Thats alot of pepper spray.

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I seem to be missing a chunk of the story here - I thought that the only crime involved was that they were somewhat in the way and were pitching tents where the Dean didn't want them? Now yes, public nuisance is a crime in some circumstances but it's hardly GBH {Grievous Bodily Harm}. What am I missing?

For Ballen, I've noted before that 'police work', in the broadest sense, is different between our two countries. Over here, until recent times at least, unless the protesters were really breaking the law (i.e. being more than a pest), the police would be happy enough to keep an eye on things and let them run their course, not making things worse or more unpleasant than is necessary for public safety. So if you ask me what I'd expect our police to do in similar circumstances, I'd expect them to leave well enough alone unless things escalated.

In an American context, going from what I've heard on here over the past few years, well ... it's my impression that the 'quality' of officers and their grasp of what the laws are that they're supposed to enforce and with what methods, seems highly variable. For me, as I said earlier, I'd've been more than happy for them just to keep 'watch' and act non-provocatively until there was a real need to 'cease to be nice'.

Not the answer you wanted I suspect and my answer may change if I can be shown that there was indeed a public danger being presented by these students.
Some of these photoshops are getting quite offensive.

I'm trying for outrage. Offensive is ok, though...I mean, if you're not at least offended by a paunchy cop pepper-spraying a bunch of children while they passively sit there, why should you be offended by photoshops of said paunchy cop pepper spraying other protesters, or anything else.....'re clearly not paying attention.
I think that's the point.

We're supposed to be offended. Order the cops to stand down. Let these protesters do whatever they want. Smash windows, block traffic, beat up photographers. Whatever they want. Because the bankers are evil. Because the cops are evil pawns. Because the government is under banker control.
Because we don't want another Kent State.

We need to ignore the -FACT- that the only protesters who have died so far, were killed by -other "Peaceful" protesters.

We need to think that a cop macing someone refusing to comply with a -lawful- order is somehow on par with the military putting down a revolt by force.

We need to ignore the -FACT- that all the OWS people calling for revolution are in -direct violation- of the US Constitution.
We need to ignore the -FACT- that the US Government is -AUTHORIZED- to use -FORCE- to put down an -INSURRECTION-, by that same document.

Lots of things are ignored.

10+ calls to refocus on the OCD situation specifics for example.

This is that point where I do something I rarely ever do on this site.

I make an decision and lock a thread and throw away the key on it without the usual back room review and 'hands off' nature while insisting on an uninvolved perspective.
Just making a gut-call.

May be right, may be wrong, maybe 'moderator abusing power', etc.

Don't care.

This threads really taking the piss outta me tonight and that's my call.

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