Superpower Game

(to stevebjj, a few crossed posts came up)

Oh, come on dude, easy. You crush everything you love as you cannot control your strength.

Okay, my power.... one I don't already have.... hmm.... give me a sec....


My power would be this. The ability to shift time and space a la Hiro from Heroes. There are just too many arts in too many different places in the world that I want to study, and I can't think of a better way to do it.
Problem is, you're consistently an hour late and you land in the nearest body of deep water.

I wish my skin was super tough.
You never age, staying 39 and healthy. But in the end, there can be only one. ;)

I wish my hands could heal.

Granted: any cuts or scratches on your hands heal instantly by sucking the taste out of any food you touch.

I wish I could teleport myself anywhere in the world with a thought.
Granted: any cuts or scratches on your hands heal instantly by sucking the taste out of any food you touch.

I wish I could teleport myself anywhere in the world with a thought.
And that's exactly where you go: "anywhere." Every random thought sends you to that place without control. Driving down the road, you see a billboard for a restaurant and poof, you're there.

My power is super charisma. Everyone loves me... they just can't help it. I'm uber-lovable.
My power is super charisma. Everyone loves me... they just can't help it. I'm uber-lovable.

There was a comic book called "Powers" by the same guy who wrote Babylon 5. He had a super character who was the most perfect woman in the world to everyone that saw her. Kinda of hard to find a person who REALLY cares for YOU in that situation rather than the fantasy they are seeing.

I wanted to be able to transmute garbage into biodiesel at a perfect 100% conversion rate.
You can, unfortunately all the time, whenever you're done with something or you think some else is, it automatically becomes biodiesel. Fuel spills everywhere, until you become a massively hoarding recluse.

I want tactile kinesis, I can lift anything when touching it. (Super comic encyclopedia of powers nerd coming out here, but hey, it'll be more interesting.)
You can, unfortunately all the time, whenever you're done with something or you think some else is, it automatically becomes biodiesel. Fuel spills everywhere, until you become a massively hoarding recluse.

I want tactile kinesis, I can lift anything when touching it. (Super comic encyclopedia of powers nerd coming out here, but hey, it'll be more interesting.)

You have tactile kinesis! You can lift anything when touching it. But you haven't yet learned how to put it down...........

Being a swimmer, I wish I could survive underwater. Like Aquaman :)
You can breath underwater, but it takes some time to adjust fully and your skin can't take the extended exposure to the aquatic environment.

I wish i could secrete a venom that can cure diseases quickly.
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You can! But it's your stomach sweat and it only works on men with halitosis and black hairy tongue disease, and only when they lick you.

I wish I has photographic reflexes, being able to learn a skill just by watching it once.