30 People Pepper Sprayed In Ca.


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Up to 30 people were pepper-sprayed by police after students tried to storm a Santa Monica College trustee board meeting in protest over proposed higher course fees.
A handful of protesters suffered minor injuries as campus police tried to prevent dozens of students chanting, "Let us in, let us in" and "No cuts, no fees, education should be free," from disrupting the meeting during a public comment period, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Capt. Judah Mitchell of the Santa Monica Fire Department told NBC News that up to 30 people had been sprayed, five of whom sought treatment for the effects of the spray and were transported to nearby hospitals.

Well, things like this always seem to have an interesting twist to them. You have the cops who're trying to break up the crowd, while the protesters claim that the cops were trying to silence them. I'm sure the phones are ringing off the hook in the lawyers office, with claims of excessive force.

Well, things like this always seem to have an interesting twist to them. You have the cops who're trying to break up the crowd, while the protesters claim that the cops were trying to silence them. I'm sure the phones are ringing off the hook in the lawyers office, with claims of excessive force.

Yeah, I read about it. The students were demanding 'free education' and they only got pepper-sprayed when they pushed open the locked doors (the meeting had allowed some of their members inside, but it got too crowded and they call could not fit) and tried to storm the place by force. Got pepper sprayed. Good. They should have clubbed them like baby seals.

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