Gays aren't natural? Who cares? God?

Andrew.....okay you are right we are technically animals (mammals) but we are the only ones that can actually think and make choices and decisions. That was my point.

No not new to internet. I've seen some pretty sick stuff on the internet.
Homosexuality is not natural. Its wrong. If it were right then God would have made it possible to procreate with 2 women or 2 men. Besides being un-natural it is gross and disgusting. Why would a man want to stick his thing into another man's whole that he craps out of? Isn't that disgusting to you people. If that seems normal to you then maybe you need to go to a shrink for help because that sure doesn't sound normal or right to me.
Well I certainly hope you don't practice oral sex, as that is certainly unnatural. My God man, you're licking where she pees!

Andrew.....okay you are right we are technically animals (mammals) but we are the only ones that can actually think and make choices and decisions. That was my point.

No we aren't.

Even my cat makes choices and solve basic problems.

Higher level primates like Apes can think on a pretty high level, learning language and solving problems.
Homosexuality is not natural. Its wrong. If it were right then God would have made it possible to procreate with 2 women or 2 men.

Unless God is just a superstition and you're basing your whole outlook on the world on a piece of fiction.

Given the prevalence of homosexual behaviour in history and the animal world it's hard for me to understand how it could be 'unnatural'. As to procreation...does the world really need more people on its surface?

Besides being un-natural it is gross and disgusting. Why would a man want to stick his thing into another man's whole that he craps out of? Isn't that disgusting to you people. If that seems normal to you then maybe you need to go to a shrink for help because that sure doesn't sound normal or right to me.

The shrinks have decided that homosexuality isn't a psychiatric problem. It's a natural phenomenon. The prevalence of homosexual activity should make it clear that many people do not find it 'gross and disgusting'.

On the other hand, your religious beliefs seem to be leading you to a position in which you judge others for what are perfectly normal activities. Perhaps you should look elsewhere when casting about for non-normal, learned behaviours...
No we aren't.

Even my cat makes choices and solve basic problems.

Higher level primates like Apes can think on a pretty high level, learning language and solving problems.

But they can not make rational choices. Yes animals can be trained to do things but that not the same as making decisions based on reasoning and logic.
Well I certainly hope you don't practice oral sex, as that is certainly unnatural. My God man, you're licking where she pees!


So is ******** (the word that begins with "f" and ends with "o" which is the medical term for the sexual act where a woman licks a man's penis).

There are also ... gasp ... men and women .. married, committed couples ... who engage in anal sex.
But they can not make rational choices. Yes animals can be trained to do things but that not the same as making decisions based on reasoning and logic.
Survival is a rational choice. Prey run from predators all the time.
But they can not make rational choices. Yes animals can be trained to do things but that not the same as making decisions based on reasoning and logic.

I admit I have not been following this too closely but are you saying that being homosexual or not being homosexual is a conscious choice?
If homosexuality was truly unnatural, then it wouldn't happen in nature.

Humans are animals. God just named humans the highest and above the others.

If you believe humans to be creations of a God, then said God who created all those gay aimals must have also created all those gay humans. Since the "devil" can't create, God must have created them.

Of course breast feeding is also gross and unnatural. That's why it says in the bible how Eve went down to the supermarket for a case of formula to feed Cain and Able.
I loved how Gerber baby food was Jesus' favorite.
Not a single mention in the bible about breastfeeding.
(Ya gotta get the red neck inbred corporate sponsor edition though. The King James is a bit outdated with current closeminded hater standards)

As to something grosser than anal sex, I can think of a great deal of things grosser.
Dead US solidiers dragged through a 3rd world nations streets.
Backward bigots spewing inbred hatred.
How about zoophilia, coprophilia, klismaphilia, urophilia and emetophilia? Or everyone's favorite, pedophilia? How about combining them all?
Yes, I can think of a few things worse than someone stickin their weenie in someone elses poopoo place.

People can believe whatever they want to believe.
Even stuff that is wrong, scientifically disproved, and flat out loopy.

Me, I see homosexuality as natural and as normal as hetrosexuality. I'm wired hetro, and I choose hetro. Others are not. Oh well.
Andrew.....okay you are right we are technically animals (mammals) but we are the only ones that can actually think and make choices and decisions. That was my point.

No not new to internet. I've seen some pretty sick stuff on the internet.
Evidence over a hundred years from countless sources disagrees with you.
I repeat, stick to the facts. NO moral highground to be had or held. Don states that being Gay is akin to playing Russian Roulette, only fools and the insane Choose to play. Can you help him back this up with published data? Or can you only preach to us? (Almighty Father Jim says have some cookies and Kool-aid) ;)
Lori M
If homosexuality was truly unnatural, then it wouldn't happen in nature.

Humans are animals. God just named humans the highest and above the others.

If you believe humans to be creations of a God, then said God who created all those gay aimals must have also created all those gay humans. Since the "devil" can't create, God must have created them.

Of course breast feeding is also gross and unnatural. That's why it says in the bible how Eve went down to the supermarket for a case of formula to feed Cain and Able.
I loved how Gerber baby food was Jesus' favorite.
Not a single mention in the bible about breastfeeding.
(Ya gotta get the red neck inbred corporate sponsor edition though. The King James is a bit outdated with current closeminded hater standards)

As to something grosser than anal sex, I can think of a great deal of things grosser.
Dead US solidiers dragged through a 3rd world nations streets.
Backward bigots spewing inbred hatred.
How about zoophilia, coprophilia, klismaphilia, urophilia and emetophilia? Or everyone's favorite, pedophilia? How about combining them all?
Yes, I can think of a few things worse than someone stickin their weenie in someone elses poopoo place.

People can believe whatever they want to believe.
Even stuff that is wrong, scientifically disproved, and flat out loopy.

Me, I see homosexuality as natural and as normal as hetrosexuality. I'm wired hetro, and I choose hetro. Others are not. Oh well.

Monty Python - All Things Dull And Ugly

All things dull and ugly,
All creatures short and squat,
All things rude and nasty,
The Lord God made the lot.
Each little snake that poisons,
Each little wasp that stings,
He made their brutish venom,
He made their horrid wings.
All things sick and cancerous,
All evil great and small,
All things foul and dangerous,
The Lord God made them all.
Each nasty little hornet,
Each beastly little squid,
Who made the spikey urchin,
Who made the sharks, He did.
All things scabbed and ulcerous,
All pox both great and small,
Putrid, foul and gangrenous,
The Lord God made them all.

People can't help who they love or lust after.

I doubt God (or Gods) really cares who a person loves, or lusts after. Homosexuality has existed since the dawn of man. It's natural. That's just the way some people are born. Some ancient cultures accepted homosexuals, and many modern cultures don't really make the distinction, or definition, of a person based on their sexual preferences. In many instances, people are left to freely love/lust after anyone they choose.

It's funny, because Americans are suck sticklers about these things. It dates back to a baseline conservative Protestant culture. There's nothing wrong with that, unless people get all up in arms about what others do behind closed doors.

I think that if you're spending time trying to discredit something that's been going on for millennia, you're wasting that time... And possibly lying to yourself.

A family member "came out" to our Catholic family. That person was not ridiculed, but accepted as a true, good, beautiful human being not just by family members, but by the family's parish and parishioners.

Gay people are no different that anyone else, and have existed as naturally as anyone else. Why can't people see that? Calling homosexuality unnatural is like calling cancer patients unnatural, or super smart people unnatural. Labeling people like that, although VERY natural as far as humans go, is a bit of a cop-out in terms of one's willingness to expand their mind. That's a shame.
But they can not make rational choices. Yes animals can be trained to do things but that not the same as making decisions based on reasoning and logic.

It's not a on off switch, there is a scale. Humans (on average) are higher up then other animals (on earth), but animals are capable of making rational decisions as well, just not to the same level.

There are of course exceptions, some humans aren't very good at making rational decisions, to the point where some animals will overlap.

But we are really not that special, we are just another animal, one that happens to be a little smarter.
It's not a on off switch, there is a scale. Humans (on average) are higher up then other animals (on earth), but animals are capable of making rational decisions as well, just not to the same level.

There are of course exceptions, some humans aren't very good at making rational decisions, to the point where some animals will overlap.

But we are really not that special, we are just another animal, one that happens to be a little smarter.

I'm sure your cat would agree.:lol:
So is ******** (the word that begins with "f" and ends with "o" which is the medical term for the sexual act where a woman licks a man's penis).

There are also ... gasp ... men and women .. married, committed couples ... who engage in anal sex.

Look, you're making it...ummmmm...hard for me to concentrate here.

It's not a on off switch, there is a scale.

You were talking about intelligence, but the same is true of sexual preference. About half of the people you know have probably had a same-sex experience (most of them as pre-adolescents). For example, from here:

In her study of 108 randomly chosen undergraduate women responding to a questionnaire, 85% remembered a "normal childhood sexual-play experience." Of those, 44% involved cross-gender play and 56% same-sex play.
From here:

revealed that more than half of all men and a third of all women had experienced some type of homosexual sex play as a child or young adolescent. More recent research tends to confirm (this)

Now this isn't the same as adult homosexual behaviour, but it sure strikes to the "natural" part of it, it seems to me.

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