Gays aren't natural? Who cares? God?

As a point of order, I'd like to remind everyone that while we encourage debate, outright hate-speach is not allowed here.

I'm sure that's not quite what Don means, but I can see how one might misinterpret him.....allow me to help.

(Oh, btw, Lori-I'm sure you and your friends are "smokin' hot," but I think you meant 100 celsius, or centigrade. 100 Kelvin is about -280. fahrenheit......not smokin' at all...:lol..)
I thought so, but, I wasn't sure and was too lazy too look up the conversion... I guess those chicks are pretty cool... :p
What Don means here is that gay people should stay in the closet, for their own safety, and the safety and sensibilities of others....sort of like how my wife and I shouldn't hold hands in downtown Memphis without expecting someone to shoot us, or at least lob a milkshake at us.....:lol:
Oh, so close and yet, NO. No gay person has ever been harrassed for being gay without first telling other people they are gay.
What Don means here is that as human beings, we should be able to rise above our baser impulses-if you're attracted to the same sex, that is. Since it's socially acceptable to engage in heterosexual activity, men can chase all the women they need, but homosexuals should restrain themselves, and CHOOSE not to have sex.....or something.....
Not so, promiscuity is in the opinion of most, wrong, no matter who does it, be they a former president or a former senator.
What Don is saying here makes a lot of sense if you look at it this way-skydiving is dangerous. You choose to do it. If you don't do it, then you're in no danger of being ridiculed, abused, beaten, shot, spat upon, stabbed, kidnapped or otherwise molested by people who hate skydivers. :lol:
Try transcribing the words "Christian" or "Jew" or for skydivers, you'd be closer to the right track. (You'd still be wrong, but, you'd be less wrong)
No gay person has ever been harrassed for being gay without first telling other people they are gay.

********. A man with long hair, a woman with short hair, someone that just doesn't look like everyone else...that is quite enough for the bashers to go on, even when the person in question isn't actually gay.
I Oh, so close and yet, NO. No gay person has ever been harrassed for being gay without first telling other people they are gay.

Are you so sure? What do you mean by "telling other people?" Would clothing and a swishy walk do it, or do you mean coming right out and walking up to someone and saying "I'm gay," or do you mean some sort of inappropriate proposition? I've known quite a few gay people at work, and known they were gay because someone else told me, which I think is the way it often happens in the workplace.

Not so, promiscuity is in the opinion of most, wrong, no matter who does it, be they a former president or a former senator.

Oh, so it's okay to be a homosexual as long as you're not promiscuous. I see. Does that mean that they can hold hands in public if they've been together for years and years?

Try transcribing the words "Christian" or "Jew" or for skydivers, you'd be closer to the right track. (You'd still be wrong, but, you'd be less wrong)

I'm not so sure what you mean here-can you tell if someone is a "Christian" or a "Jew" or a skydiver or gay by looking at them, or-short of saying grace,wearing a cross,or jumping out of a perfectly good safe-flying plane-by how they behave? What a remarkable talent!

And here's your sign :rolleyes:


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********. A man with long hair, a woman with short hair, someone that just doesn't look like everyone else...that is quite enough for the bashers to go on, even when the person in question isn't actually gay.

Are you telling me you can't tell when a person is gay or lesbian? Come on man, surely you gest. Granted there are some you can't tell but 99.9 percent of the time you can. The women have either really short hair or a mullett and walk like a man and are very masculin looing and are always putting men down with comment. Gay men usually talk with a lisp, into decorating, have feminine hand gesters, dress immaculate so that a fly wouldn't even land on them, into fashion, and walk all prissy.
Are you telling me you can't tell when a person is gay or lesbian? Come on man, surely you gest. Granted there are some you can't tell but 99.9 percent of the time you can. The women have either really short hair or a mullett and walk like a man and are very masculin looing and are always putting men down with comment. Gay men usually talk with a lisp, into decorating, have feminine hand gesters, dress immaculate so that a fly wouldn't even land on them, into fashion, and walk all prissy.

Oh, I get it-you're having a goof with us all! Whew! For a minute I actually thought you were serious.....
Are you telling me you can't tell when a person is gay or lesbian? Come on man, surely you gest. Granted there are some you can't tell but 99.9 percent of the time you can. The women have either really short hair or a mullett and walk like a man and are very masculin looing and are always putting men down with comment. Gay men usually talk with a lisp, into decorating, have feminine hand gesters, dress immaculate so that a fly wouldn't even land on them, into fashion, and walk all prissy.

Wow... just wow...

You are in a bit of a bubble aren't you? Things are only that black and white in high school targeted comedy movies.
Are you telling me you can't tell when a person is gay or lesbian? Come on man, surely you gest. Granted there are some you can't tell but 99.9 percent of the time you can. The women have either really short hair or a mullett and walk like a man and are very masculin looing and are always putting men down with comment. Gay men usually talk with a lisp, into decorating, have feminine hand gesters, dress immaculate so that a fly wouldn't even land on them, into fashion, and walk all prissy.

I am not sure if I should laugh at this or shake my head in complete disbelief at the overt bigotry here. Your views on other races must be equally as...ummm... intersting... but I do not think I want to know them.

I gues it is best just to ask; Stereotype much?
I am not sure if I should laugh at this or shake my head in complete disbelief at the overt bigotry here. Your views on other races must be equally as...ummm... intersting... but I do not think I want to know them.

I gues it is best just to ask; Stereotype much?

So your saying that gay & lesbians are another race? Last time I checked they were the same race as you and I. And to let you know, no I don't feel this way about any OTHER race. As a matter of fact I am a white caucation male and I really like Asian women (all women really come to think about it). No bigotery with asians, hispanics, or any other race.
Are you telling me you can't tell when a person is gay or lesbian? Come on man, surely you gest. Granted there are some you can't tell but 99.9 percent of the time you can. The women have either really short hair or a mullett and walk like a man and are very masculin looing and are always putting men down with comment. Gay men usually talk with a lisp, into decorating, have feminine hand gesters, dress immaculate so that a fly wouldn't even land on them, into fashion, and walk all prissy.
Yes, it's very obvious. Maybe you could encourage your congress man to enact some laws requiring them to wear something like a pink triangle on all their clothing for easier identification.

Here's links to lists of names. You might find uite a few surprises on there that will show the failings of your gay-dar. I doubt however that someone with views such as those you are showing is capable of an open mind.

Persons of confirmed lesbian, gay or bisexual orientation

Persons of confirmed lesbian, gay or bisexual orientation

The following list includes people who have self-identified as homosexual or bisexual, or whose homosexuality or bisexuality has been backed by sources that are usually considered reliable.

So your saying that gay & lesbians are another race? Last time I checked they were the same race as you and I.

No I am not saying that at all, I am however saying you are rather bigoted when it comes to sexual preference and I was thinking that the level of bigotry and hatred you have for homosexuals and lesbians just might carry over to other races. And to be honest I am still not certain that it doesn't in your case.

Also that fact that I had to explain that at all is interesting.
Yes, it's very obvious. Maybe you could encourage your congress man to enact some laws requiring them to wear something like a pink triangle on all their clothing for easier identification.

Here's links to lists of names. You might find uite a few surprises on there that will show the failings of your gay-dar. I doubt however that someone with views such as those you are showing is capable of an open mind.

Amanda Ireton is soooo hot! Too bad she's not very funny......Stephanie Adams is extra hot-and smart, too! but.....

Rock Hudson?????!!!!! No way! Say it isn't so.......:lfao:
Amanda Ireton is soooo hot! Too bad she's not very funny......Stephanie Adams is extra hot-and smart, too! but.....

Rock Hudson?????!!!!! No way! Say it isn't so.......:lfao:
The list is interesting. :)
Now, I'll be honest, I watch HGTV and I'll ask "is it a requirement to be gay to be on this network?". They even made a joke about it in one of their commercials for one of their shows. The other question I asked though is, "is the US so intollerant, that it's driving so many people away?", usually after watching a same-sex couple buy a home in Mexico or Spain that I couldn't afford with 5 years income. I see more acceptance in tv, especially Canadian and UK shows. It also annoys me a bit that some people will go crazy at the thought of 2 men, but mention 2 women and suddenly it's "Hot". Seems hypocritical to me. Now, me personally, yeah, I like women, and find the idea of 2 gals "nice". I'm not interested in seeing 2 guys go at it (yet I am a wrestling fan...not sure what that says, lol!). Some folks really enjoy watching UFC fights, yet they often turn into 2 almost naked guys rolling around together...a comment on the punches being a substitute for intercourse having been made more than once...hmmm. Bottom line, if it's not your cup of tea, fine, but honestly, what does it really matter or how does it really effect you, what 2 consenting adults do that you're not one of them?

(rambly enough? LOL)
quote=Big Don;1032473]I thought so, but, I wasn't sure and was too lazy too look up the conversion... I guess those chicks are pretty cool... :p Oh,
so close and yet, NO. No gay person has ever been harrassed for being gay without first telling other people they are gay. Not so, promiscuity is in the opinion of most, wrong, no matter who does it, be they a former president or a former senator. Try transcribing the words "Christian" or "Jew" or for skydivers, you'd be closer to the right track. (You'd still be wrong, but, you'd be less wrong)[/quote]

Double post
Lori M
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I thought so, but, I wasn't sure and was too lazy too look up the conversion... I guess those chicks are pretty cool... :p Oh, so close and yet, NO. No gay person has ever been harrassed for being gay without first telling other people they are gay. Not so, promiscuity is in the opinion of most, wrong, no matter who does it, be they a former president or a former senator. Try transcribing the words "Christian" or "Jew" or for skydivers, you'd be closer to the right track. (You'd still be wrong, but, you'd be less wrong)

Ooopppseee.:wink: It was late. Brain freeze. ( My poodle has been known to outsmart me when I get tired) and my friends are a pretty cool bunch.
Back to the topic. So, as long as I don't advertise in public my attraction to women I'm OK. As long as I don't have Multiple partners (?) I'm ok. How about 1 man and 1 woman? Is that OK? Does it have to be at separate times or can we all be together? If I keep my attraction to women hidden, never act on it and live a lie with a man is that OK? I am still waiting to see stats on how engaging in sexual behavior with another woman is detrimental to my health.
If I choose to live and love other women does mean I am immoral, insane, mentally unbalanced, loose, a dyke, butchy, have a mullet, unnatural, an affront to God, confused, a lost sheep waiting for God's shining light to lift me from the sewer of my life and show me the TRUE WAY?:dramaqueen:
Lori M

Apparently Bobs nudge was missed, so I'll take this time to post one final warning. Hate speech is not allowed on this forum. There are a few posts already in this thread alone that are on the line. Please take the time to read through the posting rules here.

Further disregard for the rules will find the thread locked and accounts suspended and/or removed.

Mike Slosek
MT Asst. Admin
Are you telling me you can't tell when a person is gay or lesbian? Come on man, surely you gest. Granted there are some you can't tell but 99.9 percent of the time you can. The women have either really short hair or a mullett and walk like a man and are very masculin looing and are always putting men down with comment. Gay men usually talk with a lisp, into decorating, have feminine hand gesters, dress immaculate so that a fly wouldn't even land on them, into fashion, and walk all prissy.

I assume you're just trolling at this point.

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