Really bummed about my recent test

I'm confused now. Were you doing the form the way he wants it to be done or the way that the organization does it?

I did it the way the organization does it, not how he wants it done. Just for one move. The two align on the rest of the form.
Then don't taste this laundry. You don't have to stay in this thread. I'm trying to figure out what I want to do, so I came here both to vent and to see what others have to say. The other option is I could just keep it to myself and make a less informed decision. I didn't join this community to NOT seek advice.

I'm being self-righteous because I am confident that I am right. I didn't get to where I am by being mediocre. Nor by having poor attention to detail or self-evaluation. I constantly criticize my own technique to be the best that I can be. And everyone else says I pretty much killed it at the test.

To be honest, it isn't really about what I think of it. I'm trying to give you a bit of gentle advice on how to behave, which it is apparent that you need. You aren't doing yourself any favors. This is your reputation that you are risking, by airing the dirty laundry. Nobody else here actually cares about what the outcome is, because they have no vested interest in it. It's just you. But your reputation goes beyond that. You mentioned you may train BJJ instead. OK, unless you walk into a BJJ school and it turns out the instructor happened to read this thread and he is able to piece things together and realizes you are the one who was doing all this posting. And he decides, nah, you are likely more trouble than you are worth, and he won't let you into his school.

These things can happen.
To be honest, it isn't really about what I think of it. I'm trying to give you a bit of gentle advice on how to behave, which it is apparent that you need. You aren't doing yourself any favors. This is your reputation that you are risking, by airing the dirty laundry. Nobody else here actually cares about what the outcome is, because they have no vested interest in it. It's just you. But your reputation goes beyond that. You mentioned you may train BJJ instead. OK, unless you walk into a BJJ school and it turns out the instructor happened to read this thread and he is able to piece things together and realizes you are the one who was doing all this posting. And he decides, nah, you are likely more trouble than you are worth, and he won't let you into his school.

These things can happen.

I stand by what I say. I'm confident that I didn't make the mistakes I'm being told I did. I'm not going to "admit" that I made them so others will think I'm humble.
I did it the way the organization does it, not how he wants it done. Just for one move. The two align on the rest of the form.
One of my seniors has a favorite saying "I have to be good enough to do a technique however my instructor wants me to do it. " Think about that.
To be honest, it isn't really about what I think of it. I'm trying to give you a bit of gentle advice on how to behave, which it is apparent that you need. You aren't doing yourself any favors. This is your reputation that you are risking, by airing the dirty laundry. Nobody else here actually cares about what the outcome is, because they have no vested interest in it. It's just you. But your reputation goes beyond that. You mentioned you may train BJJ instead. OK, unless you walk into a BJJ school and it turns out the instructor happened to read this thread and he is able to piece things together and realizes you are the one who was doing all this posting. And he decides, nah, you are likely more trouble than you are worth, and he won't let you into his school.

These things can happen.
Yep a lot of martial arts community in a certain area even in different styles mostly know each other
One of my seniors has a favorite saying "I have to be good enough to do a technique however my instructor wants me to do it. " Think about that.

"I have to be good enough to do a technique however my instructor wants it this week," is more accurate for some things.

The double outside block in Pyongwon in the videos is way off to the side. He's been having us do it just outside in practice (not way outside). He "corrected" us to do it straight in front on the test.

If it was that one thing, it wouldn't have probably affected my grade much. But on top of everything else...
Thinking about. Options are nice to have.
To be honest, it isn't really about what I think of it. I'm trying to give you a bit of gentle advice on how to behave, which it is apparent that you need. You aren't doing yourself any favors. This is your reputation that you are risking, by airing the dirty laundry. Nobody else here actually cares about what the outcome is, because they have no vested interest in it. It's just you. But your reputation goes beyond that. You mentioned you may train BJJ instead. OK, unless you walk into a BJJ school and it turns out the instructor happened to read this thread and he is able to piece things together and realizes you are the one who was doing all this posting. And he decides, nah, you are likely more trouble than you are worth, and he won't let you into his school.

These things can happen.
Bjj, or any style like it, are pretty hard to do with this attitude. You can't fake it, and as drop bear said earlier, you will get a lot of feedback. To be frank, guys like skribs go one of two ways. They either get humble really fast or they quit really fast.
@skribs, if you do decide to check out BJJ, there are several good schools in the area. Do your homework though. There is one school in that area that isn't very well regarded.
There was one other judge. She is a step below me (2 steps below me now) and she didn't have my paper.

Her comments to me at the end of the test were something like: "You should compete more, because you'd win a lot of gold medals. Your power, stamina, etc. were amazing. It's inspiring to watch you test." She didn't say anything about me cleaning up mistakes. I'm going to message her later today and see if she noticed anything.

I had considered that. There are a number of things that if he said, I would have accepted. If he would have said that the mistakes I did make were too many, I would have accepted that (because there are a few mistakes I know I made). If he wasn't happy with the quality of the techniques, I would have accepted that.

But he said I made the wrong techniques or used the wrong footwork in a bunch of places that I know I didn't.

The tough part for me is it wasn't one mistake. He says I made tons of mistakes throughout the test. To me, that's not just one mistake. Maybe it's just one big mistake. But it's not like he said I made X mistake on Y pattern. It's that I made ABCD...L mistakes on OPQ...V patterns.
Wait....Why is there someone on the panel judging who’s LOWER than you....that literally makes 0 sense....So you’re happy to take praise off a lower rank but can’t accept criticisms off a higher one....
Wait....Why is there someone on the panel judging who’s LOWER than you....that literally makes 0 sense....So you’re happy to take praise off a lower rank but can’t accept criticisms off a higher one....
She was judging the other testers who are lower than her.

I took her comments with a grain of salt. But that seemed to be the reaction of everyone. They were surprised how harsh he was on me during closing comments, surprised that I didn't get Outstanding, and surprised that he said I made so many mistakes.
She was judging the other testers who are lower than her.

I took her comments with a grain of salt. But that seemed to be the reaction of everyone. They were surprised how harsh he was on me during closing comments, surprised that I didn't get Outstanding, and surprised that he said I made so many mistakes.
Well if you’re going for a 4th then do it should be harsh testing. It’s not like it’s the first belt where you can let things slide
Well if you’re going for a 4th then do it should be harsh testing. It’s not like it’s the first belt where you can let things slide

And if I made those mistakes, then fine. I know I didn't. I've said why a few times in this thread. There are some things he said I did that I was checking for every time and know I didn't do. There are things he said I did that would have resulted in cascade errors that didn't happen.

It's like if I said 2+2=4, and he said I'm wrong because I said it equals 6, and it doesn't, it equals 4.

What does that teach me? What am I supposed to learn from that? I already know the answer is 4. That's what I said.
Bjj, or any style like it, are pretty hard to do with this attitude. You can't fake it, and as drop bear said earlier, you will get a lot of feedback. To be frank, guys like skribs go one of two ways. They either get humble really fast or they quit really fast.

You would be surprised how humble I can be, when the situation warrants it. There are times to be assertive, too. In class, I'm humble. I still work tirelessly on my basics.

In BJJ, I'd know if I made a mistake, because I'd get tapped. There's concrete, immediate feedback. It's something I can immediately learn from.

If I were to go to a BJJ school and not get tapped a single time, and then the owner were to say "we tapped you like 30 times in 5 minutes", I'd call BS. Somehow I don't think that will happen (either the me not getting tapped, or them saying they did if they didn't).

Like I said, I was open to critiques of things I can improve on. I'm not open to the outright falsehoods of things I know I didn't do.
I stand by what I say. I'm confident that I didn't make the mistakes I'm being told I did. I'm not going to "admit" that I made them so others will think I'm humble.
Then to yourself, don’t admit it. But don’t air the disrespect on the internet. It’s really bad form and you may end up burning bridges before you even know they exist. Jeezuz man, grow the f- up!
Then to yourself, don’t admit it. But don’t air the disrespect on the internet. It’s really bad form and you may end up burning bridges before you even know they exist. Jeezuz man, grow the f- up!

Good. Then I don't have to waste my time trying to cross that bridge.

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