By "that route" I mean MMA. There are a lot of reasons people study martial arts, and not all are related to MMA. And there are many of us for whom MMA could be a useful test, but it's not where our interest lies, so we use other means.
Since a perfect test of ability to defend oneself is pretty much impossible (assuming we include avoidance as part of the self-defense skills), and the same can be said of pure fighting technique (assuming we're trying to keep the fighters reasonably safe), there's no sense trying to perfect the test. We need reasonable tests that do a reasonably good job. "Reasonable" is a relative term, and that fits perfectly, because we need tests that are reasonable for the purpose being trained. MMA is a good test for some people. Other tests work just as well for others. I'm not sure there's much value in trying to rank one as "better" than the other. If we can improve a test, so that it is better than it was, that's good. But comparing disparate tests and trying to define an equivalency is like trying to compare black belts between arts.