I read through part of this, have read the Nazi documents before and I think, rather than hack up part of a book in a poor, inflammatory attempt to claim American Liberalism is The Devil, a side-by-side analysis would hold more water.
This is the classic bastardization the right has become famous for - and you know what? It doesn't work anymore.
The right has become famous for...? I believe both parties engage in this type of rhetorical behavior. As an example from Representative Peter Stark (D - California):
Mr. STARK. Mr. Chairman, I yield myself 2\1/2\ minutes.
Mr. Chairman, there are some of us who remember this world in the 1930s, when Hitler suspended the Bundestag to promulgate conservative ideology and not let people speak. It is a shame that the Republicans in the House, Mr. Chairman, have taken up that same ideology and are denying a chance for debate and open discussion of a budget. It does smack of fascism; and it is too bad, because the American people will recognize that and understand that in a free economy, and in a free country that created programs like Social Security and Medicare and special education and aid for dependent children and aid for people who are unable to care for themselves, for the disabled, that to deny them care is obscene.
Also, Chairman of the NAACP Julian Bond:
"The Republican Party would have the American flag and the swastika flying side by side,"
Socialized health care has worked in more countries (nothing's perfect) than it has not worked in. In fact, socialism itself is the reason Germany emerged from being one of the poorest nations in the world to one of the worlds largest superpowers.
Social security and welfare saved this country's poor and turned the population, over some years, into a thriving consumership - you know ... that bank of spending people enterprise relies upon for building wealth and creating economy.
If social welfare saved this countrys poor, then why are there still poor people? Quite frankly, it is the fact that this country has the lowest unemployment rate (4.6%) compared to that of Germany (9.1%), England (5.4%), and France (8%), countries with which the U.S. is readily compared. Perhaps that could have something to do with the reason why.
The U.S. also has an average number of percentage of people living below the poverty line as compared to those countries as well: U.S. (12%), Germany (11%), U.K. (14%) and France (6.2%, as of 2004).
source: CIA World Fact Book
Now, I am not saying that socialism is necessarily a bad thing. I believe, however, that it can only work based on the cultural context in which it serves. That being said, I believe that it only works in a country with a homgeneous culture. As we all know, the U.S. is not such a place. In fact, there are those in the U.S. community who decry such a thing.
The DNC will not send armed military police into the homes of Jews, Blacks or even Illegal Aliens to rob them of their wealth and kill the owners in concentration camps.
The DNC will not confiscate properties nor businesses by use of military or civilian armed and violent forces.
What makes you think this? The U.S. has already done it based on the interpreatation of laws. See Asset Forfeiture laws, articles relating to the confiscation of firearms from both citizens and manufacturers, natural disaster survivor stories. This type of thing happens all the time. And by both parties when they are in charge.
Big Don - you apparently came here to gripe about Democrats bellyache about Liberalism in an egregious way. And it's all you do here, apparently. Howzabout you contribute to an art section? The one you study (or used to) perhaps?
And if this DNC = Nazi Party thing is something you got from the radio or some other conservative rag/blog, perhaps you might be better entertained by thinking for yourself.
Breathe, Don. There *IS* life after the Bush era.
Let me see here. Looking back at your posts for the last few weeks, I have yet to see you try to censor Elder999 for his multiple posts (count 7) bashing Bush. And now you have the cajones to accuse Big Don of griping. How so very hypocritical of you.