Which describes taekwondo. Having said that, are you still unwilling to award children poom rank?
It can describe taekwondo.
I rather like the existing promotion scheme for children and I am inclined to keep it going. Kids as young as 10 can earn a full house BB. However they aren't eligible to test for 2nd dan until age 16. To me this is a good compromise for the most part. Although the minimum age is younger than I would like, this arrangement avoids a possible quick progression through poom ranks along with the later dan conversion potential. And the 16 year old age for a normal, full 2nd dan fits with KKW requirements.
Can you confirm something for me? While the KKW has the poom program for children, there is no actual hard age floor to gain dan certification, correct? In other words, if a dan cert is applied for by a KKW master on behalf of a 10 year old, the paperwork will still go through? Could you also give your opinion on whether this is 'appropriate' or not?