If you could have one of Superman's powers which would it be?

Disguise Power

To be able to put on and off the glasses and have people not recognize you, this must be some latent psychic ability.

Since I can already pull off the disguise power, (It happens to me a lot when I opt for my contacts over my glasses. It even fooled my uncle once.) I'll opt for invunerability. Most of superman's powers become really inconvenient without that one.

Oops, melted my hand. Oops, gave myself cancer with my x ray vision. Oops, flew into that plane's intake fan...
If you were invulnerable, you could rig up a super-catapult with which you could simulate flight. You are invulnerable so no need to worry about the landing.

But I still think I would pick super-speed: you could run most places you could fly; you could avoid most injuries - no need for invulnerable if you can dodge bullets; instead of heat vision you could just super-fast use your lighter on it. So I think Speed wins because you can simulate most of the other powers with it.
rutherford said:
Flight would be nice, but it'd suck to take a bird in the face without Invulnerability.

Ever been hit by a big bug on a motorcycle?

I'm bored, so I actually went and took a look at a list of Supe's powers.
I'll take Super Lovemaking.
HA HA Just ask Fabio
DavidCC said:
But I still think I would pick super-speed: you could run most places you could fly; you could avoid most injuries - no need for invulnerable if you can dodge bullets; instead of heat vision you could just super-fast use your lighter on it. So I think Speed wins because you can simulate most of the other powers with it.

I understand that most women don't like guys with "super speed." :D You know that old joke.... Lois: "Wow, its true, you really are the fastest man in the world."

I think with Super Speed you can make the most money.

You can be the highest paid running back in NFL history. Or maybe MLB or NBA they both pay well for really fast runners.

I don't think invulnerability would work as well, you could enter combat sports but you still might lose on points even though you can't be hurt. Of course with super-speed you could win lots of fights so maybe again speed makes more money.
ginshun said:
Tough call, which one do you think has the best potential for making me some cash?
Anyone of SupermanÂ’s powers can potentially make you some cash.

  • Super-Speed - Fastest Basketball Player, you can make millions
  • Power of Flight - Who wouldn't want to see a flying man?
  • Super-Strength - I think there would be a limit here on how much you can lift if youÂ’re not invulnerable. But you can still make some money in construction or something else.
  • Invulnerability - You can join any of the combat sports like boxing and make millions. You can have your way with your opponent if he/she can't hurt you at all.
  • X-Ray Vision - There are some Countries that would pay millions to have X-ray vision (Spy work). Plus you can also head to a casino and play cards.
  • Heat Vision - Well, I don't know about this one, a guess you can become a professional fire starter if there is such a thing (I don't there is).
  • Super-Hearing - Again, the spy business can make you millions. Everyone would love to know what was being said behind their backs.
  • Super-Breath - Well, you can cool things, like beer. But I would become a fire fighter if I had this power.

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