Danny T
Senior Master
Gives me pause for thought. I've never look at it in that manner at all. Does the person who wears their belt in that manner also wear their other clothing, [uniform], the same; worn and tattered? What about the equipment they train with? I understand the comfort and something being a favorite but (and this is no slight on anyone we are all different) I have the belts that are most important to me displayed in my office for me. I have replaced my uniform belt several times over the years due to being worn. I require my students to wear a clean, in good condition and proper uniform. Their belt is a part of their uniform as well as is mine. As the leader in the school I will adhere to the same requirements of the school. The belt is but a sign of rank, with in the school and organization it was earned in. To me, and again I not slighting anyone, when I see one's worn and tattered belt the first thought I have is that person is making a statement of 'look at me, see I've been training a long time.'The belt I tend to notice is the tattered grey belt. To me it denotes someone who has been active for many years. Individual abilities and school criteria aside, such dedication to training over the years is worthy of respect.
Train your mind, body, and spirit. Let your skills and abilities show through your actual presentation on the floor or mats. Not through your clothes. For many years we had no belts in my school. When on the training floor it was obvious to all which individuals had been active for many years and what respect was deemed.