Thats alot of pepper spray.

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guess they need a bigger can of OC spray
Enough tabasco, and enough supersoakers and we'll be good to go. Only this time it sounds like they're doing it legally. Repugnant isnt enough to warrant the peppers.But seriously, how come there's no video of the spraying incident set to Spice Up Your Life? I can't POSSIBLY be the first person to think that.


With all manner of politeness and civility, I would like to point out that this is The Study, not a specific subforum. But I appreciate the things you do for our community, your SuperModeratorship!*flees from the banhammer*

No prob. I meant to type "The Great Debate" instead of "The Study." :)
I think yoda would be the one dispersing the silly people on the sidewalk. Everyone knows the Jedi Council is a tool of corporate interests. Of course he wouldn't need to use CS gas because remember, the Jedi mind trick works really well on people with weak minds.
University to pay medical bills of pepper spray victims -
University of California officials said Tuesday they will pay the medical expenses of students who were pepper sprayed during an Occupy Davis protest last week.
Also all charges dropped, the cops involved suspended, and the whole process to be reviewed which means the cops will have their bollocks blocked in the future.

What this is, is a win for those 10 idiots. They got -exactly- what they wanted.
Great PR, the cops painted as nazis, themselves painted as helpless victims.
Future protesters will be able to do much much more, with the cops handcuffed to do their jobs, and the people will further blame the 'ineffective' cops for all the violence that comes.
Good job on the part of the organizers.
They did better than Osama. He needed 20 guys to undermine us, these guys only needed 10.

Aye, sadly you're being a most unpleasant fellow on this issue. It is not a good thing that you're not alone in taking such delight in being so, most especially when talking about what is potentially an important matter regarding civil liberties and effective protest (as oppossed to anodyne and un-noticed protest).

I pray that doesn't just mean the low-brow tide is getting higher here.
University to pay medical bills of pepper spray victims - Also all charges dropped, the cops involved suspended, and the whole process to be reviewed which means the cops will have their bollocks blocked in the future.

What this is, is a win for those 10 idiots. They got -exactly- what they wanted.
Great PR, the cops painted as nazis, themselves painted as helpless victims.
Future protesters will be able to do much much more, with the cops handcuffed to do their jobs, and the people will further blame the 'ineffective' cops for all the violence that comes.
Good job on the part of the organizers.
They did better than Osama. He needed 20 guys to undermine us, these guys only needed 10.


nah, it's more like the OJ DA who stuck that glove into OJ's hand.

The Dean handed this to them.

But yeah, it made the police work in these case nearly impossible.
Aye, sadly you're being a most unpleasant fellow on this issue. It is not a good thing that you're not alone in taking such delight in being so, most especially when talking about what is potentially an important matter regarding civil liberties and effective protest (as oppossed to anodyne and un-noticed protest).

I pray that doesn't just mean the low-brow tide is getting higher here.

If you would please, be more specific about the civil liberties that this is regarding. Thank you.
Aye, sadly you're being a most unpleasant fellow on this issue. It is not a good thing that you're not alone in taking such delight in being so, most especially when talking about what is potentially an important matter regarding civil liberties and effective protest (as oppossed to anodyne and un-noticed protest).

I pray that doesn't just mean the low-brow tide is getting higher here.

I have sympathy for the girl who allegedly lost her baby after a thug cop maced her and kicked her in the gut.
I have sympathy for those women the NYC PD penned up so Tony Balony could target paint them.
I have sympathy for quite a lot of folks actually.

I don't have sympathy for someone who puts themselves needlessly in harms way.
I don't have sympathy for a set up, where the participants were aware of the risks, and went in to 'take one for the team' as it were.

I'm sorry they have to pay more for a college education. I'm sorry they might have to not get the latest fashions, or forego that new video ipod and spend a little more out of pocket on living expenses and books.

But sometimes people are just asses and they deserve a good thump.

I also don't have any sympathy for the sorry prat who got drunk, climbed over a wall and fell to his death in a canyon near me.

If they had deployed LRAD and those 'brave heroic youths' had stood there and let their ears go pop....would we feel sorry for them?
Should we?

I don't see the cop here in the wrong.
I see a group of martyrs and a public crucifixion.

And when you have people destroying property, threatening, assaulting, and so forth (as in Oakland and NYC), my sympathies for bull **** done under the veil 'freedom of express', wanes which is why I really have little but contempt for the "Occupy" movement.
Hey, when Europe was "Occupied" we sent in some "Liberators".
Correction: LRAD has been used.

[h=3]Against protesters[/h] Most recently, the sound canon was used to evict Occupy Wall Street protesters from Liberty Plaza in the early morning (approximately 1am) of November 15th, 2011.
The LRAD device was on hand at protests of the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City[SUP][6][/SUP] but not used;
The LRAD was used for the first time in the United States in Pittsburgh during the time of the G20 summit on September 24–25th, 2009.[SUP][9][/SUP][SUP][10][/SUP]
Pittsburgh police again utilized LRAD as a precautionary measure to prevent unruly crowds from getting out of control following the 2011 Super Bowl.
LRAD systems were also purchased by Toronto Police for the 2010 G20 summit.

LRAD was also used against college students in the city of Macomb, Illinois at the Wheeler Block Party at Western Illinois University ("WIU")[SUP][11][/SUP] on May 1, 2011.[1]
LRAD was reportedly[SUP][12][/SUP] used by the Oakland Police Department during the clearance of the Occupy Oakland encampment on the morning of 25 October 2011.
LRAD use was reported as the New York City Police department cleared protestors during the Occupy Wall Street protests in Zuccotti Park on the morning of 15 November 2011.[2]
I have sympathy for the girl who allegedly lost her baby after a thug cop maced her and kicked her in the gut.
I have sympathy for those women the NYC PD penned up so Tony Balony could target paint them.
I have sympathy for quite a lot of folks actually.

I don't have sympathy for someone who puts themselves needlessly in harms way.
I don't have sympathy for a set up, where the participants were aware of the risks, and went in to 'take one for the team' as it were.

I'm sorry they have to pay more for a college education. I'm sorry they might have to not get the latest fashions, or forego that new video ipod and spend a little more out of pocket on living expenses and books.

But sometimes people are just asses and they deserve a good thump.

I also don't have any sympathy for the sorry prat who got drunk, climbed over a wall and fell to his death in a canyon near me.

If they had deployed LRAD and those 'brave heroic youths' had stood there and let their ears go pop....would we feel sorry for them?
Should we?

I don't see the cop here in the wrong.
I see a group of martyrs and a public crucifixion.

And when you have people destroying property, threatening, assaulting, and so forth (as in Oakland and NYC), my sympathies for bull **** done under the veil 'freedom of express', wanes which is why I really have little but contempt for the "Occupy" movement.
Hey, when Europe was "Occupied" we sent in some "Liberators".

Bob, that's below the belt and not worthy of you.
If you would please, be more specific about the civil liberties that this is regarding. Thank you.

Did I not already have a go at that earlier in this thread?

If not, then I shall have to have a go later as, right now, I am too brassed off with the poor reactions I have read from people I thought knew better to be eloquent and dispassionate.
Correct me if I am wrong here Tez.

The Nazi held portion of Europe was referred to as "Occupied".
The Allied forces (which included British troops) were referred to as "Liberators".
The B-24 bomber was called Liberator.

So, for an 'below the belt' remark, I'm sorry, but I'm missing where that's fitting.

But historically, the bad guys occupy, the good guys liberate.

I wouldn't expect the OWS movement to get it, as they use a large amount of Soviet phrasing in the comments.

But I support the liberation of the occupied territory in the US, with its return to use by all of the people, not just protester tent cities of socialistic squaller and 'equality'. By peaceful means as much as possible, of course.
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