S.E.I.U. organizes rally with actual communists

If they were nazis (national socialists) would you still look at them the same way?

Well, no.

First off, there's the 14 WORDS:

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children."

So, The American NAZI Party

Is clearly not worthy of "getting a pass."

Why do the communists get a pass for their past affiliations?

So, American Communist Party:

Founded in 1919, the Communist Party USA has championed the struggles for democracy, labor rights, women’s equality, racial justice and peace for ninety years.

This is a true statement-along with their 60-odd year support of the Soviet Union-that is completely antithetical to what the American Nazi party represents.

My grandparents were commies, for a short time.

That's why they "get a pass."

Would you march with the Klan if they all of a sudden said they really wanted to change their image and wanted to work for civil rights now?

Well, they wouldn't be "the Klan" anymore, would they? :lfao:
What amazes me, Billi, is you act like this is news. As was pointed out earlier, labor unions are an inherently Communist idea. Of course a labor union is going to be friendly with them...at least now that we're no longer (entirely) a nation of people who'd happily "kill a commie for mommy."

As for the connection with the Nazis, dude, seriously? Not all socialists are Nazis, any more than all capitalists are robber barons. And, although communism and socialism share very similar venn diagrams, they are also not the same things.

I appreciate informed debate, Billi, but in this case lad you need to get better informed. You are drawing way out there conclusions from data that's not news.

Brother, if you have health insurance from your job -- go hug a commie. And then go thank the capitalist who made that particular communist concept actually fiscally sustainable.
Budo, I have never said all socialists are nazis. Nazis, national socialists, are from germany, socialists in Italy took the name facist and the socialists in the soviet socialist republic were the actual communists. The italian and german socialists were national socialists who were not interested in socialism on an international scale. The socialists in Russia were internationall socialists. The goal of their true believers was a communist society and socialism was the intermediate stage to achieve that goal.
"Founded in 1919, the Communist Party USA has championed the struggles for democracy, labor rights, womenÂ’s equality, racial justice and peace for ninety years."

Now that is really funny. Having seen what they did in Russia, China and Cambodia, Cuba, I'm sure if they had succeeded here they would have been soooo much different. And that whole, giving the most destructive weapon in the world to one of the biggest mass murderers of the world, that really deserves an atta boy doesn't it.
Actually, Billi, you strongly suggested it when you equated letting Communists march with letting Nazis march. One is a legitimate system for organizing society (albeit one I believe is unrealistic in its assumptions about basic human nature). The other was a perversion of the social order by a group of -- literally -- jackbooted thugs.

But seriously, were you smoking out or passing notes during history class? Union Members are associated with Communism????? I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!
For the longest time they tried to keep the commies out. At least Reagan did back when he was in the union. Communists, wether you like it or not, murdered over 100 million people world wide. Our country was lucky in that our government was created with substantial checks and balances which kept socialism in check. Germany, Italy, Russia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba were not so lucky. Keep in mind, the communists here were trying to help the communists around the world and remember that part about giving the mass murderers in Russia the bomb. So they weren't the harmless little labor organizers you portray them as. So if it would be wrong to be seen marching with the Nazis (national socialists) who murdered 12-15 million people, not including war dead, then it should be a lot worse to be seen marching with communists (international socialists) responsible for the murder of over 100 milion people world wide, plus these particular socialists helped the mass murderers in Russia try to over throw the actual democracy here in the states. I have to go, have a nice night Budo.
I think you'll find that communists murdered very few people.

Opportunistic criminals (like Stalin and Pol Pot) took advantage of the fact that communism is unrealistic about human motivation to murder millions. Doesn't take the onus off communism, but it certainly lets me sleep better knowing those bloodthirsty union members are running amok in my community.

Capitalism has its own openings for murder and mayhem....as the massacre of most of the native population of the western hemisphere points out. However, its realistic basis seems to make capitalistic societies more....watchful?....of their leadership, making it harder for a criminal leader to push through atrocities.