after reading all the post on this site which was suppose to be about stephen k. hayes... it seems like we end up back where we begin. talking about how hatsumi sensei is better than everyone else, and everyone should just realize that and correct there ways. (for those that don't train with hatsumi) i do realize that hatsumi is better than me, but i would dare to say there are no eternal reprocussions for not wanting to mimic hatsumi. as don has said many times before... when a person is the head of their art they can make it be whatever they want it to be. just like bujinkan, genbukan, jenikan, klingan...etc. if the head of that organization decides to integrate tkd then so be it. what have we established so far. is what hatsumi sensei teaching traditional? well from many post here i would imagine it is not. since he has been modernizing (others say perfecting) his style. even ralph said that he has had over 20 yrs. since he trained with takamatsu. if you wanted to learn what traditional ninjutsu is then you should have trained with takamatsu. but then again who is to say takamatsu knew it all? so let us review: