Say something about the Martial Artist below you!


The next person had to think twice to which answer they were going to give here.....

True- but I have an excuse- it has been a long tiresome day!!!

I think that the next person may be making his first post in this slightly addictive forum?
False-sorry Right handed

The next poster will haved injured themselves while doing something that couldnt be classed as sensible. :p
Indeed that is true!

The next person has been on the mat with someone that usually lives in Asia.
The next person got sick during class once and almost didn't make it to the restroom.

False. I have a gut of iron. I haven't puked in like... 18 years, regardless of how sick or drunk I was. ;)

The person below me has moved more times in their life than most people s/he knows.

True, all though that's only compared to MOST people I know. I've only moved 7 times (give or take 2).

The next person sleeps with a stuffed animal.
My wife wouldn't like to be called that, but I do have a great pillow heh.

The next person dances and sings in the shower, loudly.
True and not only that. Co-workers often stare at me coz I do it at work too. Try stock shelves at wal-mart while singing loud songs in Italian LOL!!!

The next person has a huge urge to kiss me :)
True and not only that. Co-workers often stare at me coz I do it at work too. Try stock shelves at wal-mart while singing loud songs in Italian LOL!!!

The next person has a huge urge to kiss me :)
You know me to well. LOL
The person below me avoids fast food.
True! How did you know?

The person below me doesn't like snow. (There, I did it, I said the "S" word)
Not anymore, although that was true when I started.

The next person to post has a beloved pet.