opinions. Certainly a little effort would go a long way before people like Don jump on their demonization bandwagons. Again, the comparison with the moderate muslims condemning terrorism is absolutely instructive. Those muslims are doing everything they can to condemn terrorism, and it even gets reported on. Unless people bother to check first though, they can easily construct a "silence" for them to rail against.

Of course, it goes without saying, that those with an agenda will deliberately not do their checking first.
Well, in all fairness, I've not heard a peep about it and I do keep my ears and eyes open to the news.

Mind you, as I said earlier, the well-off and mostly-free in the West can kick up as much fuss as they like and not a great deal will happen. After all if 'we over here' weren't aware of any vociferous and effective campaigning going on, how much less are those in the 'target' countries going to know?
Well, in all fairness, I've not heard a peep about it and I do keep my ears and eyes open to the news.

Mind you, as I said earlier, the well-off and mostly-free in the West can kick up as much fuss as they like and not a great deal will happen. After all if 'we over here' weren't aware of any vociferous and effective campaigning going on, how much less are those in the 'target' countries going to know?


sometimes it's about the task though, and not the press coverage....
Well, in all fairness, I've not heard a peep about it and I do keep my ears and eyes open to the news.
There is a reason for that. Pointing out the faults of the Muslim World tends to cause suicide bombings and other assorted acts of terrorism.
Well, in all fairness, I've not heard a peep about it and I do keep my ears and eyes open to the news.

Sure, I should make clear that I wasn't blaming you personally for anything. It's just the nature of news and how our brains work. The facts about women in the Islamic world are well known at this point. Can you really see the news prominently running stories that amounts to "Feminist Groups condemn something bad that we all know is happening and we all know is bad"?

It ranks right up there with "policeman follows procedure and makes a good arrest", "surgeon performs surgery correctly" and "mailman delivers the mail on time yet again" as newsworthy headlines.
Sure, I should make clear that I wasn't blaming you personally for anything. It's just the nature of news and how our brains work. The facts about women in the Islamic world are well known at this point. Can you really see the news prominently running stories that amounts to "Feminist Groups condemn something bad that we all know is happening and we all know is bad"?

It ranks right up there with "policeman follows procedure and makes a good arrest", "surgeon performs surgery correctly" and "mailman delivers the mail on time yet again" as newsworthy headlines.
Yeah, that's why it isn't publicized, right...
I just hope we don't start WWIII over a, "My Culture is better than yours" issue. What exactly do we do about these women, bomb Iran? Kick our Islamic allies to the curb? What?

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