The Nazi thing

It appears to me that you are now making excuses for the Bush-bashing that occurs here.

Again, where is the criticism of Elder999, and his many posts by the same people who are bashing Big Don now?

Let's see.....I didn't have "many posts" until Big Don started in on his incessant "Democrats=Racism" thing, and didn't really get warmed up until he derailed the thread about MLK by insinuating that Democrats had him assassinated, or some such nonsense....heck, I've been on this board for 3 years and 3 months, and I just passed 1,000 posts fairly recently.

Don's been here since last September, and has about 400 more posts than I do. Not that that's a good thing or a bad thing,....heck, you've got way less posts than I do,Mr. Kenpo 5-0, and you've been here just as long. I'm just pointing out the difference in volume-especially when you consider that for a while there, there wasn't a single thread in the Study that didn't get some "evil Demoncrat" input-not that I always responded, though ....

In the time that Don's been here, I've posted on a variety of topics, but I've only started a relatively few threads, except for the last couple of weeks. Those threads have covered Jimmy Carter, judo, racism and religion, Racism and the republican party,which wars work best?, all manner of stuff-a lot of which was more philosophical/rhetorical than "Bush-bashing."

Im okay with you calling it that, too:"Bush bashing," but it's interesting how a presentation of fact gets construed that way. It's true, in the last two weeks I have posted a lot of "Bushie" stuff, let's see:

Scott McClellan says "this" about Bush, and Scott McClellan says "that." Please note that I didn't say it-I posted a links to articles.

"Bush reveals plans for Iraq invasion to ghost writer in 1999" please note that he didn't reveal it to me, he revealed it to someone else, and I posted a link to an article.

"Bush regime blocks Holocaust reparations." Please note that the conclusions were not mine, and I posted a link to an article.

"United Methodists upset with Bush Cheney," Please note that-well, you do get the fact, the only Bush bashing that I've really done is say that "Bush policies aren't Christian," which I'll stand by.

Oh, that, and deliberately misspell his name...I love to do that! :lol:
Sorry for the delay, been working alot lately.

Dont misconstrue what I am saying. You have the absolute right to say what you want in any thread, and post whatever thread you want (withing the rules of the forum, of course).

What I take issue with is peoples forms of argumentation. People keep trashing Big Don because he keeps bringing up points to defend Bush and the Republicans. He has that right. Just has you have the right to post threads bashing him.

But they dont trash you for doing so. Why? Probably because they agree with you. It is the hypocracy that I am really getting at, not your posting of the threads themselves.
People keep trashing Big Don because he keeps bringing up points to defend Bush and the Republicans.

I don't bash him because he defends Republicans. Plenty of people here do that. What I do bash him for is for refusing to engage in debate of his points, and for consistently ignoring substantiated information brought up by others which conclusively refutes what he is saying. It is intellectually dishonest behavior and not worthy of this board.
Thats the liberal way.. :)


Oi! Pack that in. Agitator.

We let the Colonies go once, don't think we can't take them back if you keep bad-mouthing Liberals (aka Whigs) :p.

Politeness costs nothing and accuracy of phrasing even less. "Liberal" is not a curse. It means 'holding the middle ground' and 'even-handed', 'intelligent compromise' and 'tolerance'.

We are very careful with our useage of some words in the on-line community and it's about time the sort of mis-application we're putting up with of this one is addressed.

Liberal is not a synonym for something bad. It is simply neither Fascist nor Communist but a rational point somwhere in the middle - with emphasis on the 'rational'.

Rant over ... continue with your scheduled mis-information and brainwashing ... erm ... sorry ... I mean posting and discourse ... obviously ... tum-te-tum-te-tum ...
American Liberals are different animals.

Just havin a bit o fun, what with it being open season with all of elders BuSh threads and all.....
:grumbles and settles back into cave: grrr ... umm ... okay then ... cake anyone :D?
I don't bash him because he defends Republicans. Plenty of people here do that. What I do bash him for is for refusing to engage in debate of his points, and for consistently ignoring substantiated information brought up by others which conclusively refutes what he is saying. It is intellectually dishonest behavior and not worthy of this board.

I am not necessarily referring to you in this context. I agree that some here take up very ardent positions without regard to factual information. Big Don may at times be one of them.

I said this here and in another thread, it seems that people do not have a problem being hypocritical when it comes to maintaining their own positions. As an example, I use wikipedia as a source on one occasion, and get bashed for it. Then, that very same person uses wikipedia as a source for their own position.

The same thing goes on with BD. He is told to stop defending Bush / Republicans and to stop bashing Democrats / liberal (the U.S. meaning *S*), yet no one is telling those who are bashing BuSh to do the same.

My point is that we are all entitled to our thoughts. This is an open forum. If you are going to attack him, or anyone else for that matter, do it on the basis of logic and fact. Be intellectually honest, and very importantly, consistent. Dont do it because he says something that you may simply find unpleasent.
When I post links I don't use Fox, because of the lunatic bias against them, held by some, I use MSM sources if possible to back up my claims, others make claims and cite quotes with out even a biased source. I ask for proof, and am more or less told to pound sand. It is like CBS and their forged memos of the Bush NG thing from 2004, No actual evidence, but, The CHARGE was important Funny how that only works when the alleged evil doer is a Republican,a Christian, a white guy, or holy crap, all three...
I mean, a number of women came forward with abuse claims against Bill...
Louis Freeh, former CLINTON APPOINTED FBI Director wrote a fairly scathing book about his time as director, but, he isn't to be believed, a former press secretary's book is given more weight...

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