I understand what you are saying, but in my opinion, that courtesy and respect are present without the formality. Everyone in the school respects one another and is courtious, not because it is some school rule, but because that is the natural inclination of each student. There have been peple come in who don't show those things, but they never last very long because the lessons an ego that won't repsct others tends not to take very much bruising. One of our phylosophies of teaching is that to know it, you must experience it. After you experience what we teach, there is no doubt left about how serious what we do can be. It all play...serious play
Again, there is no right or wrong way here. Go with whatever fits your temperament.
The added formality is useful in large classes or when the number of children in the class is high. It helps as another layer of organization and 'control' for the teacher. If your classes are 1-6 adults or so, you probably can dispense with a lot of it.