Thats alot of pepper spray.

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They get free money for their 'pain and anguish' which would never have happened if they had obeyed the -lawful- order to disperse.

Kind of like how in NY if a guy hurts himself while breaking into your house, you're liable for an 'unsafe work condition'.

It's time to Liberate America. End the "Occupation". Drive the occupiers into the sea, and include some biodegradable soap. Use the most effective of non-lethal means. Pepper spray is too random. Water cannons waste water. Use LRAD and when that's not available, full volume on episodes of the Laurence Welk show, or Hogan Knows Best! Jam the wifi, turn off their texting, and silence the drums.

Then send the bill for the whole cluster to AIG, Wall Street and Bank of America because if those sobs hadn't screwed up so badly, these idiots wouldn't be freezing their bongos off to make a point, which I doubt is 'cops cars are toilets'.

Then vote the sobs out of congress, and put the people back into government.
They get free money for their 'pain and anguish' which would never have happened if they had obeyed the -lawful- order to disperse.

Kind of like how in NY if a guy hurts himself while breaking into your house, you're liable for an 'unsafe work condition'.

It's time to Liberate America. End the "Occupation". Drive the occupiers into the sea, and include some biodegradable soap. Use the most effective of non-lethal means. Pepper spray is too random. Water cannons waste water. Use LRAD and when that's not available, full volume on episodes of the Laurence Welk show, or Hogan Knows Best! Jam the wifi, turn off their texting, and silence the drums.

Then send the bill for the whole cluster to AIG, Wall Street and Bank of America because if those sobs hadn't screwed up so badly, these idiots wouldn't be freezing their bongos off to make a point, which I doubt is 'cops cars are toilets'.

Then vote the sobs out of congress, and put the people back into government.

have some more turkey.
make it Wild Turkey if you must.

because the mind set you are displaying is the same that you are against when you are arguing against TSA.

But I think the billing part has merit. :)
Correct me if I am wrong here Tez.

The Nazi held portion of Europe was referred to as "Occupied".
The Allied forces (which included British troops) were referred to as "Liberators".
The B-24 bomber was called Liberator.

So, for an 'below the belt' remark, I'm sorry, but I'm missing where that's fitting.

But historically, the bad guys occupy, the good guys liberate.

I wouldn't expect the OWS movement to get it, as they use a large amount of Soviet phrasing in the comments.

But I support the liberation of the occupied territory in the US, with its return to use by all of the people, not just protester tent cities of socialistic squaller and 'equality'. By peaceful means as much as possible, of course.

Sorry thought you were doing another, 'if it wasn't for us ' thing. My apologies.
View attachment 15734

"Here honey, let me freshen your breath"
"I project my chi at you"
"Say AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

Sorry, feeling a bit of the *** today. I blame the pilgrims.


(NaturalNews) It may be a simple coincidence, or it may be the perfect embodiment of exactly why thousands of protesters across the US are hitting the streets en masse under the banner of Occupy Wall Street (OWS). Earlier this year, financial giant JPMorgan Chase & Co. donated $4.6 million to the New York Police Department (NYPD) to "strengthen security in the Big Apple" and several months later, the NYPD conveniently arrests over 700 individuals, all at one time, involved in peaceful OWS protests.

These people put on their stormtrooper outfits, take Judas' silver, and convince themselves that they are doing the "right" thing in order to go to sleep at night.


"Because of the favored treatment of derivative contracts in receivership, it appears highly likely that losses on derivatives would result in losses to insured deposits ultimately borne by taxpayers," Miller wrote in his letter, which was signed by eight House Democrats. The transfers were first reported by Bloomberg News on Oct. 18.

Note - I added the hyperlink to the quoted section, so people can verify this.

75 trillion. This is several times more then our entire economy folks. The police are protecting the thieves that will hijack their retirements, their pensions, and most of their income through austerity. The **** is very close to hitting the fan and I have a message to any cop who's on a power trip and thinks that they are doing the right thing by enforcing law and order to protect the thieves who are stealing their wealth, if you don't take off that stormtrooper outfit and join the people who are protesting, you deserve it. You deserve to have the system turn on you and take with both hands what it gave with one. Grow a pair, be a man, and stand up for something good for a change.

These cops are on the wrong side and I have no respect for them.
These cops are on the wrong side and I have no respect for them.
The Police Officers are on the side of the rest of the millions of people trying to live their lives and not be bothered by these freeloading campers, crapping and pissing in the streets, blocking the streets while they try to go to work to make a living to support families. They are on the side of the small businesses trying to stay open yet the sidewalks in front of the shops are blocked by these so called protesters. The police are on the side of the other 1000's of kids going to UC Davis trying to get an education and live their lives. The police are on the side of my family that wants to go downtown here where we live and enjoy some ice cream by the water front on this unseasonably warm nov day and not be bothered by people cussing yelling playing loud drums begging for money and then screaming when you dont give them any (and we have a small group of only about 15 protesters).​
Did I not already have a go at that earlier in this thread?

If not, then I shall have to have a go later as, right now, I am too brassed off with the poor reactions I have read from people I thought knew better to be eloquent and dispassionate.

No, not in this thread. Maybe another thread that I'm not following? Thank you.

The Police Officers are on the side of the rest of the millions of people trying to live their lives and not be bothered by these freeloading campers, crapping and pissing in the streets, blocking the streets while they try to go to work to make a living to support families. They are on the side of the small businesses trying to stay open yet the sidewalks in front of the shops are blocked by these so called protesters. The police are on the side of the other 1000's of kids going to UC Davis trying to get an education and live their lives. The police are on the side of my family that wants to go downtown here where we live and enjoy some ice cream by the water front on this unseasonably warm nov day and not be bothered by people cussing yelling playing loud drums begging for money and then screaming when you dont give them any (and we have a small group of only about 15 protesters).


Nov. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Examiners from CME Group Inc., the world's largest futures exchange, found unexplained wire transfers at MF Global Inc. and a $900 million shortfall in client funds during the weekend the failing broker was talking with possible buyers, a person briefed on the matter said.

CME, which was the overseer of MF Global, noticed the shortfall by Oct. 30 -- about a day before U.S. regulators said they were told of the missing funds and the broker filed for bankruptcy protection, according to the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the review isn't public.

It's starting. You call this law and order?

The stormtroopers are on the side of the bankers as they trade on inside information, make insane bets with your money, then perform internal bank runs when the bets go bad. The cops are protecting the thieves that will steal their savings, confiscate their pensions and retirement accounts, and plunder their income through austerity. Sure, the protestors have some issues when it comes to the propaganda they've been fed through the government schools, but when it comes to opposing the banks, they are hitting the nail on the head.

The cops are on the wrong side. Go and arrest John Corzine for stealing 1.2 billion from grandma and grampa. Take off the damn stormtrooper outfit and do something good for a change.

Take off the damn stormtrooper outfit and do something good for a change.
Id love to but were too busy guarding the sanitation workers trying to clean up the human waste, and filth and taking assault and rape reports caused by these so called peacful protesters.
Next your going to tell me fire cant bend steel too right rosie?

It's starting. You call this law and order?

The stormtroopers are on the side of the bankers as they trade on inside information, make insane bets with your money, then perform internal bank runs when the bets go bad. The cops are protecting the thieves that will steal their savings, confiscate their pensions and retirement accounts, and plunder their income through austerity. Sure, the protestors have some issues when it comes to the propaganda they've been fed through the government schools, but when it comes to opposing the banks, they are hitting the nail on the head.

So instead of blaming the police and fighting them march your butts down to the white house and protest Obama hes the man in charge. Hes the man that wants MORE bail outs. Hes driving this ship take it up with him. Leave the rest of us alone.​
have some more turkey.
make it Wild Turkey if you must.

because the mind set you are displaying is the same that you are against when you are arguing against TSA.

But I think the billing part has merit. :)

Step back and reread what I posted carefully. I don't think you read this as intended.

Id love to but were too busy guarding the sanitation workers trying to clean up the human waste, and filth and taking assault and rape reports caused by these so called peacful protesters.

I've been at these OWS events. We held some signs, passed out literature, had conversations, and then had a BBQ with our kids. Yup, sounds violent to me.
I've been at these OWS events. We held some signs, passed out literature, had conversations, and then had a BBQ with our kids. Yup, sounds violent to me.
Im happy for you but they are not ALL like that. Even the small one we have here we get complaints about aggressive pan handeling, vulgar language, people using the bathroom in public, ect and this is a small group by comparison most Ive seen so far is 30 but its normally around 15 and they dont even camp out since its against city code to camp overnight with in city limits. Every night when they leave sanitation must go in clean up all the trash.

So instead of blaming the police and fighting them march your butts down to the white house and protest Obama hes the man in charge. Hes the man that wants MORE bail outs. Hes driving this ship take it up with him. Leave the rest of us alone. [/LEFT]

Leave you alone? Nope. I'm going to continually point out who the police are protecting and keep asking them to take off their stormtrooper outfits and stop. Why? Because it's the right thing to do. I'm actually protecting your property and assets by doing this. And like I said, we're beyond the time and place where cops can claim ignorance. The banks are running the show and stealing any pot of money they can get their hands on. If you keep protecting the criminals, you deserve it.

Obama, the Democrats and Republicans are all part of the same beast. They won't help you. OWS strikes at the root of the Hydra when it focuses on the corporations, banks, and military industrial complex.

What really pisses me off about these cops is that they'll take "donations" from the banks and then go out and do their dirty work. Unbelievable. If you are one of these guys who took the silver and are standing there pepper spraying the people who are looking out for your best interest, you're no better then a henchman for a big mobster, IMO.
I've been at these OWS events. We held some signs, passed out literature, had conversations, and then had a BBQ with our kids. Yup, sounds violent to me.
Occupy movements vary from state to state, city to city. In my city they vary from moment to moment. As bob said, cali isn't Hawaii. And in any event there are a number of posters her who are police. If you have no respect for them you have a chance to tell some of them. But I would advise against it. You sound like you are coming from a place of rage rather than intellect. That never works out very well.
Leave you alone? Nope. I'm going to continually point out who the police are protecting and keep asking them to take off their stormtrooper outfits and stop. Why? Because it's the right thing to do. I'm actually protecting your property and assets by doing this. And like I said, we're beyond the time and place where cops can claim ignorance. The banks are running the show and stealing any pot of money they can get their hands on. If you keep protecting the criminals, you deserve it.

Obama, the Democrats and Republicans are all part of the same beast. They won't help you. OWS strikes at the root of the Hydra when it focuses on the corporations, banks, and military industrial complex.

What really pisses me off about these cops is that they'll take "donations" from the banks and then go out and do their dirty work. Unbelievable. If you are one of these guys who took the silver and are standing there pepper spraying the people who are looking out for your best interest, you're no better then a henchman for a big mobster, IMO.
When I said leave US alone I was speaking of me as a Citizen not an officer. Im one of the MILLIONS of US Citizens that want you OWS people to shut up and leave us alone. Take the fight to the real root of the problem
Occupy movements vary from state to state, city to city. In my city they vary from moment to moment. As bob said, cali isn't Hawaii. And in any event there are a number of posters her who are police. If you have no respect for them you have a chance to tell some of them. But I would advise against it. You sound like you are coming from a place of rage rather than intellect. That never works out very well.

Some things should make normal people angry. Massive theft by a class of people who have made themselves above the law is one of those things. The striking thing about these protests is that the very people who are protecting the banksters are the people who are being victimized. The cops are protecting the people who are plundering their livelihoods.
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