Say something about the Martial Artist below you!

Nope, my training is more combat than sport.

The next martial artists that posts is a black belt in something.
Wrong!!! I train to stay alive on the streets..

The next person will be asking themselves "Why am I posting here?"
Wrong!!! I train to stay alive on the streets..

The next person will be asking themselves "Why am I posting here?"

But as the true UPWE I must
The next person only love men.
SOOO true! I could be training or studying for my learner's permit.

The next person will be someone who started lessons because of the Power Rangers.
The next person will be someone who started lessons because of the Power Rangers.

False--Ninja Turtles were the first heros that got me interested in martial arts, then Batman, then Power Rangers.

The next person is learning a foreign language (asian language) because their martial art got them interested in it.

Robyn :asian:
False, would love to, but the time.... the time......

The next person has praticed 4 hours in a streach

True! And will be doing it again in a few hours from now!

The next person knows all the words to "God Save The Queen"
True! And will be doing it again in a few hours from now!

The next person knows all the words to "God Save The Queen"

False.... don't know it. (I wish I could pratice for 4 hours right now... but I have 8 hours work....)

The next person is afraid of the dark....

False - it's better in the dark!

The next person thinks training underwater will increase their power.

The next person needs to feel a technique to prove to themselves that it's effective
true but the sick thing is I enjoy the pain lol

the next person wishes they was somewhere else