Thats alot of pepper spray.

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When I said leave US alone I was speaking of me as a Citizen not an officer. Im one of the MILLIONS of US Citizens that want you OWS people to shut up and leave us alone. Take the fight to the real root of the problem

This strikes me as sticking fingers in the ears and shouting because you don't want to hear something. Wake up! We're in deep ****! My family is having our wealth stolen from us as well. We're all in the same boat and we all need to realize this.

The real fight is right here in the minds of the people. OWS is about waking people up.
Im happy for you but they are not ALL like that. Even the small one we have here we get complaints about aggressive pan handeling, vulgar language, people using the bathroom in public, ect and this is a small group by comparison most Ive seen so far is 30 but its normally around 15 and they dont even camp out since its against city code to camp overnight with in city limits. Every night when they leave sanitation must go in clean up all the trash.

The increased presence of homeless drug addicts and drunks has been causing tension in Zuccotti Park. Apparently the amount of "freeloaders" caused the Occupy Wall Street kitchen to scale back operations for a few days in protest. The Daily News today reports that the place has basically become divided between "real" occupy wall street protesters on the east, and the homeless riffraff on the West: There is now a "wrong side of the tracks" at Zuccotti Park.

According to Daily News op-ed contributor Harry Siegel, this shift has been helped along by friendly NYPD officers:

"The NYPD seems to have crossed a line in recent days, as the park has taken on a darker tone with unsteady and unstable types suddenly seeming to emerge from the woodwork. Two different drunks I spoke with last week told me they'd been encouraged to "take it to Zuccotti" by officers who'd found them drinking in other parks, and members of the community affairs working group related several similar stories they'd heard while talking with intoxicated or aggressive new arrivals."

The Empire Strikes Back politically. The protesters can get pepper sprayed to get some great photo-ops and the Police can send drunks, homeless, and crazies down to the protests in order to get some great photo-ops.
Your right to protest ends where my right to make a living begins.
Your right to protest ends where my right to be safe from harm begins.

You have every right to protest peacefully.

Not break windows, destroy private property, trespass on private property, assault, rob, steal, rape, hinder traffic to hospitals and doctors, and so forth.

That's the point that OWS doesn't get.

You're mad at the bankers, the brokers, the government.
Guess what, so are a lot of us.

But we, the real 99% (more likely 65%) of the population just want to live our lives.
I want to serve my customers and not have to clean **** off the floor and spend an extra 50 a week on TP so non-customers can use my loo.
I want to just get to work on time, not get stuck in a jam so I get crap from my boss because some hippie with a hard on and a sign tied up the I95.
I just want to get a sub, not have to wade through a writhing mass of smell teens who think a protest is a good time for all.

That's how -most- of America is looking at OWS.

We see the pictures of the cops and protesters and we think they are -ALL- out of line.
Cops need to back down, protesters need to go home and do something productive.

While the OWS NYC group is trashing vendor carts and terrorizing MCD's, the WNY group is hosting a potluck on Friday.
Which groups going to do more to win public support?
While the Oakland group was shatting on cop cars and US flags, the WNY group brought attention to a scumbag attorney whose practice is now going to close, in part as a result?
Which group "won"?

John, what's the Hawaii group doing? I'd honestly love to hear of their successes. You're the only one to take me up on that invite. You have an uphill battle here, but your input -is- appreciated.
Step back and reread what I posted carefully. I don't think you read this as intended.


I might not have.

but I like the idea of billing wallstreet for the clean up.

all of it.

But I think, especially with some of the posts from 'the other side'
it is clear why there is such a dissent with wall street:
You can't vote them out of office.
You can't even vote with your wallet, because the buck 50 you have to play with does not even buy their frist cup of coffee for the day.

Add t that that they had the nerves to allow themselves bonuses for screwing up the economy, and not a lick of consequences to be had.

Blame Obama?
oh good grief. There is enough blame to be shared to go a couple of decades back.

I am not sure what your beef with those folks is that populate OWS.
I mean aside from the obvious criminal element that uses the confusion as cover. Nobody likes them, though a few misguided folks want to cover for them in the name of solidarity.

You can't protest and go home. You get a pad on the head, maybe a cookie and thinks keep on going the way they have been.
you think anybody would have been bothered to look at OWS if they had gone home after the weekend was over?

We are in a heap of trouble and have let it go on for decades. Life was good, even though we got our daily screw job, it wasn't too bad to be noticed.
now it seems like the daily job was a group effort and the groups are working on keeping it that way.

The news is - no matter how you slice it - not part of the 99%.
$$ rules what is being put out as news. truth is optional, but mostly a hindrance.

We started off with the OWS being dismissed as stinky lazy hippies.
Do read that as the 1%'s attempt to dismiss them and establish lack of credibility.

Now we have the lovely situation in Davis.
I am sure they were a nuisance camping out, but how disruptive were they really? And how much more criminal than the un-assembled student body (in terms of theft and rape and violence)
Oh, and the gawkers and bystanders are the dangerous part of the mob. those who egg on without getting their hands dirty....

now the 1% happily throws the cops under the bus.
There is really no need to get all mad about the cops.
We are at this time not talking about gunning people down.
beating people who resist arrest is not a new things, and I think it is frowned upon in the daily activities of LE. I am guessing it is individuals that lose their temper.

of course the media covers that. blood and gore sells as well as sex.
again, who owns the outlets...truth is optional.

Without protest - historical speaking - there is no political advancement.
And historically you tend to see bloodshed. Sometimes you get progress, sometimes you get restoration. but without protest you are at a stale mate and the little guy gets it.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolute.

And I think we long since have realized that political heads have no factual power. Those who hold the money do.

the cops are just pawns. Whipping boys and sacrifice.
No, you can't vote out the bank head. No more than you can vote me out of an Admin position here, or the CEO spot at SilverStar.
You can vote for representatives who can make some changes though.
You can vote for President. There's more than 2 parties. Has been for a long time.
Start 'wasting' some votes. Enough 'wasted' votes, and suddenly you have a 3rd party with power.

How many OWS supporters vote? Voted last year? the year before?
Because if they didn't vote, they've got no cred with me.
If they voted 'lesser of 2 evils', no cred with me.
I vote mostly 3rd party. Uphill fight, but it's how you get things done.
No, you can't vote out the bank head. No more than you can vote me out of an Admin position here, or the CEO spot at SilverStar.
You can vote for representatives who can make some changes though.
You can vote for President. There's more than 2 parties. Has been for a long time.
Start 'wasting' some votes. Enough 'wasted' votes, and suddenly you have a 3rd party with power.

How many OWS supporters vote? Voted last year? the year before?
Because if they didn't vote, they've got no cred with me.
If they voted 'lesser of 2 evils', no cred with me.
I vote mostly 3rd party. Uphill fight, but it's how you get things done.

I suppose unless you vote for Scrooge Duck, the point will be lost.

The ballot usually only offers bad or worse. Write ins are pointless, so you still only get bad or worse in office.

I should think that election participation of 30% or lower should make the point.
But it does not, because the power people are good in ignoring issues and made it a high artform to actively ignore people.

There will be no 3rd party. The system is not laid out like that, will never be, because the big 2 live of it being the way it is.
The system, while the best at the time is static and bound to $$$
Some things should make normal people angry. Massive theft by a class of people who have made themselves above the law is one of those things. The striking thing about these protests is that the very people who are protecting the banksters are the people who are being victimized. The cops are protecting the people who are plundering their livelihoods.

What does that have to do with the topic? The topic is Occupy UC DAVIS, not occupy Wall Street. Those cops weren't protecting bankers. They were clearing an unlawful assembly. DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES.
It's the same movement. Part of this movement is a protest against the banksters.

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Seriously, everyone. The various Occupy movements are separate circumstances, and there is plenty to discuss about UC Davis in particular, which is the focus of the thread, with out jumping to the whole occupy movement. There are two other threads for that. This one is for UC Davis. Specifically. And we were doing a great job keeping on topic up until a few pages ago. Can we please try and bring it back on track? Anyone? Buehler?
Seriously, everyone. The various Occupy movements are separate circumstances, and there is plenty to discuss about UC Davis in particular, which is the focus of the thread, with out jumping to the whole occupy movement. There are two other threads for that. This one is for UC Davis. Specifically. And we were doing a great job keeping on topic up until a few pages ago. Can we please try and bring it back on track? Anyone? Buehler?
Thats part of the problem Nobody even knows what these people want. You can walk down to any Occupy event and talk to 5 different people and get five different reasons they are protesting.
I just did a quick google search of what the Occupy protesters want and I see everything from the Bank bailouts to, demanding single payer health care, to free college education, end use of all fossil fuels, Open Boarders, 100% debt forgiveness for all americans starting now, Out law all credit reporting, union rights. The list goes on and on.
no, the people don't know what they want, they know they DON'T want what they have.
So they want to take what others have to make them feel better? Id rather work hard and make a good life for my family then sit on my butt for 3 months in a park yelling and screaming about being poor.
Actually a good point, and I'm as guilty as anyone in thread drift here. Sorry.

Lets refocus on the UD situation here.
So they want to take what others have to make them feel better? Id rather work hard and make a good life for my family then sit on my butt for 3 months in a park yelling and screaming about being poor.

at some point you have to take a stand.
or you get the shaft.

Or to rephrase that:

you have a job.
and maybe by the grace of being a working stiff
you did not lose a lot in material goods.

but at one point the BS hits the fan with a vengeance....
I think we are at the point right now.
Okay, those UC Davis kids were jerks. Is that enough refocusing?:angel:

Yes. A bunch of unruly malcontents, refusing to obey the lawful order of the uniformed force entrusted with maintaining public peace and order, who were forced to use the only means at their disposal of enforcing that lawful authority.

Seem to recall something like that occuring in Boston, back in 1770.......:rolleyes:

at some point you have to take a stand.
or you get the shaft.

Or to rephrase that:

you have a job.
and maybe by the grace of being a working stiff
you did not lose a lot in material goods.

but at one point the BS hits the fan with a vengeance....
I think we are at the point right now.
Yes and Thats why Im active in my community. My local and state representitives know me on a first name basis. I go to comminuity meetings. I write letters to congress. Im active in my county Republican central committee. I donate to causes and programs that I believe in. Ive worked to get bills passed in my state house and have actually been to a bill signing and Hope to attend my 2nd next year when my new project passes. What I dont do is sit on my butt and cry about what I dont have. What I dont do is demand Govt take from others that have to give to me since I dont. AND most importantly I VOTE. If you dont then you have no right to cry about anything.
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