RIP: Andrew Breitbart dies of 'natural causes'

True. One of my sisters worked in a nursing home; apparently that is the way many an elderly male patient is found in the morning. The strain of moving one's bowels can create a problem for the heart, and if it's teetering on the edge anyway, that alone can be the end. Not dignified, but apparently we don't get a vote.

Basically, straining stimulates the vegus nerve, which causes the heart rate and blood pressure to drop. If they drop low enough, so do you. "Bathroom syncope" is really common, but as you said, if your heart is on the edge, it doesn't always take much to push it over.

When you smack someone in the solar plexus, you're stimulating this same nerve. It causes the diaphram to spasm, and can also cause the stomach tom spasm. So first they lose their air, then their lunch.
Brian King said:
;Elder999 wrote


Only my fervent and gleeful imagination upon turning on the morning news-as I posted, the idea of it made me chuckle.

Brian King said:
t, the post written in anger, the sarcastic wit displayed for ego or boredom, or the post lacking in grace, all are small minded and a terrible way to possibly leave a conversation and memory. It is ironic perhaps but a powerful reminder and lesson that Breitbart’s final written words were “I apologize,”

Not angry, bored, sarcastic for ego or boredom-if you want lacking in grace, though, I can honestly say that I turned on Fox News this morning, and knew it was gonna be a good day.

On this, I don't apologize.

Not sad at his passing.Just glad he's gone.

This isn't the "In Memoriam" forum, it's The Study. I have nothing for contempt for the jerk, and this is the place to share it.

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Elder999 wrote
“This isn't the "In Memoriam" forum, it's The Study. I have nothing for contempt for the jerk, and this is the place to share it. “

Aye, that’s true sure enough. Yet, I am thinking that some like Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan and others that could be honest and call a person a ‘jerk’ yet still do it with amazing style and grace. So much so that their words and manner will be remembered for years and years.

Then there are communicators like Breibart, yourself, and billcihak to name a few that all have more similarities than differences in manner and grace. But if not graceful and empowering at least some of the writing is entertaining in a Nascar sort of way. Please, carry on and good luck.

Brian King
Brian King said:

Aye, that’s true sure enough. Yet, I am thinking that some like Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan and others that could be honest and call a person a ‘jerk’ yet still do it with amazing style and grace. So much so that their words and manner will be remembered for years and years.

Then there are communicators like Breibart, yourself, and billcihak to name a few that all have more similarities than differences in manner and grace. But if not graceful and empowering at least some of the writing is entertaining in a Nascar sort of way. Please, carry on and good luck.

Brian King

Indeed-Churchill, I'm not, nor do I claim to be.Reminds me of a story, though-

When we moved back into Los Alamos, I found, to my horror, that my neighbors raised Papillions-little, yapping, rats that think they're dogs. They'd yip at me through the fence-hell, they'd yip at anything, at the earliest of hours sometimes, and non stop.

I was sorry for my neighbor when they both were dragged off by coyotes, but such things happen, so I was also somewhat indifferent.

Of course, I was also glad that I didn't have to put up with the incessant yipping.......

....for a little while, anyway, because they got new Papillions.....and the yipping ensued.

One yapping mutt dies, another will, inevitably, replace it.

EDIT: And, quite honestly, Brian, I don't know that there is a graceful way to say that you're glad someone is dead, though it's his silence that I'm glad for, not that he's dead- but if that's what it was going to take......
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Basically, straining stimulates the vegus nerve, which causes the heart rate and blood pressure to drop. If they drop low enough, so do you. "Bathroom syncope" is really common, but as you said, if your heart is on the edge, it doesn't always take much to push it over.

When you smack someone in the solar plexus, you're stimulating this same nerve. It causes the diaphram to spasm, and can also cause the stomach tom spasm. So first they lose their air, then their lunch.

Thats what I was thinking of I knew someone would know
EDIT: And, quite honestly, Brian, I don't know that there is a graceful way to say that you're glad someone is dead, though it's his silence that I'm glad for, not that he's dead- but if that's what it was going to take......

Silence is golden...
The grave dancing of some of you has been as disgusting as the footage of palestinians celebrating the towers coming down on 9-11.
Silence is golden...
The grave dancing of some of you has been as disgusting as the footage of palestinians celebrating the towers coming down on 9-11.

If I'm dancing about anything, it's that some of us will be
small step closer to sanity, what with one less voice in their head, and all.....
How did I know this was gonna be a thread? Warehouse clearance on copypasta time.

Edit. I just noticed there are quotes on Natural causes in the topic title. Are the nutzos talking conspiracy yet? This could get entertaining.
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How did I know this was gonna be a thread? Warehouse clearance on copypasta time.

Edit. I just noticed there are quotes on Natural causes in the topic title. Are the nutzos talking conspiracy yet? This could get entertaining.

boo are about as bad as elder! :lfao:

actually you missed it, the day started with 3 threads on the mans untimely passing.... :D
This thread was started for the debate factor, and that is exactly what happened. The study is geared toward debate and controversy, it is what it is. The OP opened that door................... for that reason. This thread could have been started else where as a memorial or tribute.

Any time I hear of someone passing that is 26 years younger than I, is unsettling, to say the least. My 2 cents.............
The man was a father of 4 young children from 4 years old to i believe 12. Pretty sad anyone would be glad his kids are now fatherless.
Me? As bad as Elder? Never! ... Maybe. Bad different maybe.Three threads huh? I really gotta fix my sleep so I'm more on it.Oddly enough, I was gonna post a thread about some stuff going on with me but ultimatly decided against it and then got distracted by this thread.
The man was a father of 4 young children from 4 years old to i believe 12. Pretty sad anyone would be glad his kids are now fatherless.
Agreed, and this had nothing to do with my comment about why or where this thread should have been started. My heart personally goes out for those kids and the family for sure.

I do question the motive of why it was started in the STUDY, a place where a lot of mud gets slung. A place where lines have been drawn, clearly defining two different camps. And, at times, not a very nice place to be caught in.....................
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I think speaking ill of the dead is superstition and custom and nothing else.

I would ask myself is it wrong to speak ill of Adolph Hitler because he is dead. Would it be more or less wrong were he alive? ~Rhetorical~

However, I think though -only in my personal opinion- even if my attitude towards the actions of a person inclined me to have no great sadness in their passing, still it feels a bit unpleasant to malign them so soon after their death. This is perhaps out of no particular respect for the deceased since they are done and gone, rather out of an empathy for the rawness endured for a time by those who did care and who remain. We have all lost people close to us I think this makes sense, no?

In my community there is a saying that it is telling not only of our magnanimity and but also of our own self-image how we react to an enemy when they die.

Apologies for preaching without license to do so.
As always, you make wonderful sense. I would liken it to cutting down an enemy, but, continuing the attack while they are in fact down and out. Perhaps in some way there is something to be learned on both sides of that line I mentioned.
I guess one of the first things I learned as a martial artist was the fact that I do not hate my enemy, as I guide them to his demise.

Thanks for your insight.................
I think there is a big difference between being glad a murderious criminal like hitler or bin laden and a reporter that just has different political views then you. I cant stand rachel maddow but i would never wish her death or harm and if she were to die tomorrow i wouldnt say things like glad shes gone or Dont need to hear her mouth anymore. More then i would not say it, I wouldnt feel it either i would feel bad for her family im sure there is someone that loves her and would miss her.
I started my thread on Andrew Breitbart here on the study because it was the most appropriate place for who he was. He dealt with issues that belonged on the study, hence, that is where I put the thread on his passing.
Oh, now I get it, the other two threads were consolidated into this one. I was confused for a minute.

I never really visited Breitbart's website (then again, with how often he was referenced here, did I really have to?), but the guy was to blogging what Rush Limbaugh is to talk radio: an inflamatory ideologue who would say anything to keep the contention going. It's one thing to challenge the status quo, such as you see it. It's another to go about deliberately generating conflict without any sincere attempt at dialogue.

And speaking of Limbaugh, I can't be the first to notice the coincidence of his calling for a woman to show sex videos to the public a day after Breitbart dies.
I hope he rests in peace.

Regarding this thread, why is 'natural causes' in quotes? Was his death suspicious, beyond his young age?
"Oh, now I get it, the other two threads were consolidated into this one."

Yup, which is a good thing. The other threads were I think in the memorial section, but didn't matter to the cheering folks. There is no longer a thread in the memorial section. Pity the reflection that has on our community but it is not unexpected.

"Regarding this thread, why is 'natural causes' in quotes? Was his death suspicious, beyond his young age?"

Cannot answer for the OP but I have been given to understand that he stated in a speech at CPAC (last week two or weeks ago?)that he said he had video's of the President during his college years, that were damaging, and he was going to be releasing them. So, someone makes a claim against those in power then suddenly dies, there is often some wondering. Considering that assassinations of political opponents is not unheard of and is pretty common in some area's of the world, his death at the young age along with the timing of it have some wondering at the coincidences of the circumstances. Imagine that if the wiki leaks guy (I do not remember his name right now. The guy that was charged with rape?) said that he was going to be leaking info and suddenly died. He didn't and the material was leaked but imagine if instead he had been found dead of a heart attack. Would there have been accusations of CIA plots?

People do not want to consider that things happen and that there is not always a secret hand dealing the cards. Add to that all the CSI, Bones and other shows that show people being murdered by faking heart attacks and people can get their imagination running.

I do not know if cause of death has yet been officially reported?

Brian King

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