Does fast reflex means you're able to react to sneak attacks in time (esp from behind)?


White Belt
A staple of popular media where the badass hero who is shown to have peak human can suddenly detect and react a sucker punch from behind in less than 1/10th of a second and react accordingly.

To the point they even show physically unfit people who don't know anything about Hand-to-Hand being able to counterattack a completely 100% undetected suckerpunch simply because their reflexes are so damn high to the point of being superhuman.

The best example of this is Peter Parker just right after he got bitten by the radioactive spider. The details are different depending on which incarnation of Spidey (he may not even have gotten into a school fight in some series and adaptations) but the first James Franco movie prettyy much shows the typical scenario of Parker's first day after getting mutated:

Due to his clumsiness he angers some jock and as he is going to his locker to get some supplies suddenly the bully is going to punch him. He doesn't even know the bully is behind him but his reflexes had gotten so superhuman that at this point he can dodge bullets and he quickly ducks and the jock hits his hand at the locker and hurts it.

The Spiderman example isn't even the worst, so many Marvel comics (the X-Men in particular) portrays some nerdy waste suddenly being infused with superpowers the next day and when a bully comes or some robber or gangs attempt to attack him from behind, he could react accordingly as though he practised martial arts all his life (despite never having taking a single class, being obese or frail skinny nerdy wastes, and often even being completely aware of his new unfound powers).

This has gotten so much a part of popular media that I even seen many video games like Pitfighter portray specialists in Karate training by being blindfolded and suddenly doing a backfist to some assailant sneaking at them or some ninja-in-training walking running through the obstacle course blindfold and dodging the various booby traps.

I am curious in the real world does reflexes equals defending against suckerpunches (or at elast dodging it in time)?

I ask because one of the first things many-a-bullied kids would do upon entering a dojo is ask how they can develop reflexes so they would never be sneaked attack again. I'm not lying I seen this happen at a few dojos I used to go to where a kid or thrice was so shocked he was KO'D from a sucker punch that they want to learn to react much akin to how blackbelts are shown training in video games and movies blindfolded and doing backfists.
The ability to completely move yourself off-line is just basic martial arts 101, but then I tell people it is an old Sinanju-Time Warp-Ghost Image-Chi-Defense. :)
I believe I answered this specific question in your "Why being able to dodge one fast strike like jab don't mean you can dodge others like beer bottle?" thread.
Honestly no. There are all of these concepts of situational awareness out there that will help. But you can still get ambushed. I have played a couple of ambush games with guys i work with and have been caught out and have caught them out.

look at the knockout game. That sort of random attack very few people have a defence for.
I believe I answered this specific question in your "Why being able to dodge one fast strike like jab don't mean you can dodge others like beer bottle?" thread.

this could go in either. But here will do.

slap ko compilation. Lots of sucker punches and. Ambush attacks.
practicing blindfolded or by being jumped may improve your awareness but you can still be caught of guard.
All awareness training helps but we are but human and most of us have not been bitten by radio active spiders

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