Gays aren't natural? Who cares? God?

I assume you're just trolling at this point.
According to this study from Tufts...
Published in July's Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, the study claims that people could guess fairly accurately ("better than chance") whether men were gay or straight by looking at photos of their faces
The researchers found that subjects could accurately determine in 50 milliseconds — one-twentieth of a second — whether the men were gay or straight about 60 percent of the time. Rule says all the subjects were accurate 55 percent to 70 percent of the time.
Not bad, but it still means they were inaccurate about 30 to 45 percent of the time.
Things I worry about in no particular order...paying my mortgage, keeping my job, my children, my family, my friends, the weather, my health, my martial arts club, the MMA team, our MMA promotion and possibly a few things more.

Things I really don't worry about....who's gay, who's not, who's bonking who, Posh Spice and all other celebrities...

you get the gist?

Most of us are busy living lives and caring for our loved ones, who the hell cares who's gay or not? There's little enough love in the world as it is that we should begrudge anyone the chance of love and happiness. All I expect from anyone is that they don't harm me or mine, taken broadly that means also not damaging our surroundings and generally keeping the peace. I don't have the time or inclination to hate anyone for something that's none of my business anyway.
When I look at someone I don't think oh are they gay, I think are they a nice person or not. If it turns out they are gay why on earth would I be bothered, that's just so petty and small minded. I have a life to live, we don't live long enough to be petty minded.
Being against everyone who's not the same as you is pathetic and laughable.
As they say in the Army, go down to the QMs store and get yourself a life!!
I do not understand the debate here. The OP and which was very well composed and drafted I thought was espousing and validating a liberty for gay people and the right to the same sexual freedoms as straight people and the right for *anyone* to hold, and to voice their opinion provided it is not imflamatory or inciteful.. And all that makes perfect sense and has a simple rationale for any peaceful, free and libertarian society

I do not understand what the debate is? I appreciate that there are folk who can neither accept the legitimacy of gay relations nor condone those relationships. At the same time were I to stand up and proclaim with disgust, the horror of heterosexual relationships, how would *you* feel? Would you agree I should be permitted to have my say? If I stood on my soapbox brandishing my religious text and my unrepressed homosexuality warning you that you must listen to me, would you? Ah, but what if I was a legislator? Too bad that you did not vote me in.. All my gay friends voted me in. Some say we are fanatics.. perhaps I follow a different religious text, yes that is the one recounting Adam and Steve, whatever.. pffft, prejudice is the lazy man's wisdom, his bigotry is an ignorance of one simple thing.. we are all just people trying to get along.

I do not want to make a big thing and but I just do not understand what the debate is here. Maybe someone could enlighten me?
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Sadly, Jenna, no.

There is no enlightenment here - and therein lies the deepest irony of all, given that many of those exhibiting the most extreme opinions actually consider themselves to be spiritual people, favoured in the eyes of God.
There's a Jewish prayer thats one of my favourites......

" Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, king of the universe, who has made me as he wanted me" Siddur.

You don't actually have to be religious to see the wisdom in accepting yourself and others as they are.
I am Hetrosexual well for now some good looking Metrosexual guys at my work.:boing2: I wish people could just see it as two consentual people who Love each other or find mutual attraction to each other and see the beauty in it. I find if a God has created an energy called love then its purity should not discriminate. Anyway just my thought.
My theory on other peoples' private sex lives is this: if you don't like it, don't do it - but don't tell me what I can and cannot with my own body in consensual adult relationships. This includes heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, menage a trois (or more, should you all so decide), etc. Note that the key words in my initial statement are consensual and adult - thereby eliminating all forms of forced sexual relationships, and any type of sexual relationship with children.

There are quite a few sexual practices out there that I choose not to engage in - but that doesn't mean that others cannot choose them for themselves. Also notice the word private - what other people choose to do, again, consensually among adults in private is no one's business but their own.
Just a quick post.

My belief is that God made men what they are, whether this includes homosexuallity or not.

God, in the Christian context, set down rules. He also gave us the choice of whether to abide by them or not. He did not tell us to control peoples lives. He did not tell us to legislate by religious decree.

Therefore, people should be free to choose their own detinies, barring the infringment of someone elses rights.
My theory on other peoples' private sex lives is this: if you don't like it, don't do it - but don't tell me what I can and cannot with my own body in consensual adult relationships. This includes heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, menage a trois (or more, should you all so decide), etc. Note that the key words in my initial statement are consensual and adult - thereby eliminating all forms of forced sexual relationships, and any type of sexual relationship with children.

There are quite a few sexual practices out there that I choose not to engage in - but that doesn't mean that others cannot choose them for themselves. Also notice the word private - what other people choose to do, again, consensually among adults in private is no one's business but their own.

Well that pretty much says it all right there. Two consenting adults, or three ( well you get the idea) it's their private party. Who are you to decide what games they can and can't play? I don't remember seeing a job posting for "Divine Exhalted Poohbah, Master of Everything, Everywhere, Always". Did I miss it? :confused:
Lori M
Well that pretty much says it all right there. Two consenting adults, or three ( well you get the idea) it's their private party. Who are you to decide what games they can and can't play? I don't remember seeing a job posting for "Divine Exhalted Poohbah, Master of Everything, Everywhere, Always". Did I miss it? :confused:
Lori M
Would "Divine Exhalted Poohbah, Master of Everything, Everywhere, Always" come under the heading "Gawd Emperor"? :D
Would "Divine Exhalted Poohbah, Master of Everything, Everywhere, Always" come under the heading "Gawd Emperor"? :D

"Divine Exhalted Poohbah, Master of Everything Here, Everywhere Here, Always" come under the heading "Gawd Emperor"? :D[/quote].

Now it does.:whip1:

Lori M (slowly painfully learning when Not to be a smartass)
Just a quick bit of humor to add here, but...if God was so against sodomy (which, if one believes this thread, is apparently synonymous with homosexuality), why'd he put so many sensitive nerve cells back there? :D

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