Not that anyone particularly cares, but I personally find it extremely insulting and offensive that someone would compare portions of the American Government with Nazism. Granted, the government has its problems and is FAR from perfect. Does a lot of things that people don't agree with....BUT, I think that we're pretty far from openly encouraging genocide, advocating a master race and making an open push to taking over the world. Even in our current military endeavors, we have a (very general idea as is it) foe for a very specific purpose. Argue it however you want, no one has ever said that our GOAL is to eliminate every muslim from the face of the earth.
To make a sweeping generalization such as comparing a few select beliefs of one system of thinking with a completely different ideology is honestly what I had idealistically hoped was above most people.
Vigilance is important. Constantly looking at our own beliefs and ensuring that the government and the people are "doing the right thing" is necessary...especially in a govenmernt like this, where, however small it is, the people have some say. If we are going down the wrong road, it is important to say something....and while many people don't agree with things that we're doing....I really think that we're in a different ballpark from the Nazi national objectives.
My personal opinion is that any "ism" or policatical partisan alliance is detrimental to the greater good. I think that the massive number of recent threads whose primary purpose is the "bash" and put down another set of beliefs is proof of that. Don't agree? Fine. Want to tell people that you don't agree? GREAT! But put people into two nice little groups and boy does it become easy to generalize and bash an huge portion of the population for the beliefs of a few. There is just as much diversity within each political party as there are religions or races or any other large portion of the population.
Ok, down off my soapbox. Personal opinions, obviously everyone's right to disagree. I just feel that when we get to the point of comparing the entire American liberal party to Nazis....we're on the verge of McCarthyism.
To make a sweeping generalization such as comparing a few select beliefs of one system of thinking with a completely different ideology is honestly what I had idealistically hoped was above most people.
Vigilance is important. Constantly looking at our own beliefs and ensuring that the government and the people are "doing the right thing" is necessary...especially in a govenmernt like this, where, however small it is, the people have some say. If we are going down the wrong road, it is important to say something....and while many people don't agree with things that we're doing....I really think that we're in a different ballpark from the Nazi national objectives.
My personal opinion is that any "ism" or policatical partisan alliance is detrimental to the greater good. I think that the massive number of recent threads whose primary purpose is the "bash" and put down another set of beliefs is proof of that. Don't agree? Fine. Want to tell people that you don't agree? GREAT! But put people into two nice little groups and boy does it become easy to generalize and bash an huge portion of the population for the beliefs of a few. There is just as much diversity within each political party as there are religions or races or any other large portion of the population.
Ok, down off my soapbox. Personal opinions, obviously everyone's right to disagree. I just feel that when we get to the point of comparing the entire American liberal party to Nazis....we're on the verge of McCarthyism.