Senior Master
Okay let me ask you this if according to you mma is the ultimate test to see how good your skills are and that's the only way to show it then tell me what's your mma record? Let's see a video of your fights? Or have you never fought an mma fight? If that's the case then you're simply contradicting yourself and if you say oh yeah I spar or I roll well cool but that's not fighting mma is it. Every martial art club spars so if all you do is spar you're no better than anyone else who spars in their gym.
It's actually funny how much of a fanboy you are
I agree with some things here, aside from the last statement, maybe he is just being honest with the forum about his opinion? There isn't anything wrong with that. Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean they should be labeled something negative.
Anyway I do agree with the fight record comment and every other statement. We all have some form of resistance training that we do whether it be drills or whatever variety of sparring. There was only one place I seen that didn't spar ever and I did not stay there.