Riot when Paterno fired


Lifetime Supporting Member
I didn't want to take away from the discussion on the What's wrong with people thread, so I started this one to deal with the idiots who rioted after finding out Joe Paterno was fired. These future members of the OWS movement need to get a clue and understand that there were victims of a monster here and that the victims, not the coach, need to be supported.

Let’s start with the obvious. Why aren’t those educated college kids out protesting on behalf of the little boys who were allegedly sexually assaulted by a longtime Penn State assistant coach? Has America so lost its compass? These kids are in love with a coach because…he’s a celebrity? Because he wins football games? Because he wins football games all else is forgiven? If someone is a celebrity, nothing else matters? We are lucky this isn’t Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton involved in child rape. We’d almost certainly witness mobs burn Los Angeles to the ground to show their support for their favorite celeb-turned-child-rapist. A sad commentary on all that is wrong with America.
Then there’s the actual conduct of Coach Joe Paterno. Here is a good moral man who has spent a lifetime molding the lives of young men at Penn State. Yet back in 2002 he heard from a graduate assistant that his longtime assistant coach was having sex in the shower with a 10 year old boy. Paterno reported the incident to his superiors, then never mentioned it again? How strange is that? He never thought to protect the 10-year old boy? Never thought the boy’s life (or certainly mental state) might be in danger?
I didn't want to take away from the discussion on the What's wrong with people thread, so I started this one to deal with the idiots who rioted after finding out Joe Paterno was fired. These future members of the OWS movement need to get a clue and understand that there were victims of a monster here and that the victims, not the coach, need to be supported.

That is not taking away from it, it's part of the problem.

I can see where college aged people have no sensibility for the problem at hand...after all, for many of them, getting drunk and laid -no matter how - is a prime objective....

It is disgusting.
Not to spread rumors, but there may be more and worse to come out about the situation. Until it is confirmed, everyone can go did it out for themselves, but the football program may be over.
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I read two news reports about it this morning. One said "Students riot" and the other said "Students rally" and then both went on to describe the tipping over of a media van and threats made against the lives of members of the media, etc. Personally, that's not really a 'rally', but you see how things get. I guess that the whole Arab Spring thing was just a big student pep rally, not an uprising or a revolution.
Paterno Out at Penn State; Students Rally in Streets
Penn State students rally to support coach Joe Paterno
Maybe local constabularies can say their officers are out in "Rally Gear" when it comes time to don such a thing :D
Not to spread rumors, but there may be more and worse to come out about the situation. Until it is confirmed, everyone can go did it out for themselves, but these football program may be over.

Nah, football won't be over. I don't think a human trafficing ring in the basement could kill it.
Football is a major fundraiser for the schools, and it has become so much bigger than the educational branch - as convoluted as it is.

The program will suffer for a few years. Probably not too much and then things continue as usual.
Football might be over at Penn State. That whole damn school might be over.
It only gets worse on the cover up? The original DA who had evidence on the molester in 1998 and then decided to not pursue the charges disapears in 2005 all the while this guy violates kids for another 7 years even admitting to it. The DA disapears and they have never found his body but found his car 50 miles from home with cigarete asshes on the passenger side and he does not smoke and his computer in the river and then find evidence on his home computer on how to destroy evidence on your hard drive??

Its not just college but it makes you wonder about sports in general at least organizations with lots of money at stake Olympics has been rampant with sexual and physical abuse of young athletes and it gets covered up and forgotton because most were girls but now a real Butt Pirate gets found out and the jocks want to tear up the place because they want thier coach???
Somehow, this feature story from The Onion puts everything into perspective...

Sources later confirmed that one victim, who couldn't stop shaking his head while being questioned, began sobbing openly when asked if he would join the throngs of students who took to the streets to protest the head coach's ouster, and if he thought his molestation would overshadow Paterno's renowned ability to graduate his players.

"The victim I spoke to, who was 12 years old when Sandusky first took advantage of him, looked very upset throughout the entire interview," Sports Illustrated writer Stewart Mandel said. "And when I asked whether he was concerned not just for how Joe Paterno would be remembered, but also for the football program's ability to recover, he told me the interview was over and I should get out of his house."

Truly, satire can definitely lend perspective.
Okay, the university from the top on down to this coach knew what was going on but didn't call the police. The abuse continues for over 10 years? If the victims come forward and sue the university, would this put the university out of business? I mean we could be talking vast sums of money and it sounds like there were a lot of victims.
Okay, the university from the top on down to this coach knew what was going on but didn't call the police. The abuse continues for over 10 years? If the victims come forward and sue the university, would this put the university out of business? I mean we could be talking vast sums of money and it sounds like there were a lot of victims.

Let's wait and find out.
Leave it to Bill to walk make it bi-partisan. Bill I think you would make a good talking head. I think you're allot better than Anne Coulter. btw. If you changed to the liberal extreme a hell of allot better than Bill Maher. I'd love to see Anne and Bill sit across from each other and go at it. Reminds me of Dan aykoryd and Jane Curtin :lol:

The riot that is Penn state's problem, and their are not future OWS, more like future Wall Street and Exc.Bankers. Hell they both have in common is they ruined the place the live. I deem it as a violent protest socially unacceptable and pointless.
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Yet another example of America's shaming commitment to entertainment over ethics.
There wouldn't be the same commitment if it didn't result in many multimillion dollar paydays. The real commitment is to the almighty dollar. Depressing :(
I went to Penn State myself, and this really is par for them. They may have good academics in some departments, but overall the culture there is extremely shallow. It's all about partying.

For a long time one of the traditions during finals week was "t1ts on glass," where literal mobs of male students would run from one women's dorm to the next, and the women students were expected to flash them. After a while the admin cracked down on the practice in the lamest possible way. Women were instructed to stay in their dorms, and if they so much as turned on their lights to study they would be prosecuted for "inciting a riot." Nothing was done to curtail the men, who rampaged unchecked every semester for years as the president shrugged it off helplessly. Boys will be boys, after all. The tradition for the following day was always "d1cks on glass" where the guys would flash the women. Any women caught participating was disciplined while the male flashers didn't even get a slap on the wrist. Boys will be boys, after all. (You can imagine the reception the annual Take Back The Night marches got.) So it's really no wonder the student community would respond like that.

But some people are getting this right:

Friday event, set to begin at 9:30 p.m., will include comments from a sex abuse victim, musical performances and a moment of silence when the clock strikes 10 p.m. at the campus' Old Main building.The Foundation to Abolish Child Abuse is planning its own vigil between 4 and 6 p.m. Saturday "in support of all victims/survivors of childhood sexual abuse," according to a statement. Tammy Lerner, the group's director of the Foundation to Abolish Child Abuse, claimed the university's response to the scandal "has not been victim-centered,"

Personally I have no sympathy for JoePa at all. But no, PSU's football program isn't going anywhere. It's way too lucrative. They'll have no problem keeping it going.
There wouldn't be the same commitment if it didn't result in many multimillion dollar paydays. The real commitment is to the almighty dollar. Depressing :(
Consumers drive the market. I soy t the rioters are getting paid. So what's their excuse?

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