Say something about the Martial Artist below you!

False, "Game of Death" can take a hike, but otherwise yes.
The person below me feels insecure and training helps aleve that insecurity.

the next person is Always looking to improve themself in all aspect of life.
the next person is Always looking to improve themself in all aspect of life.

keyword=trying :angel:

the next person takes time to appreciate the little pleasures in everyday life, and secretly wants to beat up chuck norris (not out of spite, "just cuz")!
bakc in school, and with work and kids time for little pleasures, like beating up Mr.Norris :)

The next poster is old enough to have used a rotary phone and typewriter.
Meow? True!

The martial artist below me has never owned a roll of duct tape (!!!)
Me, as in personally? You're right! I've used it, though...

The person below me loves to train in martial arts
Well...huhmmmm...I....I guess it is true :O

The next person had to use what he/she has learnt in MA in real life for personal defense.
No (Thank God), I've never had to use my training in real life personal defense.

The person below me has heard the term "Grasshopper" used in their dojang/dojo.
Yup...many times.

The next martial artist will have broken a bone while training in the dojang/dojo.
False - thankfully. But I did tear the ligaments is my right elbow. OUCH!!!

The MA below me still watches the Simpsons.
True- I have the attention span of a goldfish. Except when training of course :)

The next person is 'true blue' Aussie like me mate? Go on admit it, you're a real ocker :)
false mostly american lol

the next person has done extensive research on their martial lineage
False on the alien things but I do love cheetos
The next person trains in a style that is up and coming.

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