This is a really interesting discussion on standards and falls into a problem I'm having right now. I've trained in TKD, Karate, Ju-jitsu and Aikido.... nothing seemed to "fit" until I tried Hapkido. So I moved to South Korea for a couple years and trained - I earned my second degree and returned to Ontario.
Since I've returned (6 years now) I've been training/teaching a mixture of Karate, TKD and Hapkido. However, I'd rather concentrate on Hapkido. The Karate school which I teach at is really open to "new" styles so they've given me a Friday slot in the schedule., I want a "standarized" Hapkido prg where I can take my students to other clubs and everything will be similar. I'm getting really frustrated. There are a bunch of TKD schools which teach a few wrist locks and call it Hapkido. When I was living in Korea, my gym had each move for each level on posters on the wall.... I should have copied it out. My problem is I earned my second degree years ago - so I know all kind of locks/falls/punches kicks and throws etc. however, I don't know for which level (belt) each one goes with. Would anyone happen to have the requirements for each belt written down somewhere?
I did a six belt system - but I need the official testing requirments for each level.
Can anyone help?
[email protected]