drop bear
Sr. Grandmaster
Yes, if the only reason for the training is for a check box for a belt color then yes.
Now, if that is to get a belt color to spar or to compete or ... Then that is different.
If one wants the Black belt as the physical requirements in that system is the goal then their real desire are those requirements not the belt itself.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve by doing the work.
There is a problem with A private who refuses to take the classes / training and then tests to start to process and just thinks they deserve it because they showed up every day.
Yes, if only the goal of RANK / Belt level. It is considered Superficial and shallow.
When this discuss was talking about the hypothetical student within our hypothetical school as the topic, this is fine; now in my opinion you are trying to make it about Us vs Them and making it personal.
Yes the individual motives matter as I have stated above.
If the individual's journey is just for the prestige and glory of the rank to strut around and lord it over others, then yes it is shallow.
If it is to get a goal for physical fitness, self defense or something else, then it is not.
Yes,It is crazy.
Yet, we all know the guy who shows up every class and they have done their homework while not in class and one can see the progress.
As well as the student who just shows and tries in class and wonders why they are passed by and complain they do not have the rank others have because they want that rank as well.
Finally, the student who shows up and barely tries or doesn't try, yet wants their reward for being "present" and also has they glow in the eyes when they think they will get their rank / belt and then they will be in charge.
It is crazy on the macro level .
Once one looks at the individual and looks at the work then one can see it is not so crazy.
If the great / good / average student doing their homework and showing up and participating and making progress ask about their next rank those who also ask and have not done their homework is where the issue arises.
It is easier to just not talk about the testing or promotions.
Side Note: Professional schools sometimes have scheduled tests, and they also run through all the requirements prior and do a test assessment for the students and while it might be assumed that they will test, the students soon realize that they are not ready. And then do not sign up officially to test. And if they do sign up the instructor has to work with them to explain why they are most likely going to fail. This is a different topic all together.
Yes, their primary goal can be "X" rank to do "Y".
And then they do the work to get to the steps along the way to their goal.
Yet, when the slacking student or the absent student shows up and wants to test.
When the Black belt that took a year off (Or more) and shows up a year later and wants to test within a month or so for their next rank (level 2). Their justification, was that they thought about their training once every few months.
Yes there are exceptions to all examples.
It can ultimately be a humble brag
So not only do they strut around with their belt. But they are such a martial artist that they didn't even want it.
Basically doing the school a favour by accepting it.
Which is that very martial arts condesending spirituality that happens.
Personally I find that kind of thing funny.