Which Wars Work Best?

I really don't know how to respond to the above couple of posts :D.

The export of American 'culture' largely consists of the brainwashing effects of Hollywood and MTV acting like constant advertising and so moulding the world view of impressionable people.

It is not just rightwingers who have serious doubts as to whether or not that is a good thing.

Chopin, Shakespeare, Cezanne, Da Vinci, Van Gogh ... those are examples of culture/art. MacDonalds, gun crime and rappers are not.

Sorry for the emotive blathering there but that touched a nerve :blush:.

I may come back and delete this later when I've had time to think about it ... then again, it might as well be me (as a newcomer) that gets a 'slap' for off-topic ranting than someone more established here.

Maybe it's a good subject for another thread tho' i.e. what is American Culture and is it's spread beneficial or baneful to the general 'level' of culture in the world?
I never said it was a good thing. I dont like the rap, hip hop culture HERE. Unfortunately, I dont see any way of really doing anything about it without trampling all over peoples freedoms.
A true conumdrum there, Blotan.

It certainly can appear to be a case of one mans meat being another mans poison, as the old saying goes.

Of course, the countervailing argument that applies is that just because someone has the freedom to do something doesn't mean that they should do it ... such as those people that drive around in small cars with stereos more powerful than the engine and pollute my freedom to peace and quiet.

Anyhow, we're wandering way off here ... sorry, my fault.
Thats easy enough to disprove, just show the balance books of American movie, music, clothing, food and television companies. Countries are buying up our "culture" at a staggering rate. Thats the problem amongst the conservatives of those nations.

There are equally many people who see it as eroding their own indigenous ways. Some hardline Islamic cultures in particular.

Me? I quite like a nice Mc-d's when I've got 20 minutes for lunch. Although for whatever reason, I'm always hungry again about half an hour later.

Sukerkin, whereabouts in Staffs are you? Roughly speaking.

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