Hello Kevin:
I am neither threatened nor intimidated by what is being suggested on this forum, and I am sure JR, Hal, Geoff, and other seniors are not either. What I did say was: "I wish you success" or something like that, so don't twist my words into something that was not said.
Correct, I misinterpreted what you said. Sorry. You've got your own group and are satisfied with it.
As far as a "standards" committee (or whatever you want to name it) is concerned. I teach a hell of a lot more than what I have seen proposed so far, so I really can't say I am intimidated or worried about it. My students can prove their worth on the mat anytime and, even though I am getting on in age, I will do my best to do the same for as long as I can.
Great, I'm glad for your students.
Funny how some of the loudest people on these forums can never be found on available mats such as Jackson, Hal's, Fabian's, mine, or other seminars
. I traveled 10 hours to get to train with someone who came to YOUR backyard to teach. If you are so worried about his credentials, all you had to do was show up. If getting on the mat with him was not your cup of tea, at least you could have watched. THEN you would have been able to talk from PERSONAL experience with the man instead of casting stones from the sidelines. Sorry if this seems a bit harsh, but I call em as I see em.
Why do I need to attend a seminar with a man who apparently has senior rank not in Hapkido but Kuk Sool Won? Loud? If that is a reference to me, you don't know me for loud. I have always said I am content with my training, and see no need to travel more than I already do to train with those listed above. Because I don't do a running advertisment for everytime I travel to train, just means I don't feel the need to tell everyone on the net my every move...the guys above have nice seminars from what I am told, but I have NEVER, NOT ONE TIME, EVER insinuated that anyone was not a fine teacher or good on the mat - because I don't know. But what I do and will continue to comment on is the issue of lineage and how it relates to the thing so many call Hapkido. I do feel lineage is important, it demonstrates levels of knowledge and understanding that can be universally recognized by all of us. When people invent rank, or create rank in arts they are not ranked in it shakes the confidence of everybody in ranking across the board.
With regards to GM Seo. I follow who I wish to follow because of what he can teach me... not for what his rank is or is not. I have NEVER said anything to the contrary. I can DO this because I am NOT in an organization that wishes to set rules and make decisions that are exclusive to benefit YOUR agenda. Hell, you folks even want to exclude the very people whom you are going to want to "control" by certification standards YOU and a "selected few" want to set. If what you propose is for the best of the Hap Ki Do community, why exclude the bulk of what makes up this community... the lower ranked Yudahnja ????? Smacks of politics to me.
Lost me here, who said anything about excluding anyone? I have never seen that in my or anyone else's comments on this idea. What is my agenda (again, if this is addressed to me), do tell. Is it that I want Hapkido to have a recognized base, legitimate standards and lineage? Guilty as charged, but how does that benefit me? This is a no fee charging group, with everyone staying in their own organizations - so where's MY benefit? Except, maybe to say that a group of us have decided that we would like to see a common standard from where training across organizations as possible - big agenda there.
GM Seo IS nice man IMHO, and that should not be a reason for me NOT to train with him. As I said before. I could care less what his rank is or what style he calls it. IMHO he does good Hap Ki Do, and I want to learn more of it. I do NOT sit on the sidelines and cast stones toward someone who is out on the mat teaching what in my opinion is good Hap Ki Do. You see, I am not interested in dividing, I am interested in bringing us together in brotherhood and harmony. YOU say he does not teach Hap Ki Do. I say he does (no matter what he has to call it in order to do business).
For the record, I don't cast stones. Seo, In Sun claims (and has for what 30 years) to be the head of the organization in Korea granted sole authority over Hapkido, and some 31 other martial arts. I asked, politely, about his credentials to do so - and NO ONE could answer. Now, again, is he a good man, good father, good teacher, I DON'T KNOW - AND FRANKLY DON'T CARE - and have NEVER stated otherwise - I am only interested in his MEGA rank in Hapkido - that is not casting stones - to question rank is only common sense. If questioning rank in your opinion is divisive, sorry, I want people to come together too, but when we describe Hapkido I think is it relevant to know and understand how the rankings stack up.
I have never said he doesn't teach Hapkido - but he is ranked in Kuk Sool Won - now that is not a business thing and it is misleading to try and cite this. The Kuk Sool Won camp has for more than 20 years maintained they are NOT Hapkido, but an entirely different art where Suh, In Hyuk was a contemporary of Choi, Yong Sul and not a student - so I dont' say he doesn't teach Hapkido - he does.
As far as outright lies of experience and or accrediation. MY accreditation has been posted on the DD for the world to see, and I could care less what anyone thinks about it. Just as I like to learn from others who are willing to get on the mat, I am fortunate enough to have people who want to learn what I have to share. SOME of us train and/or teach instead of worrying about what rank others have.
Sorry, I was not commenting at all about you. I made a statement that many people are jaded with "leaders" (note, not SENIORS) because of the misrepresentations they make. I train to learn, but only accept rank, if it is offered from those qualified to give it - so yes in some ways I do worry about rank - you don't have to, and that is fine, just as it should be fine with you for those of us that actually care about it.
Did you see anywhere in my post that I call for anyone to follow ME. In fact, I said that Bruce (for one) was accepted at my Dojang without being a member, paid the same low fee of $45.00 as our members did for an entire weekend of good training, and he was NEVER was approached by ANYONE about joining NKMAA. In fact, we were very pleased to have him share some of his stuff with us (even though it was different than what I teach). I do NOT accept just anyone, and I do NOT cross rank for anyone who does not teach what I consider to be Hap Ki Do. On the other hand, I do NOT condemn those who do something a slight bit different. So, how does that make ME not interested in serving the Hap Ki Do community as you say in your post.
What? Where did I say you were not interested in serving the Hapkido Community? A little reading between the lines here? I said that those not interested (and we are talking about this project - a standards group) don't have to join in so you must be thinking of something else here, because I didn't say that, so don't twist my words into something that was not said.
A steak is a steak is a steak, no matter how you wish to season it. But, if it is NOT steak, I will not call it that no matter how much they want to pay me. Is that not good enough?
If YOU want to say that ONLY those who are of a direct lineage to someone are legit, that is your business. Just don't think the rest of us buy into that.
No, the rest of YOU don't need to buy into it at all, never asked you to, never will, I have ALWAYS said that if it suits you fine, but I have a definition of Hapkido that sees Choi, Yong Sul as the Founder - thats really about it. As a result, those claiming rank in this art should have a connection here. (I believe that many have bought into this long before I said it...)
In fact, it is THAT type of hype which devides this community more than anything else. That is your opinion, frankly, lately we have been coming to quite a concensus about this. And fewere and fewer heated discussions. Why is it "hype" - truth is never hype. Lies have divided this community, false rank claims and claims about priviledge have done far more damage than saying Choi, Yong Sul was the founder of Hapkido.
FWIW, GM Seo at least did actually train with DJN Choi. Mighty few of us can make that claim, can you???? No, sure can't, but luckily I am priviledged enough to train with the one of the men ranked highest by Choi himself.
MY original post on this was very simple. It was suggested that seniors on this forum are not doing anything to support Hap Ki Do. My answer to that was "BULL". I, and a number of others, have been DOING something for Hap Ki Do for decades, and we are still DOING it rather than talking it. Perhaps in your eyes I am neither senior nor Hap Ki Do as it is defined to suit YOUR particular needs; but, there are those on this forum who have said otherwise.
I have not and never will say that - DO NOT INFER, OR IMPLY THAT YOU KNOW WHAT I THINK - I would never,EVER, on a public forum deride someone for the sake of derision. I have never questioned your ability, rank, standing, or value to the Hapkido community or this forum and to say otherwise is an insult.
If you are not interested in what I have to say to them, no need to get huffy and tell me to go build sandcastles... just ignore my post
No, here you have it a bit wrong. I agree that the comment about seniors by someone else was wrong (in my opinion) - and by rights you said that this is something you are not interested in because you tried it or something like it and it didn't work, but did you miss how hard the little community here is trying? I didn't. I also just said that if anyone was not interested, they can carry on doing their own thing (sorry if you didn't like the sandcastle analogy - it was pointed very generally at those not interested in this project).
IMHO, Hap Ki Do is not well served by people who are divisive.
Like Bruce has said a number of times. Let's look for what we have in common rather than shun those who flavour their steak with a different spice. If you are unwilling to recognize the efforts of GM Ji and other pioneers of our art, the result will be a mighty small group that will have NO influence on Hap Ki Do.
What does Ji have to do with my comments? When have I been unwilling to recognize his efforts? It is some of his CLAIMS I have issue with, and yes I think they have been the cause of much strife in the Hapkido community - but that has little or nothing to do with his "efforts". The only people I ever hope to "influence" are my own students and those who train with me.
If that is the case, why bother?