Mostly Harmless
okay. You believe what you want to believe.I didn't really have to say they are racists. They made that abundantly clear. As for being the new guy, that is irrelevant. Whether I was there five minutes, five months, or five years, one guy clearly said the N word. I mean, I don't know many non-racists who say it with such hatred in their voice like he did.
Let me just say it this way. What would I do? I'm a guy running a small group of folks I've known for years. A new guy comes to me accusing two of my oldest training partners of being a racist. I would thank him and tell him that I'll talk to the guys. I'd then talk to the guys and remind them that if they're racists they need to keep it out of the school.
If that new guy feels like it's appropriate to follow up, I'll politely tell him that it's really no longer his business. If he gives me attitude and starts suggesting on a public forum that I'm not acting with integrity, I might have to do something about that new guy.
That's how I'd handle it as a school owner.
If I'm the person who witnessed overt racism, I'd first say something to the guys directly. Then I'd mention it to the school owner. If he says he talked to them and I don't believe him, I'd look for a new school. I wouldn't stay at a place where I think the school owner lacks integrity and where the students are overt racists.
That's how if handle it as a student.