The Dalai Lama is a marxist, by his own admision


Lifetime Supporting Member
See, this is where the siiliness continues. Communism is responsible for the deaths of probably over 100 milllion people and here you have a "man of peace" declaring that he is a marxist, just not a leninist. Wow! Where does communism get the jedi powers to cloud the minds of men (or is that also The Shadow).

Here is the article documenting the silliness...

from the article:

It’s one thing to promote cooperation and egalitarianism. It’s quite another to publicly endorse a specific ideology that espouses such goals but consistently delivers a dramatically different outcome. According to The Black Book of Communism, Marxist regimes over the 20th century systematically slaughtered between 85 and 100 million people. Millions more were terrorized, tortured, and enslaved. And these atrocities were not breaches of practical Marxist orthodoxy — they were critical elements of Marxist statecraft. Terror tactics and atrocities, The Black Book’s authors point out, are found in every regime claiming to be Marxist in origin...

And while the Dalai Lama extols the supposed moral ethics of Marxism, he completely ignores its absence of a system of constraints. As Joshua Muravchik points out in Heaven on Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism, Marxism lacks an internal code of conduct to limit what its adherents may do in pursuit of its Utopian objectives. Welcome to Hell.

The Dalai Lama seems oblivious to other Marxist realities as well. He says he learned of the wonders of Communism through meetings with Mao Tse-tung, chairman of the Communist Party of China.

Mao flattered the Dalai Lama, telling him his mind was very sharp and logical. The Dalai Lama greatly admired Mao. That is until the chairman compared religion to “a poison.” Unforgivable. More unforgivable, it seems, than Mao’s systematic butchering of at least 50 million Chinese.
See, this is where the siiliness continues. Communism is responsible for the deaths of probably over 100 milllion people and here you have a "man of peace" declaring that he is a marxist, just not a leninist. Wow! Where does communism get the jedi powers to cloud the minds of men (or is that also The Shadow).

Here is the article documenting the silliness...

from the article:

It’s one thing to promote cooperation and egalitarianism. It’s quite another to publicly endorse a specific ideology that espouses such goals but consistently delivers a dramatically different outcome. According to The Black Book of Communism, Marxist regimes over the 20th century systematically slaughtered between 85 and 100 million people. Millions more were terrorized, tortured, and enslaved. And these atrocities were not breaches of practical Marxist orthodoxy — they were critical elements of Marxist statecraft. Terror tactics and atrocities, The Black Book’s authors point out, are found in every regime claiming to be Marxist in origin...

And while the Dalai Lama extols the supposed moral ethics of Marxism, he completely ignores its absence of a system of constraints. As Joshua Muravchik points out in Heaven on Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism, Marxism lacks an internal code of conduct to limit what its adherents may do in pursuit of its Utopian objectives. Welcome to Hell.

The Dalai Lama seems oblivious to other Marxist realities as well. He says he learned of the wonders of Communism through meetings with Mao Tse-tung, chairman of the Communist Party of China.

Mao flattered the Dalai Lama, telling him his mind was very sharp and logical. The Dalai Lama greatly admired Mao. That is until the chairman compared religion to “a poison.” Unforgivable. More unforgivable, it seems, than Mao’s systematic butchering of at least 50 million Chinese.

1) Tibet has almost no hope of ever defeating China, or escaping Chinese rule.

2) Tenzin Gyatso, the Dalai Lama has no hope of ever returning to be the head of state in Tibet-in fact, he officially retired as this year and there technically is no Tibetan "head of state." He has also stated for years that he might abolish the title "Dalai Lama," he has, essentially, done this, and is the last Dalai Lama-thogh he might designate a successor while he's alive, though he's also cautioned that his reincarnation may be a woman, or three people,or someone not Tibetan-all in an effort to keep control of the Gelugpa sect from China.

3) China has already taken control of the reincarnation of at least one important lama, the Panchen Lama: the boy designated by the Dalai Lama disappeared at age 6, and was replaced with the Chinese state choice. In fact, the Chinese state has passed a law that basically reads "no reincarnation without permission from the Chinese government."

Against that kind of arrogance and oppression, one of the best tactics for the Dalai Lama is to distinguish Chinese communism from its predecessor, and another is to speak reverently of Mao. He's hoping to gain some concessions, and perhaps have the Tibetan people retain control of the Tibetan people's heritage, and the Gelugpa sect, rather than have it continue to lose more and more control to the Chinese state.

Of course, to a "conservative," any kind of praise of "communism" is stupid, and there can't be any good motive for it, even from such a relatively powerless position as that of this most good and kind of good and kind men.

And yes, Tenzin declares himself to be a Marxist-has been since at least 1999-sure, someone who has been raised in the isolation of a monastic collective to be the most compassionate of beings is going to have just the right combination of naivete and exposure to the outside world that they will speak of the "evils of capitalism"-which is what they see when they look out at the world-and the "joys of collectivism"-which is how they've lived almost their entire life.

So, the article is stupid, bill-"where the silliness continues," as you say. It fails to understand or address the underlying reasons for this very important personage to say the things he has-the "writer" has no sense of the nuance involved in the situation, or the dynamics of the continuing relationship between Tibet, the Tibetan government in exile, and the Chinese government, and, rather than attempting to gain any understanding, simply jumps into criticizing how "oblivious" Tenzin is, when it is the writer-and anyone who simply swallows what he has to say as "gospel"-that is oblivious.

"man of peace"
jedi powers
this is not the lama
you're looking for
move along.
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Elder, the looney left in this country, especially in hollywood listens to the "Lama" and take him seriously. So when someone like him endorses the mass murdering philosophy of Marxism, it gives it legitimacy. The fact that he has no real understanding because of how he was raised has no bearing on the damage he does when he makes these statement.
The fact that he has no real understanding because of how he was raised has no bearing on the damage he does when he makes these statement.

Ah. Ignorance is no excuse. I wonder how many other things that could be applied to....
Elder, the looney left in this country, especially in hollywood listens to the "Lama" and take him seriously. So when someone like him endorses the mass murdering philosophy of Marxism, it gives it legitimacy. The fact that he has no real understanding because of how he was raised has no bearing on the damage he does when he makes these statement.

No, you're misunderstanding what I said, again. The fact that he was raised in a collectivist, non-material society, to be a person who has compassion for all beings, and puts their well being before his is what leads him to endorse Marxism, and condemn capitalism-in fact, in his ignorance, the author of the article states:

He disregards the critical component Marxism requires to function successfully: a mythical human, one free of self-interest

when, in fact, Tenzin Gyatso is that mythical human, or, at least, as close to one as we'll ever see, so he doesn't disregard it: he means something altogether different when he says that he's a "Marxist," and he may in fact be the only true Marxist ever.
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Elder, the looney left in this country, especially in hollywood listens to the "Lama" and take him seriously. So when someone like him endorses the mass murdering philosophy of Marxism, it gives it legitimacy. The fact that he has no real understanding because of how he was raised has no bearing on the damage he does when he makes these statement.

Bill much of Marx thought is still very relevant in today's world. for example there's these great big fishing companies who is trying to take over commercial fishing in newfoundland and take it out of the hands of the small fisher people and close most of the fishing plants and do it all out on the ocean in the great big ships. Thats a marxian idea as he would say It concentrates wealth into fewer and fewer hands. Its called rationalization. Its happening here and my dad is one of the people trying to stop it as it would hurt the Newfoundland people. So hate the bastards who killed all those people yeah and called themselves marxists but the problem is not marxism marx has nothing to do with what those people did, he died in 1883.
So I guess if nazis started food drives for the homeless and started run for the cure for cancer marathon's all their past sins would just be attributed to a bad ideology from the past...considering the communists actually murdered more people in more countries...
Bill, you know that it's not the book or concept that murdered those people, it was people seeking power. Stalin had millions killed, but it wasn't communism that killed them, it was Stalin's desire to be top dog. Most of the Marxists I've met tend to be hippie types...about the only thing they'll kill is some junk food after a few bong hits.
The Marxist and communist ideals are not evil or bad. It has been the implementation of those theories that has been evil, because man seems to be selfish by nature. That is why capitialism actually works...and also why it has problems when not regulated.

The article seems to have been written from a preconceived viewpoint with absolutely no understanding of Buhdhism, Tenzin Gyatso, or the realities of the situation he is in. Instead it is used as an attack on a man that more people should actually listen too. He is a very intelligent and compassionate man, with things to say that should be of interest to peace loving people of any religion or political idealogy.
Karl Marx wrote a philosophy. In it he esposed certain ideas. The philosophy did not say to do the horrors that the "communists" enacted to create their political state.

Saying that Marxism is the same as the political communists is saying very similiar to saying that Jesus philosophy is responsible for the atrocities of the Catholic church throughout the years. Jesus didn't teach that, nor endorse that. I think that Marx was in the same boat. The Communists wanted to "give" the people something different instead of a Czar/Tsar, they twisted the philosophy to allow them to take everything from the people and justify it for "the greater good".