Dear Michael and Frank:
I want to sincerely thank both of you for taking the time and energy to respond as you did. No sarcasm, here. I genuinely "thank you" for your thoughts and want you to know that it IS important for me to think about what it is that I "brought to the party". Some part of what happened most certainly IS my responsibility and I cannot for a minute believe otherwise.
If I can borrow your comment, Frank, the bottom line (n my regard) IS
ENTIRELY about "moving on". I mention the issues that I did to point up how I view treatment in the past. I can't think of anything that will ever repair that damage. In YOUR case, Frank, you have made a decision not to teach. In my case I have made a decision to wean away from dialogues and contributions such as the one which we are having here. To be perfectly candid I no longer have faith in the best interests, motives or agendas of the various people on these Nets nor those in the KMA in general. I am glad that you both have been able to maintain your balance and I envy that to some point. For myself, I need very much to take care of myself. I think Michael is right about going into teaching situations with an open mind and I strongly recommend it to folks anywhere. For myself, I can no longer look at names such as Oh See Lim, Joo Bang Lee, In Hyuk Suh, Han Jae Ji and many others and not see one more dog-&-pony show, a carnie barker, a till and a souvenir shop. Now before you start tuning up the violins, this isn't meant as a "poor me" kind of post. I'm just stating matter-of-fact-ly that I simply am no longer willing to extend myself and risk
just one more act of faith wherein, just maybe, some well-touted personality might actually turn-out to be everything he said he was. Just too many disappointments.
Now I don't pretend disapointment will go away. If you ever saw me do a jump-spin-kick, my technique defines the word "disappointment".

However, its no longer necessary to make my work, goals and asperations a matter of public entertainment or fodder for whoever is looking to take anonymous pot-shots. I think I probably deserve better than that, and maybe we need to consider this my last word on the subject, 'Kay?
Again, thanks for your time and attention in these matters.
Best Wishes,