Superpower Game

You are, but only in the book sense. Your increasing ability to calculate the exact moment of the Big Bang is equal to your decreasing social skills. You've dubunked string-theory, proved evolution beyond any reasonable doubt and discovered and proved dark matter, unfortunately you are so far from getting a date that women aren't really sure you're human.

Yes, you're ultra-genius and have zero social skills.

I want to be omnipotent.
Oops posted at the same time, but I'll take yours. Ok, you're omnipotent, but you can't make a rock that you can't lift.

I wish I could change matter from one for to another i.e. lead into gold.
I wish I could change matter from one for to another i.e. lead into gold.

You're an alchemist that can turn lead in to gold. But unfortunately now there is a group after, not the zealots that will force you to drink hemlock. Its the World Bank, they want an explanation as to why the exchanges on every populated continent have gone in to turbulence! :eek:
You're an alchemist that can turn lead in to gold. But unfortunately now there is a group after, not the zealots that will force you to drink hemlock. Its the World Bank, they want an explanation as to why the exchanges on every populated continent have gone in to turbulence! :eek:


You did it again!

What's your power?
Carol wishes her power was to only do half of the Superpowers game!

Ok, Carol you can, but the drawback is you leave everybody else going 'Hey, WTF!' :uhyeah:

I wish I could calculate all the possible outcomes of a fight before hand and pick the most succesful strategy to win every time.
Carol wishes her power was to only do half of the Superpowers game!

Ok, Carol you can, but the drawback is you leave everybody else going 'Hey, WTF!' :uhyeah:

:o :lfao: Sorry! Too much multitasking sometimes :D

I wish I could calculate all the possible outcomes of a fight before hand and pick the most succesful strategy to win every time.[/quote]

Done! You picked the most successful strategy to win, and now every banger in town wants to "try" you. :eek:

I wish I had the ability to remember every persnickety detail I need to remember :lol:
I want to be omnipotent.
Omnipotent or omnimpotent? You feel like you should be able to do anything, but the harder you try, the less success you have.

carol said:
I wish I had the ability to remember every persnickety detail I need to remember
You're so focused on the details that you almost always miss the larger picture. Think Maxwell Smart. :)

I wish I were amphibean, able to breathe underwater or on land.
Congrats Stevebjj, you are now......

AWESOME! That's not a curse... except for the scaley outfit. :)
I wish I had the power to stop, and restart time around me.
Time stops for everyone but you. You continue to age while time has stopped. It's a mystery to your doctors why you seem to age at an accelerated rate.

I wish I completely understood women. :)
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I wish I completely understood women. :)

Congratulations, you do. Unfortunately, you're only attracted to men, and you have no clue about them. (too easy, really ;))

I want to be able to teleport anywhere I want to go, instantly.
Congratulations, you do. Unfortunately, you're only attracted to men, and you have no clue about them. (too easy, really ;))

I want to be able to teleport anywhere I want to go, instantly.

Unfortunately your maths skills necessary to calculate the coriolis force, relative density, speek of the Earth around the sun, local time changes, and trade winds to put you were you want to land drop you off just shy of your mark.

As a result, you are stuck with a geeky nerd to calculate it for you, who makes a lousy sidekick. (And just to top things off -- he gets all the girls.)

I wish I could see 5 minutes into the future.
I want the power to kill a yak, 200 yards away, with MIND BULLETS!
You can. Problem is, each MIND BULLET is a unit comprised of a small percentage of your MIND and you have no control over rate of fire.

I wish I could do handsprings
You can. Problem is, each MIND BULLET is a unit comprised of a small percentage of your MIND and you have no control over rate of fire.

I wish I could do handsprings

Uh . . . are you sure??

All of your fingers are now springs. :idunno:

I wish I could hypnotize people with my voice.
Is there another way? That's kinda how I do it, you know....

But okay, to the theme of the thread. You have no control over the depth that people go under, with the result that your merest comment has powerful suggestion.... you tell someone you care about (but is annoying you at present) "Oh, just go away".... and you never see them again..... "Just drop dead" is something that you should never say!

I want the ability to understand, speak, and read all languages, from ancient heiroglyphics to binary computer code, with absolute clarity and perfect interpretation. Just for fun.
I want the ability to understand, speak, and read all languages, from ancient heiroglyphics to binary computer code, with absolute clarity and perfect interpretation. Just for fun.

As you wish. You are now a babelfish living in someone's ear.

I want limited prescience. The ability to sense an opponents moves before he moves.

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