Czechs may ban communist party.


Lifetime Supporting Member
I am personally not for banning political parties, even the socialist ones responsible for murdering over 100 million people. As long as they don't try to repeat their activities they can march in all the S.E.I.U. demonstrations and Obama rally's that they want. However, I had noticed that the national socialist party, the nazis, are banned in Germany. I understand this because of the mass murdering nature of the national socialists and the wreckage they brought to the world. What I cannot understand is why more countries haven't outlawed the communist party, which is even more responsible for death and destruction than the nazi party. It will be interesting to see what the Czechs do, even though I do not agree with banning political parties. The article:

from the article:

Petr Necas' government has taken the first step toward a
possible ban by asking the Interior Ministry to work on a legal complaint to
make it happen. A study commissioned by a Senate committee compiled numerous
complaints from lawmakers about their conduct.
The party, which is vehemently opposed to NATO, brands
opponents "terrorists" and maintains friendly ties with the ruling Communists in
Cuba, China and North Korea.
Unlike most other communist parties in the region that have
joined the left-wing mainstream, the Czech party has maintained its hardline
Supporters of the ban say it is a direct successor of the
Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, whose members killed more than 240 political
prisoners while thousands of other opponents died in prisons.
I am personally not for banning political parties, even the socialist ones responsible for murdering over 100 million people. As long as they don't try to repeat their activities they can march in all the S.E.I.U. demonstrations and Obama rally's that they want. However, I had noticed that the national socialist party, the nazis, are banned in Germany. I understand this because of the mass murdering nature of the national socialists and the wreckage they brought to the world. What I cannot understand is why more countries haven't outlawed the communist party, which is even more responsible for death and destruction than the nazi party. It will be interesting to see what the Czechs do, even though I do not agree with banning political parties. The article:

from the article:

Petr Necas' government has taken the first step toward a
possible ban by asking the Interior Ministry to work on a legal complaint to
make it happen. A study commissioned by a Senate committee compiled numerous
complaints from lawmakers about their conduct.
The party, which is vehemently opposed to NATO, brands
opponents "terrorists" and maintains friendly ties with the ruling Communists in
Cuba, China and North Korea.
Unlike most other communist parties in the region that have
joined the left-wing mainstream, the Czech party has maintained its hardline
Supporters of the ban say it is a direct successor of the
Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, whose members killed more than 240 political
prisoners while thousands of other opponents died in prisons.
well, since it's their ruling, more power to them
I think as outsider you can't really appreciate the impact the party had on the country.

And since I am not in the know on how their constitution is crafted, their might be a valid reason to eliminate a danger to society.
Making political parties illegal is a slippery slope, I have to say. That's why we put up with the likes of the BNP and the EDL and a number of other loony or unseemly parties. Such things act as safety valves for the less palatable members of a society to 'have their say'. Keeping tabs on the more outlandish ones is probably a good idea mind you.
we have a 'communist party' in fact we have two. I even met them leader of the 'communist party of canada' (Miguel Figueroa at the time ok he still is) and i have a pic that someone took of me with him. I don't like them, although ikept the picture. 'democratic centralism'is an oxymoron, and I don't like that they still believe in Lenin (who was in my mind a bad person) A Marxist he isn't. Read history, and lenin altered marx's ideas. I don't think they will need the banzor button - they have less of a chance at forming a government than the Green Party. :p
Making political parties illegal is a slippery slope, I have to say. That's why we put up with the likes of the BNP and the EDL and a number of other loony or unseemly parties. Such things act as safety valves for the less palatable members of a society to 'have their say'. Keeping tabs on the more outlandish ones is probably a good idea mind you.

It depends on how the constitution is set up, or the election protocol.
In the US, let them run, they never make it, on a local level on a good day, maybe, but not even regional, let alone national.

Other countries have a more flexible structure. Which is good. But you have to guard the portal to power....
I am personally not for banning political parties, even the socialist ones responsible for murdering over 100 million people. As long as they don't try to repeat their activities they can march in all the S.E.I.U. demonstrations and Obama rally's that they want. However, I had noticed that the national socialist party, the nazis, are banned in Germany. I understand this because of the mass murdering nature of the national socialists and the wreckage they brought to the world. What I cannot understand is why more countries haven't outlawed the communist party, which is even more responsible for death and destruction than the nazi party. It will be interesting to see what the Czechs do, even though I do not agree with banning political parties. The article:

from the article:

Petr Necas' government has taken the first step toward a
possible ban by asking the Interior Ministry to work on a legal complaint to
make it happen. A study commissioned by a Senate committee compiled numerous
complaints from lawmakers about their conduct.
The party, which is vehemently opposed to NATO, brands
opponents "terrorists" and maintains friendly ties with the ruling Communists in
Cuba, China and North Korea.
Unlike most other communist parties in the region that have
joined the left-wing mainstream, the Czech party has maintained its hardline
Supporters of the ban say it is a direct successor of the
Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, whose members killed more than 240 political
prisoners while thousands of other opponents died in prisons.

Still not understanding European politics then? nor democracy by the looks of it.