There is so much erroneous info on SKH out there.
Is To Shin Do watered down? From what I've seen, no. It's far more effective earlier on than bujinkan budo taijutsu as typically taught.
There is, however, less emphasis on proper, elongated, classical tsuki, and more emphasis on silly stuff like adrenal stress training, verbal de-escalation, situational awareness, defenses against common/rage attacks...etc. So, no, it's not like the japanese shihan teach. Obviously, with Hayes' long-standing involvement with Buddhism there is also a fair amount of self-development using buddhist principles.
Is it commercial? Absolutely. It's the one thing that bugs me about his program--I still adhere to the old extended-family dojo philosophy--not, here sign this contract, and this collection agency will send you a monthly statement, and with a two year commitment you can sign up for the blackbelt club
. Of course I'm not trying to make a living at teaching either.
Has ukemi been eliminated, because it's too stressful? No. Do Quest teachers/students have poor taijutsu? No. In fact SKH has always had much higher standards than many, many other teachers. I've known students who've trained regularly for a decade or more and barely been second or third dan. Not at all like many of the six-year-shidoshi running around the booj.
What else? Oh yeah, is he out of the loop? Quit the Bujinkan? Kicked out? Jeez, guys, why don't you send an e-mail and ask him? I know people who've seen him in Japan recently with Hatsumi. There are actually very recent pictures of him and one of his groups at hombu. Shiraishi-Shihan was at one of his festivals teaching a few years ago...
I think to shin do is a culmination of what hayes has been moving towards since the 80's--an effective, modern self-defense system based on classical methodology. It's packaged well--maybe too well for some of us 'traditional-minded' folks. Kinda reminds me of a taijutsu version of Krav Maga, or one of the other reality-based systems that have a lot of marketing capital.
(p.s. Shadow Hunter, I don't know what political stuff you are talking about but Paul Mills is the true successor of Parker's
You really study Hwa Rang? Which 'branch'?)
There is so much erroneous info on SKH out there.
Is To Shin Do watered down? From what I've seen, no. It's far more effective earlier on than bujinkan budo taijutsu as typically taught.
There is, however, less emphasis on proper, elongated, classical tsuki, and more emphasis on silly stuff like adrenal stress training, verbal de-escalation, situational awareness, defenses against common/rage attacks...etc. So, no, it's not like the japanese shihan teach. Obviously, with Hayes' long-standing involvement with Buddhism there is also a fair amount of self-development using buddhist principles.
Is it commercial? Absolutely. It's the one thing that bugs me about his program--I still adhere to the old extended-family dojo philosophy--not, here sign this contract, and this collection agency will send you a monthly statement, and with a two year commitment you can sign up for the blackbelt club

Has ukemi been eliminated, because it's too stressful? No. Do Quest teachers/students have poor taijutsu? No. In fact SKH has always had much higher standards than many, many other teachers. I've known students who've trained regularly for a decade or more and barely been second or third dan. Not at all like many of the six-year-shidoshi running around the booj.
What else? Oh yeah, is he out of the loop? Quit the Bujinkan? Kicked out? Jeez, guys, why don't you send an e-mail and ask him? I know people who've seen him in Japan recently with Hatsumi. There are actually very recent pictures of him and one of his groups at hombu. Shiraishi-Shihan was at one of his festivals teaching a few years ago...
I think to shin do is a culmination of what hayes has been moving towards since the 80's--an effective, modern self-defense system based on classical methodology. It's packaged well--maybe too well for some of us 'traditional-minded' folks. Kinda reminds me of a taijutsu version of Krav Maga, or one of the other reality-based systems that have a lot of marketing capital.
(p.s. Shadow Hunter, I don't know what political stuff you are talking about but Paul Mills is the true successor of Parker's