I went in today and told my Master I'd take the grade and get ready for my next test (instead of either quitting, or re-testing for a better grade).
He told me that was probably a good idea, and then named more things he said I messed up on, implying that I might not pass if I re-tested. Although from what he said, I'm not sure if they're details he's taught me yet. He has a tendency to do this whenever we butt heads - once I knuckle under, he will rub it in to make sure I get the message.
I've also decided that for next time, I will video tape the test. In this way...
He told me that was probably a good idea, and then named more things he said I messed up on, implying that I might not pass if I re-tested. Although from what he said, I'm not sure if they're details he's taught me yet. He has a tendency to do this whenever we butt heads - once I knuckle under, he will rub it in to make sure I get the message.
I've also decided that for next time, I will video tape the test. In this way...
- If he says I made a mistake and the video can prove I didn't, I have tangible proof instead of it being my word against his.
- If I look at the video and find I did make the mistake, then I can reconcile it in my mind.
- I could bring him the video as a teaching tool. If there are details he hasn't taught me, or else details I've missed, we can use the video to help find what I did wrong and need to correct.