Superpower Game

Alright, it is VERY limited, you sense his punch a nanosecond before it hits you...
I want to be able to levitate 6" off the ground, at will.

While you're up there, you have no traction -- people can push you around like a half-empty helium balloon. And when you come down, you don't come down slowly -- you fall!

I wish I could walk on water.
You can, but you have to wear a moo-moo.

I wish I could make cars move out of my way on the highway.
You have a siren and lights installed on your car and they work great. Everyone moves out of your way. But every time you use them you get pulled over, your car impounded, license suspended, fined, and when the cops are really cranky, you serve jail time for impersonating a law enforcement officer.

I wish I were the hot wing king of the greater Puget Sound area, able to make buffallo hot wings so delicious people would come from all over the country just to taste them.
I wish I were the hot wing king of the greater Puget Sound area, able to make buffallo hot wings so delicious people would come from all over the country just to taste them.

You become the Hot Wing King. And your slogan is -
"People come from all over the country to get what they need. And they need Soylent Buffallo Hot Wings."

I wish I could grow 100 feet tall, and return to normal whenever I wanted.
I wish I could grow 100 feet tall, and return to normal whenever I wanted.
OK, but, no one can remember your name, not even the rest of the Super Friends

I wish I could turn rocks into valuable gemstones.
OK, but, no one can remember your name, not even the rest of the Super Friends

I wish I could turn rocks into valuable gemstones.

LOL, Apache Chief!

You can turn rocks into valuable gemstones! You are now a planet in the Crab Nebula!

I wish I could control electromagnetism.
LOL, Apache Chief!

You can turn rocks into valuable gemstones! You are now a planet in the Crab Nebula!

I wish I could control electromagnetism.

You control it by absorbing and storing massive amounts of static electricity -- meaning that you have go find dry carpet to shuffle your feet around on to build up enough energy to manipulate it. Your hair is always standing on end, and everytime you touch someone they get a shock.

I wish I could drink a gallon of milk in 1 hour without puking.
You control it by absorbing and storing massive amounts of static electricity -- meaning that you have go find dry carpet to shuffle your feet around on to build up enough energy to manipulate it. Your hair is always standing on end, and everytime you touch someone they get a shock.

I wish I could drink a gallon of milk in 1 hour without puking.
No problem, you don't puke when you drink a gallon of milk in 1 hour. You're just violently ill until your body processes it out of your system the other way.

I wish I could manipulate probabilities.
No problem, you don't puke when you drink a gallon of milk in 1 hour. You're just violently ill until your body processes it out of your system the other way.

I wish I could manipulate probabilities.

No problem -- you're the statistician for CBS news.

I wish I was so flexible I could put my feet behing my head.
Urbandictionary defines "behing" as "the act of being in front of and behind someone while moving to the rear" I guess you can already do that, it happens all the time when you are walking.

I wish I had the power to make people act on any stupid impulse they might concieve like when you pass a parked car with an open window and you think how great it would be to climb in and surprise the driver when he turns up...
Urbandictionary defines "behing" as "the act of being in front of and behind someone while moving to the rear" I guess you can already do that, it happens all the time when you are walking.

I wish I had the power to make people act on any stupid impulse they might concieve like when you pass a parked car with an open window and you think how great it would be to climb in and surprise the driver when he turns up...

You now start every paragraph with: "I triple-dog dare you . . ."

I wish I could manipulate time.
You can, but only in five ounce increments.
I wish I could control the weather.

Congratulations, you are now a "Quasi Supernormal Incremental Precipitation Inducer," A.K.A. a "rain god" like Rob McKenna from the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy (So long and thanks for all the fish.)

Rain loves you so much that it just wants "to be near you, to love you, to cherish you and to water you."

I wish I could recall anything I've ever read, just as I need it.
I wish I could recall anything I've ever read, just as I need it.

You can and do, but one day you are innocently enjoying your power in a bookshop and a copy of "Twilight" falls off a shelf, you instinctively read a few terrible words as the pages flutter, soon you are completely insane from your inability to forget them...

I wish I could control traffic lights
You can, but you can only control when they turn red, and it doesn't make the other direction turn green any faster.

I wish I had the vision of an eagle.
You can, but you can only control when they turn red, and it doesn't make the other direction turn green any faster.
Since that would be enough to screw with others, I'm not seeing the downside...
I wish I had the vision of an eagle.
You do, but, you are constantly distracted by mice and other vermin.
I wish a healthy layer of fat were bullet proof.
You can, but the angry mob heading towards you is predominantly more pitchfork and fire-based.

I wish I could hypnotise people by singing.
One word: Laringytis....I'd like to be able to chancge my appearance at will like Tonks from the Harry Potter series and also be able to change the sound of my voice as well!

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